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Results 181190 of 537 for /java/.(0.175 seconds)
net/jcifs-1.3.18 (Score: 0.0931039)
Java CIFS Client Library
JCIFS is an Open Source client library that implements the CIFS/SMB networking protocol in 100% Java. CIFS is the standard file sharing protocol on the Microsoft Windows platform (e.g. Map Network Drive ...). This client is used extensively in production on large Intranets.
textproc/saxon-6.5.5 (Score: 0.0931039)
XSLT 1.0 processor for Java
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents. The main components are: - An XSLT processor, which implements the Version 1.0 XSLT and XPath Recommendations with a number of powerful extensions. - A Java library, which supports a similar processing model to XSL, but allows full programming capability. - A slightly improved version of the Alfred parser from Microstar.
devel/tijmp-0.7 (Score: 0.09183582)
Tools Interface Java Memory Profiler
TIJmp is a memory profiler for java. TIJmp is made for java/6 and later, it will not work on java/5 systems. If you need a profiler for java/5 or earlier try the jmp profiler. TIJmp is written to be fast and have a small footprint, both memory- and cpu- wise. This means that the jvm will run at almost full speed, until you use tijmp to find some information. TIJmp uses C code to talk to the jvm and it uses swing to show the tables of information. So tijmp is written in C (using jvmti and jni) and Java. TIJmp runs in the same jvm as the program being profiled. This means that it can easily get access to all things jvmti/jni has to offer. TIJmp is distributed under the General Public License, GPL. Usage: java -Dtijmp.jar=%JAVAJARDIR%/tijmp.jar -agentlib:tijmp <your-class>
comms/rxtx-2.2p2 (Score: 0.09150774)
Native interface to serial ports in Java
RXTX: serial and parallel I/O libraries supporting Sun's CommAPI. Open-source implementation of the Java Communications API. Native interface to serial ports in Java.
audio/jmusic-1.6.4 (Score: 0.09126816)
Composition in Java
jMusic is a project designed to provide composers and software developers with a library of compositional and audio processing tools. It provides a solid framework for computer-assisted composition in Java, and is also used for generative music, instrument building, interactive performance, and music analysis. jMusic supports musicians with its familiar music data structure based upon note/sound events, and provides methods for organising, manipulating and analysing that musical data. jMusic scores can be rendered as MIDI or audio files for storage and later processing or playback in real-time. jMusic can read and write MIDI files, audio files, XML files, and its own .jm files; there is real-time support for JavaSound, QuickTime and MIDIShare. jMusic is designed to be extendible, encouraging you to build upon its functionality by programming in Java to create your own musical compositions, tools, and instruments. In a spirit of mutual collaboration, jMusic is provided free and is an open source project.
devel/itext-4.2.0 (Score: 0.09112772)
Java-PDF Library
iText is a library that allows you to generate PDF files on the fly. The iText classes are very useful for people who need to generate read-only, platform independent documents containing text, lists, tables and images. The library is especially useful in combination with Java(TM) technology-based Servlets: The look and feel of HTML is browser dependent; with iText and PDF you can control exactly how your servlet's output will look.
databases/oracle9i- (Score: 0.09095383)
The JDBC drivers for Oracle 9i
This is a port of the JDBC driver which is used to access Oracle 9i databases using a database-independant API in Java for use with JDK 1.4.
devel/luajava-1.1 (Score: 0.08999058)
Lua scripting tool for Java
LuaJava allows Java components to be accessed from Lua using the same syntax that is used for accessing Lua`s native objects, without any need for declarations or any kind of preprocessing, and also allows Java to implement an interface using Lua.
databases/jrrd-1.0.8 (Score: 0.08958973)
Java native interface (JNI) to RRDtool
A Java native interface (JNI) to RRDtool, formerly a part of the base OpenNMS package.
emulators/javatari-4.1 (Score: 0.08958973)
Multiplayer Atari 2600 emulator written in pure Java
A multiplayer Atari 2600 emulator written in pure Java. No external libs.