Ports 搜索

math/Math-Geometry-Planar-Offset-1.05 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
Calculate offset polygons
A library for calculating offset polygons.
math/Math-Geometry-Planar-1.18 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
Collection of planar geometry functions
A collection of planar geometry functions
math/munkres-1.0.7 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
Python implementation of the munkres algorithm
A python implementation of the munkres algorithm
misc/hulgalugha-1.0 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
Very jerky text filter
A filter, makes text somewhat more jerky.
misc/mdp-1.0.8 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
Command-line based markdown presentation tool
A command-line based markdown presentation tool.
multimedia/libva-vdpau-driver-0.7.4 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
VDPAU-based backend for VAAPI
A VDPAU-based backend for VAAPI.
multimedia/GStreamer-0.17 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
Set of Perl5 bindings for gstreamer
A set of Perl bindings for gstreamer
net-im/jabber.el-0.8.92 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
Minimal jabber client for [X]Emacs
A minimal Jabber client for emacs.
net-im/poezio-0.8.1 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
Console XMPP client
Poezio is a free console XMPP client
net-im/qwit-r215 (Score: 3.738526E-4)
Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client
A Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client.