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Results 5,9315,940 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.011 seconds)
x11/xtacy-1.14 (Score: 2.2893705E-4)
X11 trippy color-cycling toy
Xtacy, a Graphics Hack for X11 windows -------------------------------------- "Wow! This is better than snorting caffeine!" --Neil Braun Xtacy is a graphics hack which I've been, well, hacking on, for 2 or 3 years now. It's been compiled on DECstations 3100, SGI running IRIX 5.3, and Linux boxen. I think someone got it running on a Sun once, but it had problems with the circle draw function, so a couple of the modes looked quite odd. Not that odd is bad. Just odd. So what does it do? Xtacy displays bouncing shapes, rotating palettes, a couple fractals, a kaleidascope, and lots of more stuff.
devel/cvsd-1.0.18 (Score: 2.2465744E-4)
CVS pserver daemon
cvsd is a wrapper program for cvs in pserver mode. It will run 'cvs pserver' under a special uid/gid in a chroot jail. cvsd is run as a daemon and is controlled through a configuration file. It is relatively easy to configure and tools are provided for easily setting up a rootjail. This server can be useful if you want to run a public cvs pserver. You should however be aware of the security limitations of running a cvs pserver. If you want any kind of authentication you should really consider using secure shell as a secure authentication mechanism and transport. Passwords used in cvs pserver are transmitted in plaintext and this wrapper won't change that. This server adds a layer of security to cvs. cvs is a very powerful tool and is capable of running scripts and other things. By running cvs in a rootjail it is possible to limit the amount of "damage" cvs can do if it is exploited. It is generally a good idea to run cvsd without any write permissions to any directory on the system.
accessibility/kmag-4.14.3 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
KDE Screen magnifier
KMag is a small utility to magnify a part of the screen. KMag is very useful for people with visual disabilities and for those working in the fields of image analysis, web development etc.
archivers/makeself-2.2.0 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Neat script to make self-extracting archives
makeself is a (very small) shell script that makes neat self-extracting shell scripts, and allows you to specify a "setup" command to execute upon finishing. It's sorta like the Windows winzip self-extracting archives.
archivers/Compress-LZO-1.08 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Interface to the LZO compression library
The Compress::LZO module provides a Perl interface to the LZO compression library (see "AUTHOR" for details about where to get LZO). A relevant subset of the functionality provided by LZO is available in Compress::LZO.
archivers/ppmd-20050811 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Fast archiver with good compression ratio
PPMD is a fast archiver with a good compression ratio. It is written for embedding in user programs mainly it is not intended for immediate use. Speed and performance improvements of abstract PPM model 1-6 are the main goal.
archivers/ucl-1.03 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Data compression library with low memory usage
UCL is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C. UCL implements a number of compression algorithms that achieve an excellent compression ratio while allowing *very* fast decompression. Decompression requires no additional memory.
archivers/szip-1.12b (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Fast compression utility
Szip performs data compression/decompression. It uses a limited order sort transform. This transformation is related to the Burrows-Wheeler transformation used in block sorting compression methods. The difference is a fast, deterministic behaviour in time at some compression loss.
archivers/unzoo-4.4 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
ZOO archive extractor
Unzoo is a zoo archive extractor written by Martin Schoenert. If unzoo is called with no arguments, it will first print a summary of the commands and then prompt for command lines interactively.
archivers/zip-3.0 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Create/update ZIP files compatible with PKZIP
Zip is a compression and file packaging utility. It is compatible with PKZIP 2.04g (Phil Katz ZIP) for MSDOS systems. There is a companion to zip called unzip (of course) which you can also install from the ports/package system.