Ports Search

Results 1,3611,370 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.016 seconds)
mail/razor-agents-2.84 (Score: 0.008072098)
Distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network
Vipul's Razor is a distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network. Razor establishes a distributed and constantly updating catalogue of spam in propagation. This catalogue is used by clients to filter out known spam. On receiving a spam, a Razor Reporting Agent (run by an end-user or a troll box) calculates and submits a 20-character unique identification of the spam (a SHA Digest) to its closest Razor Catalogue Server. The Catalogue Server echos this signature to other trusted servers after storing it in its database. Prior to manual processing or transport-level reception, Razor Filtering Agents (end-users and MTAs) check their incoming mail against a Catalogue Server and filter out or deny transport in case of a signature match. Catalogued spam, once identified and reported by a Reporting Agent, can be blocked out by the rest of the Filtering Agents on the network.
net/tsocks-1.8.b5 (Score: 0.008072098)
Allow non SOCKS aware applications to use SOCKS without modification
SOCKS servers are a form of proxy that are commonly used in firewalled LAN environments to allow access between networks, and often to the Internet. The problem is that most applications don't know how to gain access through SOCKS servers. This means that network based applications that don't understand SOCKS are very limited in networks they can reach. An example of this is simple 'telnet'. If you're on a network firewalled from the internet with a SOCKS server for outside access, telnet can't use this server and thus can't telnet out to the Internet. tsocks' role is to allow these non SOCKS aware applications (e.g telnet, ssh, ftp etc) to use SOCKS without any modification. It does this by intercepting the calls that applications make to establish network connections and negotating them through a SOCKS server as necessary.
astro/Astro-SIMBAD-Client-0.035 (Score: 0.008008913)
OO interface to SIMBAD4
p5-Astro-SIMBAD-Client provides an object-oriented interface to SIMBAD4. The new SOAP queries are supported, with the object carrying default output type and output format, as well as server name on the assumption that mirrors will be forthcoming.
databases/mrtg-mysql-load-1.02 (Score: 0.008008913)
MySQL load analysis fetcher for MRTG
mrtg-mysq-load is a small Perl script which is meant to be run by mrtg. It will fetch the total number of queries and slow queries handled by a mysql server.
dns/BIND-Conf_Parser-0.95 (Score: 0.008008913)
Perl5 module to parse BIND 8 configuration files
BIND::Conf_Parser implements a virtual base class for parsing BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) server version 8 configuration files ("named.conf"). As each meaningful semantic 'chunk' is parsed, a callback method is invoked with the parsed information.
japanese/yc.el-5.2.1 (Score: 0.008008913)
Yet another Canna client for Emacs/XEmacs
Yet another Canna client YC is a Japanese input method on Emacs/XEmacs. YC is written in emacs lisp and can access to Canna server directly. YC works well even if your Emacs does not support Canna.
mail/Net-IMAP-Client-0.9505 (Score: 0.008008913)
Not so simple IMAP client library
Net::IMAP::Client provides methods to access an IMAP server. It aims to provide a simple and clean API, while employing a rigorous parser for IMAP responses in order to create Perl data structures from them.
net/Net_Sieve-1.3.4 (Score: 0.008008913)
PEAR class to handle talking to timsieved
Net_Sieve is a PEAR class which handles talking to timsieved. Provides an API to talk to the timsieved server that comes with Cyrus IMAPd. Can be used to install, remove, mark active, etc. SIEVE scripts.
security/luasec-0.5.1 (Score: 0.008008913)
Lua binding for the OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication
LuaSec is a binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication. This version delegates to LuaSocket the TCP connection establishment between the client and server. Then LuaSec uses this connection to start a secure TLS/SSL session.
www/RgoogleMaps- (Score: 0.008008913)
Overlays on Google map tiles in R
This package serves two purposes: (i) Provide a comfortable R interface to query the Google server for static maps. (ii) Use the map as a background image to overlay plots within R. This requires proper coordinate scaling.