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graphics/libprojectM-2.0.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
Awesome music visualiser
projectM is an awesome music visualizer. There is nothing better in the world of Unix. projectM's greatness comes from the hard work of the community. Users like you can create presets that connect music with incredible visuals. Try it!
graphics/libspiro-0.5.20150702 (Score: 0.01987111)
Library to convert clothoid splines into Bezier splines
Spiro is the creation of Raph Levien. It simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves. Using bezier splines an artist can easily draw curves with the same slope on either side of an on-curve point. Spiros, on the other hand, are based on clothoid splines which make it easy to maintain constant curvature as well as constant slope. Such curves will simply look nicer. Raph Levien's spiro splines only use on-curve points and so are easier to use and more intuitive to the artist. This library will take an array of spiro control points and convert them into a series of bezier splines which can then be used in the myriad of ways the world has come to use beziers. (Above taken from Introduction on the library's website)
graphics/libvisual-0.2.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Abstraction library that sits between apps and visual plugin
Libvisual is an abstraction library that comes between applications and audio visualisation plugins. Often when it comes to audio visualisation plugins or programs that create visuals, they depend on a player or something else; basically, there is no general framework that enabled application developers to easily access cool audio visualisation plugins. Libvisual wants to change this by providing an interface towards plugins and applications; through this easy to use interface applications can easily access plugins and, since the drawing is done by the application, it also enables the developer to draw the visual anywhere he wants. The framework also allows you to morph to different plugins and mix two at once; all kinds of neat tricks are possible using this method.
graphics/libvisual-0.4.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Abstraction library that sits between apps and visual plugin
Libvisual is an abstraction library that comes between applications and audio visualisation plugins. Often when it comes to audio visualisation plugins or programs that create visuals, they depend on a player or something else; basically, there is no general framework that enabled application developers to easily access cool audio visualisation plugins. Libvisual wants to change this by providing an interface towards plugins and applications; through this easy to use interface applications can easily access plugins and, since the drawing is done by the application, it also enables the developer to draw the visual anywhere he wants. The framework also allows you to morph to different plugins and mix two at once; all kinds of neat tricks are possible using this method.
graphics/libwpg-0.3.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
Library and tools to work with WordPerfect Graphics (WPG) files
Library for importing and converting Corel WordPerfect(tm) Graphics images
graphics/ufraw-0.22 (Score: 0.01987111)
Read and manipulate raw images from various digital cameras
The Unidentified Flying Raw (UFRaw) is a utility to read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras. It can be used on its own or as a Gimp plug-in. It reads raw images using Dave Coffin's raw conversion utility -- DCRaw. UFRaw supports basic color management using Little CMS, allowing the user to apply color profiles. For Nikon users UFRaw has the advantage that it can read the camera's tone curves. Even if you don't own a Nikon, you can still apply a Nikon curve to your images.
graphics/lprof-20080514 (Score: 0.01987111)
Open source color profiler
LPROF is the only open source ICC profiler with a graphical user interface. It can be used to create ICC version 2 compliant profiles for cameras, scanners and monitors. As such it fills a necessary niche in the emerging open source color management effort.
graphics/scantailor- (Score: 0.01987111)
Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages
Scan Tailor is an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages. It performs operations such as page splitting, deskewing, and removing garbage. All operations can be done automatically, however it's still possible to manually correct their results
graphics/wxsvg-1.5.9 (Score: 0.01987111)
C++ library to create, manipulate, and render SVG files
C++ library to create, manipulate, and render SVG files
graphics/alpng-1.3 (Score: 0.01987111)
Library for display PNG images in programs
This library servers for displaying PNG images in programs using the Allegro multimedia library.