Ports 搜索

security/artifacts-20160918 (Score: 0.08339406)
ForensicArtifacts.com Artifact Repository
A free, community-sourced, machine-readable knowledge base of forensic artifacts that the world can use both as an information source and within other tools.
security/bcrypt-0.4 (Score: 0.08339406)
Python bcrypt module
py-bcrypt is a Python wrapper of OpenBSDs Blowfish password hashing code, as described in A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme by Niels Provos and David Mazieres.
security/dfdatetime-20160323 (Score: 0.08339406)
Digital Forensics Date and Time
dfDateTime, or Digital Forensics date and time, provides date and time objects to preserve accuracy and precision.
security/obfsproxy-0.2.13 (Score: 0.08339406)
Pluggable transport proxy
Obfsproxy is a pluggable transport proxy written in Python.
security/cryptgps-0.2.1 (Score: 0.08339406)
Symmetric cryptographic algorithms package for OCaml
This library implements Blowfish, DES, and Triple-DES.
security/dfvfs-20160918 (Score: 0.08339406)
Digital Forensics Virtual File System
dfVFS, or Digital Forensics Virtual File System, provides read-only access to file-system objects from various storage media types and file formats. The goal of dfVFS is to provide a generic interface for accessing file-system objects, for which it uses several back-ends that provide the actual implementation of the various storage media types, volume systems and file systems.
security/oinkmaster-2.0 (Score: 0.08339406)
Help you update your snort rules after each update
Oinkmaster is simple Perl script released under the BSD license to help you update your Snort 1.9+ rules and comment out the unwanted ones after each update. It will tell you exactly what had changed since the last update, hence giving you good control of your rules.
security/pbc-0.5.14 (Score: 0.08339406)
Library of pairing-based cryptosystems
Pairing-based cryptography is a relatively young area of cryptography that revolves around a certain function with special properties. The PBC (Pairing-Based Cryptography) library is a free C library (released under the GNU Public License) built on the GMP library that performs the mathematical operations underlying pairing-based cryptosystems. The PBC library is designed to be the backbone of implementations of pairing-based cryptosystems, thus speed and portability are important goals. It provides routines such as elliptic curve generation, elliptic curve arithmetic and pairing computation. Thanks to the GMP library, despite being written in C, pairings times are reasonable.
security/dfwinreg-20160428 (Score: 0.08339406)
Digital Forensics Windows Registry
dfWinReg, or Digital Forensics Windows Registry, is a Python module that provides read-only access to Windows Registry objects.
security/rex-nop-0.1.0 (Score: 0.08339406)
Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for NOP generation
This library contains the opty2 library for dynamic generation of x86 multi-byte NOPs. This is useful in writing exploits and encoders. It allows you to dynamic generate variable length instruction sets that are equivalent to a No Operation (NOP) without using the actual 0x90 bytecode. The original code was written by Optyx and spoonm.