Ports 搜索

net/openslp-2.0.0 (Score: 0.0157919)
Open-source implementation of the Service Location Protocol
Service Location Protocol is an IETF standards track protocol that provides a framework to allow networking applications to discover the existence, location, and configuration of networked services in enterprise networks.
net/quagga-1.0.20160315 (Score: 0.0157919)
Free RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, BGP4, IS-IS route software
Quagga is a routing software suite, providing implementations of OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIP v1 and v2, RIPv3, BGPv4 and experemental ISIS for Unix platforms, particularly FreeBSD and Linux and also NetBSD, to mention a few. Quagga is a fork of GNU Zebra which was developed by KunihiroIshiguro. The Quagga tree aims to build a more involved community around Quagga than the current centralised model of GNU Zebra.
net/rabbitmq-c-0.7.1 (Score: 0.0157919)
RabbitMQ C AMQP client library
This is a C-language AMQP client library for use with AMQP servers speaking protocol versions 0-8 and 0-9-1. This port only speaks the 0-9-1 protocol version, for 0-8 use net/rabbitmq-c.
net/rdesktop-1.8.3 (Score: 0.0157919)
RDP client for Windows NT/2000/2003 Terminal Server
Rdesktop is an open source client for Windows NT/2000/2003 Terminal Server, capable of natively speaking its Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in order to present the user's Windows desktop. Unlike Citrix ICA, no server extensions are required.
net/remmina-plugins-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0157919)
Remmina plugin system
Remmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for system administrators and travellers, who need to work with lots of remote computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistant user interface.
net/remmina-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0157919)
GTK+ 的远程桌面客户端
Remmina 是一个用 GTK+ 写成的远程桌面客户端,目的在于帮助那些需要在大显示器 或者小的上网本上连接到很多远程计算机工作的系统管理员。Remmina 使用一个集成 而一致的用户界面提供多种网络协议的支持。 Remmina 主程序: * 纯 GTK+ 2.0 应用程序! * 维护一个远程桌面列表文件,可以分组。 * 通过直接输入服务器名字快速连接。 * 在窗口模式和全屏模式下,远程桌面使用较高分辨率时可以滚动和伸缩。 * 视口全屏模式:当鼠标在屏幕边缘移动时,远程桌面自动滚动。 * 全屏模式下的浮动的工具栏,让您可以在模式间切换,切换键盘事件的俘获, 最小化等。 * 标签式界面,可以选择通过组来管理。 * 支持网络协议:RDP、NX、Telepathy、VNC、XDMCP、SSH、Avahi。
net/rtpproxy-2.0.0 (Score: 0.0157919)
High-performance RTP proxy server for the SIP Express Router (SER)
The Sippy RTPproxy is a high-performance software proxy for RTP streams that can work together with SIP Express Router (SER), OpenSER or Sippy B2BUA or any other SIP proxy or SIP B2BUA capable of rewriting SDP bodies in SIP messages that it relays. The main purpose of RTPproxy is to make the communication between SIP user agents behind NAT(s) (Network Address Translator) possible. Several cases exists when direct end-to-end communication is not possible and RTP streams have to be relayed through another host. The RTPproxy can be used to setup such a relaying host. Originally created for handling NAT scenarious it can also act as a generic media relay as well as gateway RTP sessions between IPv4 and IPv6 networks. It can also perform number of additional functions, including call recording, playing pre-encoded announcements, real-time stream copying and RTP payload reframing.
net/rwhoisd- (Score: 0.0157919)
The Internic referral whois server
With the exponential growth of the Internet, a central Whois database that provides host and network information of systems connected to the Internet, and electronic mail (email) addresses of the users of those systems has proven to be very inefficient. The sheer size and effort needed to maintain a centralized database necessitates an alternate, decentralized approach to storing and retrieving this information. RWhois is a Directory Services protocol which extends and enhances the Whois concept in a hierarchical and scaleable fashion. It focuses on the distribution of "network objects"--the data representing Internet resources or people--and uses the inherently hierarchical nature of these network objects (domain names, Internet Protocol (IP) networks, email addresses) to more accurately discover the requested information. RWhois synthesizes concepts from other, established Internet protocols to create a more useful way to find resources across the Internet. The RWhois protocol and architecture derive a great deal of structure from the Domain Name System (DNS) [RFC 1034] and borrow directory service concepts from other directory service efforts, primarily [X.500]. The protocol is also influenced by earlier established Internet protocols, such as the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) [RFC 821] for response codes.
net/samba36-3.6.25 (Score: 0.0157919)
Shared lib from the samba package
This is the set of shared libraries from the Samba port. It lets other programs to utilize various aspects of the SMB protocol.
net/samba36-3.6.25 (Score: 0.0157919)
NetBIOS Name lookup tool
This is a tool to query NetBIOS names and map them to IP addresses in a network using NetBIOS over TCP/IP queries from the Samba port.