Ports 搜索

chinese/Lingua-ZH-TaBE-0.07 (Score: 0.0068357144)
通过 libtabe 处理中文
这个模块是 TaBE(Taiwan and Big5 Encoding)类库的 Perl 接口,用来处理中文词语、 短语、句子和注音符号的一个统一接口和类库;它打算用作中文文本处理的基础。 Author: Autrijus <autrijus@autrijus.org>
audio/shorten-3.6.1 (Score: 0.0068223067)
Fast and optionally lossless compression for waveform files
Shorten reduces the size of waveform files (such as audio) using Huffman coding of prediction residuals and optional additional quantisation. In lossless mode the amount of compression obtained depends on the nature of the waveform. Those composing of low frequencies and low amplitudes give the best compression, which may be 2:1 or better. Lossy compression operates by specifying a minimum acceptable segmental signal to noise ratio or a maximum bit rate. Lossy compression operates by zeroing the lower order bits of the waveform, so retaining waveform shape. Permission is granted to use this software for decoding and non-commercial encoding (e.g. private or research use). If you intend to use shorten, be sure to check the full license, which can be displayed by "shorten -l".
science/ncs-2.0.8 (Score: 0.0068223067)
Code_Saturne Kernel
Code Saturne is a system designed to solve the Navier-Stokes equations in the cases of 2D, 2D axisymmetric or 3D flows. Its main module is designed for the simulation of flows which may be steady or unsteady, laminar or turbulent, incompressible or potentially dilatable, isothermal or not. Scalars and turbulent fluctuations of scalars can be taken into account. The code includes specific modules, referred to as "specific physics", for the treatment of lagrangian particle tracking, semi-transparent radiative transfer, gas combustion, pulverised coal combustion, electricity effects (Joule effect and electric arcs) and compressible flows. The code also includes an engineering module, Matisse, for the simulation of nuclear waste surface storage. Code_Saturne relies on a finite volume discretisation and allows the use of various mesh types which may be hybrid (containing several kinds of elements) and may have structural non-conformities (hanging nodes). NCS means "Noyau Code Saturne", i.e. "Code Saturne Kernel". This is the numerical solver.
www/mod_auth_kerb-5.4 (Score: 0.0068223067)
Apache module for authenticating users with Kerberos v5
mod_auth_kerb is an Apache module for authenticating Web clients in a Kerberos v5 realm. Authentication may be performed via the Kerberos principal/password; it may also be done securely using SPNEGO (HTTP Negotiate auth protocol) to perform a GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication from the user's browser and Kerberos credentials directly to the server Kerberos credentials 'HTTP/host@REALM'. Because the Kerberos password is transmitted in plain text in the former mode, when using mod_auth_kerb for naive HTTP Basic (password-based) authentication, this module MUST be used in conjunction with an encryption-capable Web server (e.g. Apache) to keep that exchange private. There is no documentation provided; see the Web site for more details.
Custom prefetches for DBIx::Class
DBIx::Class onle allows joins for prefetches. But sometimes you can't use JOIN for prefetch. E.g. for prefetching many related objects to resultset with paging. Also you can use this module to create cross-database prefetches. This module provides other logic for prefetching data to resultsets.
deskutils/multisync-syncml-0.82 (Score: 0.0068194154)
Multisync plugin for SyncML targets
This MultiSync plugin is: SyncML support (supported by e.g. SonyEricsson P800/P900 and many other phones and devices, for example the SyncML server Sync4j). SyncML also allows you to do remote connection of two MultiSync programs via an encrypted connection over the net.
devel/AnyEvent-AIO-1.1 (Score: 0.0068194154)
Asynchronous file and directory I/O with AnyEvent
Loading this module will install the necessary magic to seamlessly integrate IO::AIO into AnyEvent, i.e. you no longer need to concern yourself with calling IO::AIO::poll_cb or any of that stuff (you still can, but this module will do it in case you don't).
devel/Set-Array-0.30 (Score: 0.0068194154)
Arrays as objects with set operations
Set::Array allows you to create arrays as objects and use OO-style methods on them. Many convenient methods are provided here that appear in the FAQ's, the Perl Cookbook or posts from comp.lang.perl.misc. In addition, there are Set methods with corresponding (overloaded) operators for the purpose of Set comparison, i.e. +, ==, etc.
devel/simplegeneric-0.8.1 (Score: 0.0068194154)
Simple generic functions
The simplegeneric module lets you define simple single-dispatch generic functions, akin to Python's built-in generic functions like len(), iter() and so on. However, instead of using specially-named methods, these generic functions use simple lookup tables, akin to those used by e.g. pickle.dump() and other generic functions found in the Python standard library.
mail/dcc-dccd-1.3.158 (Score: 0.0068194154)
Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse bulk email detector
This is the Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse (DCC) package, including the command line (e.g. procmail) interface, dccproc; the SpamAssassin and Postfix interface, dccifd; the Sendmail milter interface, dccm; the DCC server, dccd; and the DCC greylisting server, dccd-grey. Also included are utilities such as cdcc and all of the manual pages and documentation.