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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第7180项(搜索用时0.073秒)
www/obhttpd-5.9.20160601 (Score: 0.101625115)
OpenBSD http server
This is the FreeBSD port of the OpenBSD http server.
www/eventmachine_httpserver-0.2.1 (Score: 0.101625115)
EventMachine HTTP Server
An evented http server built on top of eventmachine
www/server_switcher-0.4 (Score: 0.09802018)
Navigational help tool for web developers
Server Switcher is a navigational help tool for web developers. It allows you to easily switch between sites on your development and live servers, so that you can immediately see the differences.
devel/Test-Fake-HTTPD-0.07 (Score: 0.097715646)
Fake HTTP server
Test::Fake::HTTPD is a fake HTTP server module for testing.
databases/percona- (Score: 0.09737661)
Multithreaded SQL database (server)
MySQL replacement : Percona ServerPercona Server is a drop-in alternative for MySQL with enhanced performance and enterprise-grade features.
databases/percona- (Score: 0.09737661)
Multithreaded SQL database (server)
MySQL replacement : Percona ServerPercona Server is a drop-in alternative for MySQL with enhanced performance and enterprise-grade features.
www/HTTP-Cache-Transparent-1.1 (Score: 0.09580078)
Implementation of http get that keeps a local cache of fetched pages
Implementation of http get that keeps a local cache of fetched pages to avoid fetching the same data from the server if it hasn't been updated. The cache is stored on disk and is thus persistent between invocations.
www/http-analyze-2.4.4 (Score: 0.0914292)
Fast Log-Analyzer for web servers
http-analyze analyzes the logfile of a web server and creates a summary of the server's access load and the efficiency of caching mechanisms in o tabular o graphical o and three-dimensional form. http-analyze recognizes logfiles in Common Logfile Format and has been highly optimized for processing huge logfiles in short update-intervals.
www/bozohttpd-20130711 (Score: 0.09077386)
The bozotic HTTP server
Bozohttpd is a small and secure http version 1.1 server. it's main feature is the lack of features, reducing the code size and improving verifiability. It supports CGI/1.1, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/0.9, ~user translations, virtual hosting support, as well as multiple IP-based servers on a single machine. It is capable of services pages via the IPv6 protocol. It has no configuration file by design. Recently added features are htpasswd, SSL, and dynamic redirection, that can be easily disabled.
www/ffproxy-1.6 (Score: 0.0898705)
Filtering HTTP proxy server
ffproxy is a filtering HTTP proxy server. It is able to filter by host, URL, and header. Custom header entries can be filtered and added. It can even drop its privileges and optionally chroot() to some directory. Logging to syslog() is supported, as is using another auxiliary proxy server. Contacting IPv6 servers is supported and allows transparent IPv6 over IPv4 browsing.