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devel/proto-0.3.10 (Score: 0.020620529)
Prototype object-based programming
proto (google code name r-proto) is an R package which facilitates a style of programming known as prototype-based programming. Prototype-based programming is a type of object oriented (OO) programming in which classes and objects are unified into a single concept, prototypes. This makes proto and prototye programming simpler than the usual OO model yet it retains the OO features of inheritance (known as delegation in the prototype model) and OO dispatch. Applications, News, Additional Information sources, Proto Bugs and Avoiding R Bugs sections are given below while associated Links are in the http://code.google.com/p/r-proto/wiki/Links
devel/editline-1.15.2 (Score: 0.020620529)
Minix editline: A free readline() for UNIX
This is a line editing library. It can be linked into almost any program to provide command-line editing and history. It is call-compatible with the FSF readline library, but is a fraction of the size (and offers fewer features). The editline library was created by Simmule Turner and Rich Salz back in 1992. At the time they chose to distribute the code under a "C News-like" copyright, see the file LICENSE for details. The small size (<30k), lack of dependencies (no ncurses needed!) and the free license should make this library interesting to many embedded developers
devel/twisted-15.5.0 (Score: 0.020620529)
Asynchronous networking framework written in Python
From the README: Twisted is an event-based framework for Internet applications. It includes a web server, a telnet server, a chat server, a news server, a generic client and server for remote object access, and APIs for creating new protocols and services. Twisted supports integration of the Tk, GTK+, Qt or wxPython event loop with its main event loop. The Win32 event loop is also supported, as is basic support for running servers on top of Jython. Twisted is based on an unconventional and somewhat Twisted design philosophy.
devel/twisted-15.2.1 (Score: 0.020620529)
Metaport of Twisted, an event-driven networking engine
From the README: Twisted is an event-based framework for Internet applications. It includes a web server, a telnet server, a chat server, a news server, a generic client and server for remote object access, and APIs for creating new protocols and services. Twisted supports integration of the Tk, GTK+, Qt or wxPython event loop with its main event loop. The Win32 event loop is also supported, as is basic support for running servers on top of Jython. Twisted is based on an unconventional and somewhat Twisted design philosophy.
editors/sed-3.62 (Score: 0.020620529)
Super-sed - a heavily enhanced version of sed
This is a version of sed based on GNU sed. It is not a version of GNU sed, though. There are several new features (including in-place editing of files, extended regular expression syntax and a few new commands) and some bug fixes; see the NEWS file for a brief summary and the ChangeLog for more detailed descriptions of changes. The biggest note, i think is the *huge* speed difference, where regular sed might take a few mins, super-sed can take only seconds this is not true in all cases, and sometimes you have modify your regexp syntax, however for the speed increase, it might be worth it.
net/Net-3.08 (Score: 0.020620529)
Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
libnet is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and consistent programming interface (API) to the client side of various protocols used in the internet community. For details of each protocol please refer to the RFC. RFC's can be found a various places on the WEB, for a starting point look at: http://www.yahoo.com/Computers_and_Internet/Standards/RFCs/ The RFC implemented in this distribution are Net::FTP RFC959 File Transfer Protocol Net::SMTP RFC821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Net::Time RFC867 Daytime Protocol Net::Time RFC868 Time Protocol Net::NNTP RFC977 Network News Transfer Protocol Net::POP3 RFC1939 Post Office Protocol 3
textproc/Lingua-EN-NamedEntity-1.93 (Score: 0.020620529)
Basic Named Entity Extraction algorithm
"Named entities" is the NLP jargon for proper nouns which represent people, places, organisations, and so on. This module provides a very simple way of extracting these from a text. If we run the "extract_entities" routine on a piece of news coverage of recent UK political events, we should expect to see it return a list of hash references looking like this: { entity => 'Mr Howard', class => 'person', scores => { ... }, }, { entity => 'Ministry of Defence', class => 'organisation', ... }, { entity => 'Oxfordshire', class => 'place', ... }, The additional "scores" hash reference in there breaks down the various possible classes for this entity in an open-ended scale.
www/get_flash_videos-1.24.20120610 (Score: 0.020620529)
Download videos from various Flash-based video hosting sites
[ excerpt from developer's web site ] Download videos from various Flash-based video hosting sites, without having to use the Flash player. Handy for saving videos for watching offline, and means you don't have to keep upgrading Flash for sites that insist on a newer version of the player. YouTube, eHow, Brightcove (used by many sites like Channel 4, Daily Telegraph ...), BBC (news, etc), Metacafe, 5min, Google, fliqz, nicovideo, vimeo, Blip, Break, Collegehumor, Muzu, Sevenload, Megavideo, Wat.tv. Also includes a 'generic' method which works on many other sites.
www/linkchecker-9.3 (Score: 0.020620529)
Check HTML documents for broken links
LinkChecker can check HTML documents for broken links. Features : * recursive checking * multithreaded * output can be colored or normal text, HTML, SQL, CSV or a sitemap graph in XML or GML format. * additionally reports download time for HTML pages * HTTP/1.1 and 1.0, HTTPS, FTP, mailto:, news:, nntp:, Gopher, Telnet and local file links are supported Javascript links are currently ignored * restrict link checking with regular expression filters for URLs * proxy support * give username/password for HTTP and FTP authorization * robots.txt exclusion protocol support * i18n support * command line interface * (Fast)CGI web interface
www/libwww-5.4.0 (Score: 0.020620529)
The W3C Reference Library
The W3C Reference Library is a general code base that can be used to build clients and servers. It contains code for accessing HTTP, FTP, Gopher, News, WAIS, Telnet servers, and the local file system. Furthermore it provides modules for parsing, managing and presenting hypertext objects to the user and a wide spectra of generic programming utilities. The Library is the basis for many World-Wide Web applications and all the W3C software is build on top of it. The Library is a required part of all other W3C applications in this distribution.