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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第8190项(搜索用时0.011秒)
science/orthanc-1.1.0 (Score: 0.089444704)
RESTful DICOM server for healthcare and medical research
Orthanc aims at providing a simple, yet powerful standalone DICOM server. It is designed to improve the DICOM flows in hospitals and to support research about the automated analysis of medical images. Orthanc can turn any computer running Windows, Linux, FreeBSD or OS X into a DICOM store (in other words, a mini-PACS system). Its architecture is lightweight and standalone, meaning that no complex database administration is required, nor the installation of third-party dependencies. What makes Orthanc unique is the fact that it provides a RESTful API. Thanks to this major feature, it is possible to drive Orthanc from any computer language. The DICOM tags of the stored medical images can be downloaded in the JSON file format. Furthermore, standard PNG images can be generated on-the-fly from the DICOM instances by Orthanc. Orthanc lets its users focus on the content of the DICOM files, hiding the complexity of the DICOM format and of the DICOM protocol.
www/HTTP-1.4.1 (Score: 0.08874596)
PEAR miscellaneous HTTP utilities
The HTTP class is a class with static methods for doing miscellaneous HTTP related stuff like date formatting, language negotiation or HTTP redirection.
www/gitlab-grack-2.0.2 (Score: 0.0884981)
Ruby/Rack Git Smart-HTTP Server Handler
Ruby/Rack Git Smart-HTTP Server Handler
dns/dualserver-6.94 (Score: 0.08786919)
Combined DHCP/DNS server for small LANs
Combined DHCP/DNS Server for Small LAN. Dynamic DHCP allocates/renew host addresses while Caching DNS Server first try resolving from DHCP allotted names then from Cache then only forwarding to External DNS Servers. Auto Config and auto Dynamic DNS update.
www/http-3.0.1 (Score: 0.08534463)
Extended HTTP Support
pecl-http extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful set of functionality for one of PHPs major applications. It eases handling of HTTP URLs, dates, redirects, headers and messages, provides means for negotiation of clients preferred language and charset, as well as a convenient way to send any arbitrary data with caching and resuming capabilities. It provides powerful request functionality too.
www/http-2.5.6 (Score: 0.08534463)
Extended HTTP Support
pecl-http extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful set of functionality for one of PHPs major applications. It eases handling of HTTP URLs, dates, redirects, headers and messages, provides means for negotiation of clients preferred language and charset, as well as a convenient way to send any arbitrary data with caching and resuming capabilities. It provides powerful request functionality too.
www/http-1.7.6 (Score: 0.085013725)
Extended HTTP Support
pecl-http extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful set of functionality for one of PHPs major applications. It eases handling of HTTP URLs, dates, redirects, headers and messages, provides means for negotiation of clients preferred language and charset, as well as a convenient way to send any arbitrary data with caching and resuming capabilities. It provides powerful request functionality too. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This the deprecated version 1 branch of this package as the current 2.x branch is described as "completely incompatible to previous version." Please upgrade to www/pecl-http as soon as possible! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
www/aiohttp-0.21.2 (Score: 0.084988184)
HTTP client/server for asyncio
HTTP client/server for Python asyncio (PEP-3156) Features: * Compression (deflate) * HTTP Basic Authenntication * Chunked Transfer Encoding * Connection Pooling * Session Cookies * Custom Request/Response classes
www/http2-1.0.4 (Score: 0.08400145)
HTTP/2.0 library including frames and HPACK
HTTP/2.0 library including frames and HPACK. Currently HTTP/2 16 framing and HPACK 10 is supported.
www/drood-5.32 (Score: 0.08384223)
Lightweight kqueue-based http/1.1 server
Drood is a lightweight, partially-compliant HTTP/1.1 server, intended as an alternative to more complex web servers for websites where the server requirements are simple. Drood supports IPv4/IPv6, name-based virtual hosting, SCGI, and WebSockets.