Ports 搜索

net/Net-Z3950-SimpleServer-1.20 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Perl module for developing Z39.50 servers
SimpleServer is a Perl module which is intended to make it as simple as possible to develop new Z39.50 servers over any type of database imaginable. All you have to do is implement a function for initialising your database (optional), searching the database, and returning "database records" on request. The module takes care of everything else and automatically starts a server for you, listens to incoming connections, and implements the Z39.50 protocol. It couldn't really be easier. SimpleServer is based on the popular YAZ toolkit which means it is robust, efficient, widely portable, and it interoperates with all known Z39.50 clients. Use SimpleServer together with other Perl modules to provide gateways to relational databases, local file stores, SOAP/RDF-servers, etc. SimpleServer currently supports the Init, Search, Present, Scan and Close services.
net/remmina-1.0.0 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
GTK+ 的远程桌面客户端
Remmina 是一个用 GTK+ 写成的远程桌面客户端,目的在于帮助那些需要在大显示器 或者小的上网本上连接到很多远程计算机工作的系统管理员。Remmina 使用一个集成 而一致的用户界面提供多种网络协议的支持。 Remmina 主程序: * 纯 GTK+ 2.0 应用程序! * 维护一个远程桌面列表文件,可以分组。 * 通过直接输入服务器名字快速连接。 * 在窗口模式和全屏模式下,远程桌面使用较高分辨率时可以滚动和伸缩。 * 视口全屏模式:当鼠标在屏幕边缘移动时,远程桌面自动滚动。 * 全屏模式下的浮动的工具栏,让您可以在模式间切换,切换键盘事件的俘获, 最小化等。 * 标签式界面,可以选择通过组来管理。 * 支持网络协议:RDP、NX、Telepathy、VNC、XDMCP、SSH、Avahi。
net/sock-0.3.2 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
W. Richard Stevens' sock program
This is a standalone version of W. Richard Stevens' "sock" program, based on the code available for the UNIX Network Programming book. Adapted and reworked code for W. Richard Stevens' "sock" utility by Christian Kreibich. From the author: In TCP/IP Illustrated Vol. 1, Richard Stevens used a program called "sock" to demonstrate the many properties of TCP/IP. Unfortunately, the book only speaks about how to use the program but does not point to a site for downloading its sources. While sock is contained in the code package accompanying UNIX Network Programming, this code is also getting dated. The program can be used to generate TCP or UDP packets for testing various network features. It runs as either client or server.
print/reportlab-1.21.2 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Library to create PDF documents using the Python language
ReportLab is a software library that lets you directly create documents in Adobe's Portabe Document Format (PDF) using the Python programming language. The ReportLab library directly creates PDF based on your graphics commands. There are no intervening steps. Your applications can generate reports extremely fast - sometimes orders of magnitude faster than traditional report-writing tools. The ReportLab library is expected to be useful in at least the following contexts: - Dynamic PDF generation on the web - High-volume corporate reporting and database publishing - An embeddable print engine for other applications, including a 'report language' so that users can customize their own reports. - A 'build system' for complex documents with charts, tables and text such as management accounts, statistical reports and scientific papers - Going from XML to PDF in one step!
print/reportlab-3.2.0 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Library to create PDF documents using the Python language
ReportLab is a software library that lets you directly create documents in Adobe's Portabe Document Format (PDF) using the Python programming language. The ReportLab library directly creates PDF based on your graphics commands. There are no intervening steps. Your applications can generate reports extremely fast - sometimes orders of magnitude faster than traditional report-writing tools. The ReportLab library is expected to be useful in at least the following contexts: - Dynamic PDF generation on the web - High-volume corporate reporting and database publishing - An embeddable print engine for other applications, including a 'report language' so that users can customize their own reports. - A 'build system' for complex documents with charts, tables and text such as management accounts, statistical reports and scientific papers - Going from XML to PDF in one step!
print/reportlab-2.7 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Library to create PDF documents using the Python language
ReportLab is a software library that lets you directly create documents in Adobe's Portabe Document Format (PDF) using the Python programming language. The ReportLab library directly creates PDF based on your graphics commands. There are no intervening steps. Your applications can generate reports extremely fast - sometimes orders of magnitude faster than traditional report-writing tools. The ReportLab library is expected to be useful in at least the following contexts: - Dynamic PDF generation on the web - High-volume corporate reporting and database publishing - An embeddable print engine for other applications, including a 'report language' so that users can customize their own reports. - A 'build system' for complex documents with charts, tables and text such as management accounts, statistical reports and scientific papers - Going from XML to PDF in one step!
security/Crypt-Primes-0.50 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for Cryptographic Applications
This module implements Ueli Maurer's algorithm for generating large provable primes and secure parameters for public-key cryptosystems. The generated primes are almost uniformly distributed over the set of primes of the specified bitsize and expected time for generation is less than the time required for generating a pseudo-prime of the same size with Miller-Rabin tests. Detailed description and running time analysis of the algorithm can be found in Maurer's paper[1]. Crypt::Primes is a pure perl implementation. It uses Math::Pari for multiple precision integer arithmetic and number theoretic functions. Random numbers are gathered with Crypt::Random, a perl interface to /dev/u?random devices found on modern Unix operating systems.
security/arpCounterattack-1.2.0 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Detects and remedies ARP attacks
arpCounterattack is a program for detecting and remedying "ARP attacks." It monitors traffic on any number of Ethernet interfaces and examines ARP replies and gratuitous ARP requests. If it notices an ARP reply or gratuitous ARP request that is in conflict with its notion of "correct" Ethernet/IP address pairs, it logs the attack if logging is enabled, and, if the Ethernet interface that the attack was seen on is configured as being in aggressive mode, it sends out a gratuitous ARP request and a gratuitous ARP reply with the "correct" Ethernet/IP address pair in an attempt to reset the ARP tables of hosts on the local network segment. The corrective gratuitous ARP request and corrective gratuitous ARP reply can be sent from an Ethernet interface other than the one that the attack was seen on.
sysutils/heartbeat-2.1.4 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
Subsystem for High-Availability Clustering
The Heartbeat program is one of the core components of the Linux-HA (High-Availability Linux) project. Heartbeat is highly portable, and runs on every known Linux platform, and also on FreeBSD and Solaris. Ports to other OSes are also in progress. Heartbeat is the first piece of software which was written for the Linux-HA project. It performs death-of-node detection, communications and cluster management in one process. The Heartbeat program has been around for a while. It has a great many strengths, and yet there were a few weaknesses in version 1 that needed to be addressed: - limitation on two nodes for cluster size - inability to monitor resources for their correct operation - minimal ability to express dependency information This release removes these limitations.
sysutils/MogileFS-Server-2.72 (Score: 1.7142238E-4)
MogileFS (distributed filesystem) server
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MogileFS: MogileFS was created by Danga Interactive for use with LiveJournal. It is similar to the Andrew File System in its design goal. It is different than a traditional filesystem in that the user has to access files via an API. However, it's possible to implement the file system in user space using FUSE, or a similar package. MogileFS enables horizontal scaling of storage across any number of machines. Files are replicated between machines according to customizable rules such that at any time a number of drives or machines could be lost without data becoming unavailable. It is designed for high volume applications, such as high traffic websites, to spread storage across cheaper machines without relying on technologies such as NFS.