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Results 14,10114,110 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.04 seconds)
sysutils/runwhen-2015.02.24 (Score: 5.791857E-5)
Tools for running commands at particular times
The biggest difference between runwhen and other schedulers is that runwhen doesn't have a single daemon overseeing multiple jobs. The runwhen tools essentially act as a glorified sleep command. Perhaps runwhen does nothing that at(1) doesn't, and there are lots of things at(1) does that runwhen doesn't: - runwhen doesn't change user IDs - thus it will never run anything as the wrong user. - It doesn't keep a central daemon running at all times - thus it won't break if that daemon dies. - It doesn't require any modifications to the system boot procedure. - It doesn't log through syslog(3) - thus it won't make a mess on the console if syslogd(1) isn't running. - It doesn't centralize storage of scheduled jobs (or any other per-job information) - thus unprivileged users can install and use it without cooperation from root, and without the use of a setuid program to handle changes. - It doesn't send output through mail - thus it doesn't break if there is no mail system installed. - It doesn't check access control files - thus it doesn't gratuitously deny users.
textproc/WordNet-Similarity-2.07 (Score: 5.791857E-5)
Modules/CLI to determine semantic relatedness using the WordNet
This package consists of Perl modules along with supporting Perl programs that implement the semantic relatedness measures described by Leacock Chodorow (1998), Jiang Conrath (1997), Resnik (1995), Lin (1998), Hirst St Onge (1998), Wu Palmer (1994), the adapted gloss overlap measure by Banerjee and Pedersen (2002), and a measure based on context vectors by Patwardhan (2003). The details of the Vector measure are described in the Master's thesis work done by Patwardhan (2003) at the University of Minnesota Duluth. The Perl modules are designed as objects with methods that take as input two word senses. The semantic relatedness of these word senses is returned by these methods. A quantitative measure of the degree to which two word senses are related has wide ranging applications in numerous areas, such as word sense disambiguation, information retrieval, etc. For example, in order to determine which sense of a given word is being used in a particular context, the sense having the highest relatedness with its context word senses is most likely to be the sense being used. Similarly, in information retrieval, retrieving documents containing highly related concepts are more likely to have higher precision and recall values. A command line interface to these modules is also present in the package. The simple, user-friendly interface returns the relatedness measure of two given words.
textproc/XML-Compile-1.52 (Score: 5.791857E-5)
Compilation based XML processing
Many applications which process data-centric XML do that based on a nice specification, expressed in an XML Schema. XML::Compile reads and writes XML data with the help of such schema's. On the Perl side, it uses a tree of nested hashes with the same structure. Where other Perl modules, like SOAP::WSDL help you using these schema's (often with a lot of run-time (XPath) searches), this module takes a different approach: in stead of run-time processing of the specification, it will first compile the expected structure into real Perl, and then use that to process the data. There are many perl modules with the same as this one: translate between XML and nested hashes. However, there are a few serious differences: because the schema is used here, we make sure we only handle correct data. Data-types are formatted and processed correctly; for instance, integer does accept huge values (at least 18 digits) as the specification prescribes. Also more complex data-types like list, union, and substitutionGroup (unions on complex type level) are supported, which is rarely the case in other modules.
www/Apache-SessionX-2.01 (Score: 5.791857E-5)
Extented persistence framework for session data
Apache::SessionX extents Apache::Session. It was initialy written to use Apache::Session from inside of HTML::Embperl, but is seems to be usefull outside of Embperl as well, so here is it as standalone module. Apache::Session is a persistence framework which is particularly useful for tracking session data between httpd requests. Apache::Session is designed to work with Apache and mod_perl, but it should work under CGI and other web servers, and it also works outside of a web server altogether. Apache::Session consists of five components: the interface, the object store, the lock manager, the ID generator, and the serializer. The interface is defined in SessionX.pm, which is meant to be easily subclassed. The object store can be the filesystem, a Berkeley DB, a MySQL DB, an Oracle DB, or a Postgres DB. Locking is done by lock files, semaphores, or the locking capabilities of MySQL and Postgres. Serialization is done via Storable, and optionally ASCII-fied via MIME or pack(). ID numbers are generated via MD5. The reader is encouraged to extend these capabilities to meet his own requirements.
