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devel/monotone-1.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Distributed version control system with digital signatures
Monotone is a distributed version control tool. It can help automate many tedious and error-prone tasks in group software development. * Store multiple versions of files you are working on efficiently. * Transmit changes to files between you and your colleagues. * Merge changes you make with those your colleagues make. * Make notes about your opinion of the quality of versions of files. * Make decisions about using or ignoring versions, depending on the notes you receive from others.
devel/mpatrol-1.4.8 (Score: 0.032514982)
Dynamic memory debugging and profiling library
The mpatrol library is a powerful debugging tool that attempts to diagnose run-time errors that are caused by the wrong use of dynamically allocated memory. It acts as a malloc() debugger for debugging dynamic memory allocations, although it can also trace and profile calls to malloc() and free() too.
devel/msgpack-1.4.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
MessagePack implementation for C and C++
MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format that is focused on high performance. It is like JSON, but very fast and small.
devel/msgpuck-1.0.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
MsgPack binary serialization library in a self-contained header
MsgPuck is a simple and efficient MsgPack binary serialization library in a self-contained header file. * Can be easily incorporated into your project * Is very easy to use (see examples below) * Is fully tested and documented * Has clean and readable C source code * Is published under the very liberal license (BSD-2)
devel/msp430-debug-stack- (Score: 0.032514982)
TI MSP430 debugging interface library
TI MSP430 debugging interface library
devel/mspdebug-0.23.20151024 (Score: 0.032514982)
Debugger for use with MSP 430 MCUs
MSPDebug is a free debugger for use with MSP430 MCUs. It supports FET430UIF, eZ430, RF2500 and Olimex MSP-JTAG-TINY programmers. It can be used as a proxy for gdb or as an independent debugger with support for programming, disassembly and reverse engineering.
devel/msrc0-0.7 (Score: 0.032514982)
Meta source fake-out script for building ksb tools
We fake having a meta source platform installed to build a ksb-meta-source product on a machine that doesn't have ksb's tools installed yet. This is the part you need to get all the nifty toys started.
devel/mtbl-0.8.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Immutable sorted string table library
mtbl is a C library implementation of the Sorted String Table (SSTable) data structure, based on the SSTable implementation in the open source Google LevelDB library <https://github.com/google/leveldb>. An SSTable is a file containing an immutable mapping of keys to values. Keys are stored in sorted order, with an index at the end of the file allowing keys to be located quickly. mtbl is not a database library. It does not provide an updateable key-value data store, but rather exposes primitives for creating, searching and merging SSTable files. Unlike databases which use the SSTable data structure internally as part of their data store, management of SSTable files -- creation, merging, deletion, combining of search results from multiple SSTables -- is left to the discretion of the mtbl library user.
devel/myrepos-1.20160123 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tool to manage all your version control repos
You have a lot of version control repositories. Sometimes you want to update them all at once. Or push out all your local changes. You use special command lines in some repositories to implement specific workflows. Myrepos provides a `mr` command, which is a tool to manage all your version control repositories. It supports git, svn, mercurial, bzr, darcs, cvs, fossil and veracity. Author: Joey Hess
devel/nana-2.5 (Score: 0.032514982)
Support for assertion checking and logging using GNU C and GDB
Nana provides improved support for assertion checking and logging in C, C++ using GDB. In particular it provides: o Operations can be implemented directly in C or by generating debugger commands which do the checking and logging only if the application is run under the debugger. The debugger based calls require are very space efficient (0 or 1 bytes per call). o Support for checking real time constraints. o Support for assertion (invariant checking) including: + Space and time efficient (at least versus <assert.h>) For example: assert(i>=0) uses 53 bytes on a i386 vs an optimised nana call which uses 10 bytes per call. + Checking can be turned on or off at compile or run time. + The action taken when an error is detected can be modified on a global and per/call basis. o Support for logging (printf style debugging) including: + Logging can be turned on and off at compile or run time. + Logging to files, processes or circular buffers in memory with optional time stamping. o Support for the quantifiers of predicate calculus (forall, exists). o Support for before and after state saving and checking (x, x').