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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第3,3613,370项(搜索用时0.014秒)
databases/postgresql-9.1.23 (Score: 0.0012383816)
The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available. The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into memory, PostgreSQL was born. PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG). Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG). PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.
databases/postgresql-9.2.18 (Score: 0.0012383816)
PostgreSQL 是一个久经考验的对象——关系型数据库管理系统,支持几乎所有的 SQL 结构,包含子查询、事务和用户自定义类型和函数。是最先进的开源数据库,可用于 任何地方。也提供商业支持。 最初的 Postgres 代码,是许多研究生、本科生和程序员在美国加州大学伯克利 分校的 Michael Stonebraker 教授的指导下努力的成果。在 1995 年,Andrew Yu 和 Jolly Chen 转换了 DBMS 查询语言为 SQL 并创建了一个新的数据库系统,即 Postgres95。许多人帮助移植、测试、调试和增强了 Postgres95 的代码。在代码 质量逐渐提升后,1995 年后,PostgreSQL 诞生了。 PostgreSQL 的开发,目前正由一群网络开发者组成的团队进行着。开发团队的协调员 是 Marc G. Fournier(scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG)。通过邮件列表 (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG)可以获得来自 PostgreSQL 开发者/用户社区的支持。 PostgreSQL 是自由的并提供完整的源代码。
databases/postgresql-9.6.r1 (Score: 0.0012383816)
The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available. The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into memory, PostgreSQL was born. PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG). Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG). PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.
databases/PyGreSQL-5.0.2 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Python interface to PostgreSQL, both classic and DP-API 2.0
PyGreSQL is a python module that interfaces to a PostgreSQL database. It embeds the PostgreSQL query library to allow easy use of the powerful PostgreSQL features from a Python script. PyGreSQL includes a DB-API 2.0 compliant API wrapper.
databases/postgis-jdbc-2.1.7 (Score: 0.0012383816)
PostGIS spatial data structures for JDBC
PostGIS-JDBC provides the spatial data structures needed to use PostgreSQL-JDBC with spatial tables.
databases/sqlcipher-3.2.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Encrypted SQLite database
Allows the creation of encrypted SQLite databases
databases/sqlitebrowser-3.8.0 (Score: 0.0012383816)
DB Browser for SQLite is a visual tool to manage SQLite databases
DB Browser for SQLite is a light GUI editor for SQLite databases, built on top of Qt. The main goal of the project is to allow non-technical users to create, modify and edit SQLite databases using a set of wizards and a spreadsheet-like interface. This project has previous been known as "SQLite Browser" and "Database Browser for SQLite". "DB Browser for SQLite" will hopefully be the name that sticks. :)
databases/postgresql-9.3.14 (Score: 0.0012383816)
The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available. The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into memory, PostgreSQL was born. PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG). Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG). PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.
databases/postgresql-9.4.9 (Score: 0.0012383816)
The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available. The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into memory, PostgreSQL was born. PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG). Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG). PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.
databases/postgresql-9.5.4 (Score: 0.0012383816)
The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
PostgreSQL is a sophisticated Object-Relational DBMS, supporting almost all SQL constructs, including subselects, transactions, and user-defined types and functions. It is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere. Commercial Support is also available. The original Postgres code was the effort of many graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff programmers working under the direction of Professor Michael Stonebraker at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1995, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen took on the task of converting the DBMS query language to SQL and created a new database system which came to known as Postgres95. Many others contributed to the porting, testing, debugging and enhancement of the Postgres95 code. As the code improved, and 1995 faded into memory, PostgreSQL was born. PostgreSQL development is presently being performed by a team of Internet developers who are now responsible for all current and future development. The development team coordinator is Marc G. Fournier (scrappy@PostgreSQL.ORG). Support is available from the PostgreSQL developer/user community through the support mailing list (questions@PostgreSQL.ORG). PostgreSQL is free and the complete source is available.