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Results 14,05114,060 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.055 seconds)
science/xmakemol-5.16 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Molecule Viewer Program Based on Motif Widget
XMakemol is a program written for UN*X operating systems in ANSI C using the X, Xt and Motif libraries. It can be used to view and manipulate atomic and molecular data given in xyz format. XMakemol is a mouse-based application and many features can be accessed by clicking or dragging the mouse on the main window. Additional popup dialogs offer a number of additional features. Here is what an XMakemol session might look like. The system is a bucky ball and the Measure dialog is showing the measurement of bond-lengths, angles and a torsion angle. XMakemol can produce output in PostScript (black and white or colour)and in xpm format (which can be translated to gif format using xpmtoppm and ppmtogif). XMakemol can also produce a series of xpm files which can be translated into an animated gif file using the bundled utility xmake_anim.pl (formerly gmake_anim.pl). The one above is an animation of the "viagra" molecule (sidenafil).
security/barnyard2-1.13 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Interpreter for Snort unified2 binary output files
Barnyard is a critical tool for the parsing of Snort's unified binary files, processing and on-forwarding to a variety of output plugins. Unfortunately it has not seen an updated in over 4 years and is not going to be maintained by the original developers. With the new version of the unified format (ie. unified2) arriving we need something to bridge this gap. The SXL team love barnyard. So much so that we want it to stay and have been tinkering around with the code to give it a breath of new life. Here is what we have achieved to far for this reinvigorated code base: * Parsing of the new unified2 log files. * Maintaining majority of the command syntax of barnyard. * Addressed all associated bug reports and feature requests arising since barnyard-0.2.0. * Completely rewritten code based on the GPLv2 Snort making it entirely GPLv2. This is an effort to fuse the awesome work of Snort and the original concept of barnyard giving it a fresh update along the way. We've come a long way so far and have a very stable build that we've integrated into our NSMnow framework. If you have any feature requests, bugs or gripes then send them our way.
sysutils/cryptofs-0.6.0 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Encrypted filesystem for FUSE
CryptoFS is a encrypted filesystem for Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) and the Linux Userland FileSystem (LUFS). Visit http://fuse.sourceforge.net/ for more information on FUSE, or http://lufs.sourceforge.net/lufs/ for more information on LUFS. CryptoFS will use a normal directory to store files encrypted. The mountpoint will contain the decrypted files. Every file stored in this mountpoint will be written encrypted (data and filename) to the directory that was mounted. If you unmount the directory the encrypted data can only be access by mounting the directory with the correct key again. Like other FUSE/LUFS filesystems it does not need root access or any complicated setup like creating a filesystem on a encrypted disk using the loop device. CryptoFS can be build for FUSE, and LUFS. When you build for FUSE you get a program to mount the filesystem. For LUFS a shared library will be built that can be used by LUFS's lufsd. Both methods can use the same encrypted directory.
textproc/Data-FormValidator-4.81 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based
Data::FormValidator's main aim is to make the tedious coding of input validation expressible in a simple format and to let the programmer focus on more interesting tasks. When you are coding a web application one of the most tedious though crucial tasks is to validate user's input (usually submitted by way of an HTML form). You have to check that each required fields is present and that some fields have valid data. (Does the phone input looks like a phone number? Is that a plausible email address? Is the YY state valid? etc.) For a simple form, this is not really a problem but as forms get more complex and you code more of them this task becames really boring and tedious. Data::FormValidator lets you define profiles which declare the required fields and their format. When you are ready to validate the user's input, you tell Data::FormValidator the profile to apply to the user data and you get the valid fields, the name of the fields which are missing. An array is returned listing which fields are valid, missing, invalid and unknown in this profile. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/Sort-Naturally-1.03 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically
This module exports two functions, nsort and ncmp; they are used in implementing my idea of a "natural sorting" algorithm. Under natural sorting, numeric substrings are compared numerically, and other word-characters are compared lexically. This is the way I define natural sorting: * Non-numeric word-character substrings are sorted lexically, case-insensitively: "Foo" comes between "fish" and "fowl". * Numeric substrings are sorted numerically: "100" comes after "20", not before. * \W substrings (neither words-characters nor digits) are ignored. Our use * of \w, \d, \D, and \W is locale-sensitive: Sort::Naturally uses a use locale statement. * When comparing two strings, where a numeric substring in one place is not up against a numeric substring in another, the non-numeric always comes first. This is fudged by reading pretending that the lack of a number substring has the value -1, like so: * The start of a string is exceptional: leading non-\W (non-word, non-digit) components are ignored, and numbers come before letters. * I define "numeric substring" just as sequences matching m/\d+/ -- scientific notation, commas, decimals, etc., are not seen. If your data has thousands separators in numbers ("20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" or "20.000 lieues sous les mers"), consider stripping them before feeding them to nsort or ncmp.
