Ports 搜索

x11/wmctrl-1.07 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X managers
The wmctrl program is a command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager. It provides command line access to almost all the features defined in the EWMH specification. Using it, it's possible to, for example, obtain information about the window manager, get a detailed list of desktops and managed windows, switch and resize desktops, change number of desktops, make windows full-screen, always-above or sticky, and activate, close, move, resize, maximize and minimize them.
x11/xcb-util-image-0.4.0 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions
The xcb-util module provides a number of libraries which sit on top of libxcb, the core X protocol library, and some of the extension libraries. These experimental libraries provide convenience functions and interfaces which make the raw X protocol more usable. Some of the libraries also provide client-side code which is not strictly part of the X protocol but which have traditionally been provided by Xlib. Image module is a port o Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions.
x11/xcolorsel-1.1a (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
X utility to translate rgb values into X color names
xcolorsel is a X-Utility based on this widget that allows you to display such files ( /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt by default ) together with tiles showing how the color looks on your screen. Also a programmer may (like with xfontsel) cut the color names/definitions in various formats (Colorformats and formats for resourcefiles or C-sources) und paste them directly in his source codes.
x11/xnodecor-0.1 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Utility to set override_redirect in XWindowAttributes to True
This program sets attribute "override_redirect" to True for any window you've specified (using window name). Window Managers should ignore such windows; it's useful, for example, if you're using wmx Window Manager, and want to have a clock on every virtual screen and without any borders. Just add the following string to your X-startfile (after starting watch app): xnodecor -w watch (assuming that your watch application has a window named "watch")
x11/xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin-1.9.4 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Quicklauncher plugin for Xfce
The goal of the xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin is double. First, it is intented to offer you a fast and easy way to configure the plugins wich are on your panel. Secondly, it is able to display these launchers on one or more lines, and they are displayed so that they don't waste space. They also feature a little zoom effect when you pass the mouse over them.
audio/maplay-1.2 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
MPEG audio player/decoder decoding layer I and II MPEG audio streams
The audio part of the MPEG standard specifies three layers, whereat each layer specifies its own file format. All three layers are using similar audio coding techniques, but they vary in efficiency and complexity. Layer I needs the fewest calculation time for en-/decoding a stream, layer III the most. But a layer I MPEG audio stream is bigger than a layer III stream at the same quality. This program is able to decode and play only layer I and II streams, layer III is not supported (yet?!?). The maplay decodes layer I and layer II MPEG audio streams and plays them using a CD-quality audio device or sends the to stdout normally as 16 bit signed PCM values, interleaved for stereo streams. This player supports all modes, which are single channel, stereo, joint stereo and dual channel, and all bitrates except free mode. The missing free mode support should not be a problem for now, because I haven't seen such a stream yet. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
audio/vorbisgain-0.37 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Calculates the perceived sound level of an Ogg Vorbis file
VorbisGain is a utility that uses a psychoacoustic method to correct the volume of an Ogg Vorbis file to a predefined standardized loudness. It is meant as a replacement for the normalization that is commonly used before encoding. Although normalization will ensure that each song has the same peak volume, this unfortunately does not say anything about the apparent loudness of the music, with the end result being that many normalized files still don't sound equally loud. VorbisGain uses psychoacoustics to address this deficiency. Moreover, unlike normalization, it's a lossless procedure which works by adding tags to the file. Additionally, it will add hints that can be used to prevent clipping on playback. It is based upon the ReplayGain technology. The end result is that the file ends up with superior playback quality compared to a non-VorbisGain'ed file. It needs player support to work. Non-supporting players will play back the files without problems, but you'll miss out on the benefits.
comms/jsdr-4.1 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
SDR tools for RTL2832-based USB sticks
SDR-J (formerly Jsdr) is a suite of four programs provided under a LGPL open source license for playing around with sdr (software defined radio). The software can be used directly with the PM-SDR kit and RTL2832U based dongles, and in the 32 bits Windows version with other kits as well. The suite contains four programs: - a full blown "short wave" receiver, which provides tuning in the range of 100K .. 165M using the PM-SDR (although above 55 M with reduced performance) and from app 55 MHz to app 900 Mhz or above using an RTL2832U based dongle. The receiver provides quite a number of decoders for amateur modes. - am/fm receiver covering the same frequency bands as the sw receiver, however, with am bandwidths selectable, with fm mono and stereo decoding as well as with rds decoding. - spectrum viewer for use with the RTL2832U based dongles, showing spectra of up to 3 Mhz bandwidth. - mini receiver, a stripped version of the fm receiver, a gadget for listening to WFM using DAB sticks.
databases/App-Sqitch-0.9994 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Sane database change management
Sqitch is a database change management application. What makes it different from your typical migration-style approaches? A few things: ## No opinions Sqitch is not integrated with any framework, ORM, or platform. Rather, it is a standalone change management system with no opinions about your database engine, application framework, or development environment. ## Native scripting Changes are implemented as scripts native to your selected database engine. Writing a PostgreSQL application? Write SQL scripts for psql. Writing a MySQL-backed app? Write SQL scripts for mysql. ## Dependency resolution Database changes may declare dependencies on other changes -- even on changes from other Sqitch projects. This ensures proper order of execution, even when you've committed changes to your VCS out-of-order. ## No numbering Change deployment is managed by maintaining a plan file. As such, there is no need to number your changes, although you can if you want. Sqitch doesn't much care how you name your changes. ## Iterative development Up until you tag and release your application, you can modify your change deployment scripts as often as you like. They're not locked in just because they've been committed to your VCS. This allows you to take an iterative approach to developing your database schema. Or, better, you can do test-driven database development.
databases/T2-0.10 (Score: 6.344661E-5)
Object Relational mapping system
The T2 module is a base for the refactoring of the now quite stable Tangram Object-Relational mapper. In a nutshell, it lets you store objects - which have to be described to a similar level that you would describe a database to store them - into any SQL store. Currently, this is tested on PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle and Sybase a lot, though in general database-specific extensions to SQL, such as triggers, stored procedures, etc are avoided. So, if DBI installs and tests successfully with your database, there is a good chance that T2 will work with it too. The only current requirement is that objects that have tables associated with them are implemented via hashes. You also have to be able to describe all of the fields for those root objects. Individual fields of stored objects may be arbitrarily complex. If you are familiar with DBI, it is somewhat similar to bless'ing the structures returned by $dbh->fetchrow_hashref, except that references and collections to other objects in the store are loaded `on demand' (aka Lazy-loading).