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security/arpCounterattack-1.2.0 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Detects and remedies ARP attacks
arpCounterattack is a program for detecting and remedying "ARP attacks." It monitors traffic on any number of Ethernet interfaces and examines ARP replies and gratuitous ARP requests. If it notices an ARP reply or gratuitous ARP request that is in conflict with its notion of "correct" Ethernet/IP address pairs, it logs the attack if logging is enabled, and, if the Ethernet interface that the attack was seen on is configured as being in aggressive mode, it sends out a gratuitous ARP request and a gratuitous ARP reply with the "correct" Ethernet/IP address pair in an attempt to reset the ARP tables of hosts on the local network segment. The corrective gratuitous ARP request and corrective gratuitous ARP reply can be sent from an Ethernet interface other than the one that the attack was seen on.
security/autossh-1.4e (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
自动重新启动 SSH 会话和隧道
autossh 程序,启动一个 ssh 副本并监视它,必要的时候重启它,比如它死了 或者停止通信了。 最初的想法和机制来自 rstunnel(可靠的 SSH 隧道)。这个版本的方法有所 改变:autossh 使用 ssh 来构建 ssh 转发环路(一个从本地到远程,一个从 远程到本地),然后发送测试数据并期待其返回。(这个想法得感谢泰伦斯·马丁。)
security/Crypt-Salt-0.01 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension to generate a salt to be fed into crypt
The single exported subroutine in this module is for generating a salt suitable for being fed to crypt() and other similar functions.
security/Crypt-SaltedHash-0.06 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension to work with salted hashes
The Crypt::SaltedHash module provides an object oriented interface to create salted (or seeded) hashes of clear text data. The original formalization of this concept comes from RFC-3112 and is extended by the use of different digital agorithms.
security/Crypt-Shark-1.0.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension for Shark block cipher
Shark is 64-bit block cipher that accepts a 128-bit key. It was designed by Vincent Rijmen, Joan Daemen, Bart Preneel, Antoon Bosselaers, and Erik De Win.
security/MD5-2.03 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
wrapper to the Digest::MD5 module
The current MD5 module is just a wrapper around the Digest::MD5 module. It is provided so that legacy code that rely on the old interface still work and get the speed benefit of the new module.
security/Crypt-SmbHash-0.12 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl module implementing lanman and nt md4 hash functions
Perl implementation of lanman and nt md4 hash functions.
security/Crypt-Solitaire-2.0 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Solitaire encryption
Solitaire is a top-notch pencil-and-paper encryption system developed by Bruce Schneier. Here is the description in Schneier's own words: "Solitaire gets its security from the inherent randomness in a shuffled deck of cards. By manipulating this deck, a communicant can create a string of "random" letters that he then combines with his message. Of course Solitaire can be simulated on a computer, but it is designed to be implemented by hand. "Solitaire may be low-tech, but its security is intended to be high-tech. I designed Solitaire to be secure even against the most well-funded military adversaries with the biggest computers and the smartest cryptanalysts. Of course, there is no guarantee that someone won't find a clever attack against Solitaire, but the algorithm is certainly better than any other pencil-and-paper cipher I've ever seen." Simple system, easy to use, and relatively fast. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
security/Crypt-Twofish-2.17 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl module implementing the Twofish cipher
This module implements Twofish encryption. It supports the Crypt::CBC interface. It also provides an interface that is call- compatible with Crypt::Twofish 1.0, but its use in new code is strongly discouraged.
security/checkpassword-0.90 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Simple password-checking interface
Checkpassword provides a simple, uniform password-checking interface to all root applications. It is suitable for use by applications such as login, ftpd, and pop3d.