www/feedonfeeds-0.5 (Score: 5.791857E-5)
Server side personal RSS (and Atom) aggregator
Desktop aggregators are great. They sit there all day, pinging away at sites, and as soon as they notice something new, they pop up little windows on your desktop, and let you read items. But what about when you go home from work? Or what about when you are on a trip? You get totally out of sync, and don't know what you've read and haven't read. You are enraged. Feed on Feeds A server side aggregator solves this. It keeps track of what items you've read, and keeps happily checking up on your feeds no matter where you are. Whenever you want to see what's new, you just bring up a web page and scan the newest items. You can mark the items as read so they won't be shown again. Or, you can just always show the most recent N items, like the way LiveJournal's friends pages work. Also, having the aggregator in your browser eliminates the "impedance mismatch" that sometimes occurs between a desktop aggregator and your browser. All your native browsing methods work on a FEED ON FEEDS page. Open pages in new tabs, bookmark them for later, browse whatever way you like.
www/tidy-090315.c (Score: 5.791857E-5)
Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML (with shared lib)
This is tidy-devel, built with a shared lib. When editing HTML it's easy to make mistakes. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a simple way to fix these mistakes automatically and tidy up sloppy editing into nicely layed out markup? Well now there is thanks to Hewlett Packard's Dave Raggett. HTML TIDY is a free utility for doing just that. It also works great on the attrociously hard to read markup generated by specialized HTML editors and conversion tools, and can help you identify where you need to pay further attention on making your pages more accessible to people with disabilities. Tidy is able to fix up a wide range of problems and to bring to your attention things that you need to work on yourself. Each item found is listed with the line number and column so that you can see where the problem lies in your markup. Tidy won't generate a cleaned up version when there are problems that it can't be sure of how to handle. These are logged as "errors" rather than "warnings".
x11-toolkits/Tk-ToolBar-0.10 (Score: 5.791857E-5)
Toolbar widget for Perl/Tk
Tk::Toolbar implements a dockable toolbar. It is in the same spirit as the "short-cut" toolbars found in most major applications, such as most web browsers and text editors (where you find the "back" or "save" and other shortcut buttons). Buttons of any type (regular, menu, check, radio) can be created inside this widget. You can also create Label, Entry and LabEntry widgets. Moreover, the ToolBar itself can be made dockable, such that it can be dragged to any edge of your window. Dragging is done in "real-time" so that you can see the contents of your ToolBar as you are dragging it. Furthermore, if you are close to a stickable edge, a visual indicator will show up along that edge to guide you. ToolBars can be made "floatable" such that if they are dragged beyond their associated window, they will detach and float on the desktop. Also, multiple ToolBars are embeddable inside each other. Various icons are built into the Tk::ToolBar widget. Those icons can be used as images for ToolButtons (see "SYNOPSIS"). A demo program is bundled with the module that should be available under the 'User Contributed Demonstrations' when you run the widget program. Run it to see a list of the available images.
archivers/star-1.5.3 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Unique standard tape archiver with many enhancements
Star is the fastest known implementation of a tar archiver. Main advantages over other tar implementations: fifo - Keeps the tape streaming. pattern matcher - For a convenient user interface. sophisticated diff - User tailorable interface for comparing tar archives against file trees. no namelen limitation - Pathnames up to 1024 Bytes may be archived. deals with all 3 times - Stores/restores all 3 times of a file. does not clobber files - More recent copies on disk will not be clobbered from tape. automatic byte swap - star automatically detects swapped archives. automatic format detect - Automatically detects archive formats: old tar, gnu tar, ansi tar, star. fully ansi compatible - star is fully ANSI/Posix 1003.1 compatible. Please mail bugs and suggestions to: Author: Joerg Schilling <js@cs.tu-berlin.de>
archivers/unshield-0.6 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Extract data from InstallShield CAB files
An installer created by the InstallShield software stores the files it will install inside of InstallShield Cabinet Files. It would thus be desirable to be able to extract the Microsoft Cabinet Files from the InstallShield Cabinet Files in order to be able to install the applications without access to Microsoft Windows. - Use a well known open source license (MIT) - Work on both little-endian and big-endian systems - Separate the implementation in a tool and a library - Support InstallShield versions 5 and later - Be able to list contents of InstallShield Cabinet Files - Be able to extract files from InstallShield Cabinet Files SVN: https://synce.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/synce/trunk/unshield/ http://www.synce.org/moin/ComponentOverview
astro/openuniverse-1.0.b3 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
OpenGL Solar System simulator for X Window System
This program draws the Solar System's bodies in simulated 3-dimensionality. You can view all the planets, their moons and a few spaceships in motion, trace them, follow them, orbit them, and even control them. OpenUniverse was formerly known as Solar System Simulator (Ssystem). It was initially released in 1997 with the intent of creating a rotating display of the Earth on a mainstream PC. Ssystem version 1.0 was only aware of the planets. Version 1.2 added moons; and 1.6, more means of movement and better textures. The program has been renamed OpenUniverse 1.0 to underline the concept behind its further development: openness for the whole Universe, not just the solar system -- open for anyone to use, extend, and change.