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games/fretsonfire-1.3.110 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Game of musical skill and fast fingers
Frets on Fire is a game of musical skill and fast fingers. The aim of the game is to play guitar with the keyboard as accurately as possible.
games/funnyboat-1.5 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Side scrolling shooter game starring a steamboat on the sea
Trip on the Funny Boat is side scrolling arcade shooter game on a steamboat equipped with a cannon and the ability to jump. The player will need to take advantage of waves to defeat the enemies and dodge hazards. This game was originally made for the second PyWeek competition during the week from 25.3.2006 to 2.4.2006.
games/galaxyhack-1.74 (Score: 0.0070083328)
AI script based strategy game
GalaxyHack allows you to design a fleet of spaceships which can then be tested in AI script based battles against fleets designed by other players. Though battles take place in real time, the strategy comes before hand, both in writing short AI scripts in a simple scripting language, and also in the set up and selection of your fleet. You don't actually have any control over your units at all mid-battle, but rather use the time to see where the set up of your fleets is working, where your fleets' weaknesses lie and changes are needed, and perhaps also to learn from the strategy of your opponent. The game revolves around very large capital ships, from which smaller ships are launched. To win a battle you must destroy of all of your opponent's capital ships before they destroy yours. There can be hundreds of units in any one battle, but there is no harvesting, resource management or base building.
games/gcompris-15.10 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Gnome2 educational games and activities for kids ages 2 to 10
Gcompris is educational software and includes over 50 activites and games for kids ages from 2 to 10. Some activities are game oriented, but always educational. You will find activities in the following topics: computer discovery: keyboard, mouse, different mouse gesture algebra: table memory, enumeration, double entry table, mirror image science: the canal lock, the water cycle, the submarine geography: place the country on the map games: chess, memory reading: reading practice other: learn to tell time, puzzle of famous paintings, vector drawing
games/glbsp-2.20 (Score: 0.0070083328)
BSP node builder for OpenGL ports of the DOOM game engine
glBSP is a node builder specially designed to be used with OpenGL ports of the DOOM game engine. It adheres to the "GL-Friendly Nodes" specification, which means it adds some new special nodes to a WAD file that makes it very easy (and fast !) for an OpenGL DOOM engine to compute the polygons needed for drawing the levels. There are many DOOM ports that understand the GL Nodes which glBSP creates, including: EDGE, the Doomsday engine (JDOOM), Doom3D, PrBoom, and Vavoom.
games/glchess-1.0.6 (Score: 0.0070083328)
3D OpenGL based chess game
glChess is a 3D OpenGL based chess game that interfaces via the Chess Engine Communication Protocol (CECP) by Tim Mann. This means it can currently use Crafty and GNU Chess as AIs. You can also play Human vs. Human, but so far not over a network.
games/glightoff-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Simple (but not so easy to solve!) puzzle game
GLightOff is a simple (but not so easy to solve!) puzzle game. The goal is to switch off all the lights on the 5x5 board.
games/glmaze-1.1.a (Score: 0.0070083328)
Multiplayer OpenGL Maze Game
glMaze is a multiplayer maze game based on the opengl 3d graphics engine. If a command line argument is present, glmaze tries to interpret this as the server name to connect to. If no argument was given, glmaze becomes the master client and starts a local server. Up to six players can join a session. Only the master client can start the session. Other players can join a running game. The game stops when the first player reaches ten kills. The player with the top score at this moment is the winner.
games/gnurobbo-0.68 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Reimplementation of LK Avalon's Robbo for the Atari XE/XL
GNU Robbo is a free open source reimplementation of LK Avalon's Robbo for the Atari XE/XL from the late 1980s. The gameplay of the original is faithfully reproduced with a few modifications :- * Lives has been removed and suicide replaced with level restart * Scoring has been removed: goal is level advancement * Bear logic has been enhanced: fixed endlessly spinning bears
games/gnomeattacks-0.3 (Score: 0.0070083328)
GNOME 2 game featuring a bizarre flying GNOME logo
Oh no! The fair city is under attack by a GNOME logo that drops bombs! You must destroy the city before the logo crashes into a building! Wait, no, that's not right. Oh no! There is a city standing in the way of the GNOME logo you're trying to fly around. You must destroy the buildings before they crash into your flying logo. Either way, the game is so simple to play that your cat could potentially earn the high score just by walking across the keyboard. GNOME Attacks! This game also features one of the coolest splash screens ever.