www/Kwiki-0.39 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Kwiki Wiki Building Framework
Kwiki - The Kwiki Wiki Building Framework A Wiki is a website that allows its users to add pages, and edit any existing pages. It is one of the most popular forms of web collaboration. If you are new to wiki, visit http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WelcomeVisitors which is possibly the oldest wiki, and has lots of information about how wikis work. Kwiki is a Perl wiki implementation based on the Spoon application architecture and using the Spiffy object orientation model. The major goals of Kwiki are that it be easy to install, maintain and extend. All the features of a Kwiki wiki come from plugin modules. The base installation comes with the bare minimum plugins to make a working Kwiki. To make a really nice Kwiki installation you need to install additional plugins. Which plugins you pick is entirely up to you. Another goal of Kwiki is that every installation will be unique. When there are hundreds of plugins available, this will hopefully be the case.
www/tclhttpd-3.5.1 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Http-server implemented in TCL
This is a pure-Tcl implementation of an HTTP protocol server. It runs as a script on top of a vanilla Tcl interpreter using tcllib scripts and, optionally, two binary libraries (crypt and limit). The Tcl I/O system provides event-driven I/O facilities and a primitive that copies data from one I/O channel to another. The server does the HTTP protocol handling and then simply directs the I/O system to blast data from disk to a network socket. The server has suprisingly good performance because of Tcl's sophisticated I/O system. The HTTP protocol is perhaps the least interesting aspect of the server. The cool stuff is the framework for generating dynamic page content, and the support for embedding the server directly into legacy applications to "web-enable" them. A Tcl-based web server is ideal for embedding because Tcl was designed to support embedding into other applications. The interpreted nature of Tcl allows dynamic reconfiguration of the server. Once the core interface between the web server and the hosting application is defined, it is possible to manage the web server, upload Safe-Tcl control scripts, download logging information, and otherwise debug the Tcl part of the application without restarting the hosting application.
x11-wm/afterstep-1.0 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Window manager originally based on the Bowman NeXTstep clone
AfterStep is a continuation of the BowMan window manager which was originally put together by Bo Yang. BowMan was based on the fvwm window manager, written by Robert Nation. Fvwm was based on code from twm. And so on... It is designed to emulate some of the look and feel of the NeXTstep user interface, while adding useful, requested, and neat features. The changes which comprise AfterStep's personality were originally part of BowMan development, but due to a desire to move past simple emulation and into a niche as its own valuable window manager, the current designers decided to change the project name and move on. BowMan development may continue, but we will no longer be a part of it. Major changes from fvwm are: - NeXTstep-like title bar, title buttons, borders and corners. BowMan's Wharf is a much worked-out version of GoodStuff. To avoid copyright complications it is not called a "dock." - NeXTstep style menu. However, the menus are not controlled by applications; they are more of pop-up service lists on the root window. - NeXTstep style icons. These styles are hard-coded in the program, which is good for the consistent look of the NeXTstep interface.
x11/leechcraft-0.6.70 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Cross-platform modular live environment
LeechCraft is a free open source cross-platform modular live environment. It has modules for everything: * Full-featured web-browser with support for all major web-standards. * Advanced multiprotocol modular IM client currently supporting XMPP (Jabber), IRC, WLM/MSN, MRIM and quite a few other protocols and with a bunch of features from metacontacts and Off-The-Record support to audio calls. * Collection-oriented media player with a lot of features from gapless playback and transcoding for removable devices to social features like recommended artists and nearby events. * Efficient and fast BitTorrent client with full support for the BitTorrent protocol and all its widespread extensions and magnet links. * Modular document viewer supporting PDF, DjVu, PostScript, MOBI and other formats. * RSS feed reader supporting common feed formats with extensions like MediaRSS or GeoRSS as well as with extensive support for Broadcatching and podcasts and their automatic retrieval. * User-space package manager with its own repository of plugins, themes, icons and much more. * A bunch of Desktop Environment-enabling modules from window manager controller to power manager, taskbar, tray and a customizable panel. * The "Summary" tab that displays all your downloads, updates and statuses.
astro/qlandkartegt-1.8.1 (Score: 5.791857E-5)
The ultimate outdoor aficionado's tool
QLandkarte GT is the ultimate outdoor aficionado's tool. It supports GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin's img vector map format. Additional it is the PC side front end to QLandkarte M, a moving map application for mobile devices. And it fills the gap Garmin leaves in refusing to support Linux. QLandkarte GT is the proof that writing portable applications for Unix, Windows and OSX is feasible with a minimum of overhead. No excuses! QLandkarte GT does replace the original QLandkarte with a much more flexible architecture. It's not limited to a map format or device. Thus if you think your Magellan GPS or other should be supported, join the team. Additionally it is a front end to the GDAL tools, to make georeferencing scanned maps feasible for the normal user. Compared to similar tools like QGis, it's target users are more on the consumer side than on the scientific one. QLandkarte GT might not let you select every possible feature of the GDAL tools, but it will simplify their use to the demands of most users.