Ports 搜索

textproc/guess-language-0.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
Guess the natural language of a text in Python
Attempts to determine the natural language of a selection of Unicode (utf-8) text. Based on guesslanguage.cpp by Jacob R Rideout for KDE which itself is based on Language::Guess by Maciej Ceglowski. Detects over 60 languages, all languages listed in the trigrams directory plus Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Greek.
textproc/hexdump-3.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Print binary in hex format
Dump binary data to hex format and restore from there.
textproc/mysqlviz-0.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
MySQL and SQLite Database Visualisation Tool
Render a graphical representation of a MySQL or SQLite database from a mysqldump or sqlite3 .dump file. Features: - Can infer foreign key relationships if you do not have them defined - Handles partial dumps (FK to tables that are not defined within the dump) - Fast! Uses sed and grep for data extraction (MySQL only)
textproc/hypua2jamo-0.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Convert Hanyang-PUA code to unicode Hangul Jamo
Convert Hanyang-PUA code to unicode Hangul Jamo
textproc/reverend-0.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Simple Bayesian classifier written in Python
Divmod Reverend is a simple, general purpose Bayesian classifier, written in Python. It is designed to be easy to adapt and extend for your application. Stuff you can do with the Reverend: * classify RSS stories * classify recipes by cuisine * who do you write like? Shakespeare, Dickens or Austen * detect the language of a document * is your code more like Guido's or Peter's
textproc/rss2gen-1.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Python library for generating RSS 2.0 feeds
RSS2Gen is a Python library for generating RSS 2.0 feeds.
textproc/junit-xml-1.6 (Score: 0.068937615)
Creates JUnit XML documents used by tools such as Jenkins
A Python module for creating JUnit XML test result documents that can be read by tools such as Jenkins. If you are ever working with test tool or test suite written in Python and want to take advantage of Jenkins' pretty graphs and test reporting capabilities, this module will let you generate the XML test reports.
textproc/libtre-0.8.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Python interface for the tre regular expressions library
Libtre is an attempt to create a lightweight, robust, and efficient fully POSIX compliant regexp matching library. There is still some work left, but the results so far are promising. At the core of Libtre is a new algorithm for regular expression matching with submatch addressing. The algorithm uses linear worst-case time in the length of the text being searched, and quadratic worst-case time in the length of the used regular expression. In other words, the time complexity of the algorithm is O(M2N), where M is the length of the regular expression and N is the length of the text. The used space is also quadratic on the length of the regex, but does not depend on the searched string. This quadratic behaviour occurs only on pathological cases which are probably very rare in practice.
textproc/docproj-2.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Meta-port for the FreeBSD Documentation Project
The FreeBSD Documentation Project maintains the FAQ, Handbook and tutorials. This package does not contain anything by itself -- it is a "meta-port" that depends on other text processing packages. Its sole purpose is to require dependencies so users can install this package only and have all the Documentation Project stuff pulled in by the port/package dependency mechanism.
textproc/sgrep-1.1a (Score: 0.068937615)
Python wrappers for Sgrep
PySgrep is a Python extension module that enables Python code to call and control the functionality in Sgrep.