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www/LWPx-TimedHTTP-1.8 (Score: 0.020137845)
Time the different stages of an HTTP request
LWPx::TimedHTTP performs an HTTP request exactly the same as LWP does normally except for the fact that it times each stage of the request and then inserts the results as header. It's useful for debugging where abouts in a connection slow downs are occuring.
www/Mason-2.24 (Score: 0.020137845)
High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
Mason is a powerful Perl-based templating system, designed to generate dynamic content of all kinds. Unlike many templating systems, Mason does not attempt to invent an alternate, "easier" syntax for templates. It provides a set of syntax and features specific to template creation, but underneath it is still clearly and proudly recognizable as Perl. Mason is most often used for generating web pages. It has a companion web framework, Poet, designed to take maximum advantage of its routing and content generation features. It can also be used as the templating layer for web frameworks such as Catalyst and Dancer.
www/Maypole-2.13 (Score: 0.020137845)
MVC web application framework
Maypole is a Perl framework for MVC-oriented web applications, similar to Jakarta's Struts. Maypole is designed to minimize coding requirements for creating simple web interfaces to databases, while remaining flexible enough to support enterprise web applications.
www/MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks-1.19 (Score: 0.020137845)
Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest
MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks subclasses HTML::Mason::Interp in order to provide a Mason callback system built on Params::CallbackRequest. Callbacks may be either code references provided to the C<new()> constructor, or methods defined in subclasses of Params::Callback. Callbacks are triggered either for every request or by specially named keys in the Mason request arguments, and all callbacks are executed at the beginning of a request, just before Mason creates and executes the request component stack. This module brings support for a sort of plugin architecture based on Params::CallbackRequest to Mason. Mason then executes code before executing any components. This approach allows you to carry out logical processing of data submitted from a form, to affect the contents of the Mason request arguments (and thus the %ARGS hash in components), and even to redirect or abort the request before Mason handles it.
www/MasonX-Profiler-0.06 (Score: 0.020137845)
Mason per-component profiler
This module prints per-component profiling information to STDERR (usually directed to the Apache error log). Its output looks like this: =Mason= - /NoAuth/webrt.css BEGINS {{{ =Mason= - /NoAuth/webrt.css {{{ =Mason= - /Elements/Callback {{{ =Mason= - /Elements/Callback }}} 0.0008 =Mason= - /NoAuth/webrt.css }}} 0.0072 =Mason= - /NoAuth/webrt.css }}} ENDS Each row contains five whitespace-separated fields: =Mason=, remote IP address, -, indented component name, and how many seconds did it take to process that component, including all subcomponents called by it. The beginning and end of the initial request is represented by the special time fields BEGINS and ENDS.
Interface to Apache::Session for HTML::Mason
This module provides a interface between HTML::Mason and Apache::Session, in effect, providing full session and cooking handling from within HTML::Mason. When run under the ApacheHandler module, this module attempts to first use Apache::Cookie for cookie-handling. Otherwise it uses CGI::Cookie as a fallback. This module accepts quite a number of parameters, most of which are simply passed through to Apache::Session. For this reason, you are advised to familiarize yourself with the Apache::Session documentation before attempting to configure this module. Use 'perldoc MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession' for information on how to use the module. MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession was written by Dave Rolsky.
www/MasonX-WebApp-0.12 (Score: 0.020137845)
Works with HTML::Mason to do processing before Mason is invoked
MasonX::WebApp works with Mason to let you do processing before Mason is ever invoked. There are a number of things that one might want to do: * Argument munging You might want to make sure all incoming arguments are UTF-8 encoded. Or you might want to create some objects which Mason will see as incoming arguments. For example, a "user_id" parameter could be turned into a user object. * Handle requests without Mason If you're not generating output for the browser other than a redirect, then there's no reason to use Mason. You can use a MasonX::WebApp subclass to handle all form submissions, for example. This has the added benefit of making it easier to preload this code once during server startup. * And others ...
Track sessions and, optionally, users
Track sessions and, optionally, users
www/McBain-WithPSGI-2.001001 (Score: 0.020137845)
Load a McBain API as a RESTful PSGI web service
McBain::WithPSGI turns your McBain API into a RESTful PSGI web service based on Plack, thus making McBain a web application framework. The created web service will be a JSON-in JSON-out service. Requests to your application are expected to have a Content-Type of application/json; charset=UTF-8. The JSON body of a request will be the payload. The results of the API will be formatted into JSON as well.
www/McBain-2.001000 (Score: 0.020137845)
Lightweight auto-validating, self-documenting web framework
McBain is a framework for building powerful APIs and applications. Writing an API with McBain provides the following benefits: * Lightweight-ness * Portability * Auto-validation * Self-documentation * Modularity and flexibility