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devel/Data-DumpXML-1.06 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Dump arbitrary data structures as XML
This module provide a single function called dump_xml() that takes a list of perl values as argument and produce a string as result. The string returned is an XML document that represents any perl data structures passed in. Reference loops are handled correctly. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
devel/Date-Manip-6.53 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Perl5 module containing date manipulation routines
Date::Manip is a series of modules designed to make any common date/time operation easy to do. Operations such as comparing two times, calculating a time a given amount of time from another, or parsing international times are all easily done.
devel/e2fsprogs-1.43.3 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Command-line interface parsing library from e2fsprogs
This package includes a tool that parses a command table to generate a simple command-line interface parser, the include files needed to compile and use it, and the libraries needed to run programs that use it. It was originally inspired by the Multics SubSystem library.
devel/DateTime-Format-Pg-0.16.009 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times
This module understands the formats used by PostgreSQL for its DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, and INTERVAL data types. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create DateTime or DateTime::Duration objects, and it can take a DateTime or DateTime::Duration object and produce a string representing it in a format accepted by PostgreSQL.
devel/Devel-Modlist-0.801 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Perl extension to collect module use information
The Devel::Modlist perl module provides a means by which to get a quick run-down on which libraries and modules are being utilized by a given perl script. Just as compiler systems like gcc provide dependency information via switches such as -M, Devel::Modlist is intended to assist script authors in preparing dependency information for potential users of their scripts.
devel/Devel-MAT-0.24 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Perl Memory Analysis Tool
A Devel::MAT instance loads a heapdump file, and provides a container to store analysis tools to work on it. Tools may be provided that conform to the Devel::MAT::Tool API, which can help analyse the data and interact with the explorer user interface by using the methods in the Devel::MAT::UI package.
devel/Devel-PartialDump-0.18 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argument printing
Devel::PartialDump is a data dumper optimized for logging of arbitrary parameters. It attempts to truncate overly verbose data, in a way that is hopefully more useful for diagnostics warnings than warn Dumper(@stuff); Unlike other data dumping modules there are no attempts at correctness or cross referencing, this is only meant to provide a slightly deeper look into the data in question.
devel/File-Spec-Native-1.004 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Perl extension for native OS implementation of File::Spec
This module is a stupid hack to make the default File::Spec behavior available from a subclass. This can be useful when using another module that expects a subclass of File::Spec but you want to use the current, native OS format (automatically detected by File::Spec).
devel/FileHandle-Unget-0.1628 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
FileHandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes
FileHandle::Unget is a drop-in replacement for FileHandle which allows more than one byte to be placed back on the input. It supports an ungetc(ORD) which can be called more than once in a row, and an ungets(SCALAR) which places a string of bytes back on the input.
devel/IO-BufferedSelect-1.0 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Line-buffered select interface
IO::BufferedSelect - Line-buffered select interface The purpose of this module is to implement a buffered version of the select interface that operates on lines, rather than characters. Given a set of filehandles, it will block until a full line is available on one or more of them.