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Results 931940 of 8,048 for www%3Atrac.(0.005 seconds)
www/Apache-MP3-4.00 (Score: 0.020137845)
MP3 browsing and streaming under mod_perl and Apache
This module takes a hierarchy of directories containing MP3 files and presents it as a browsable song library for streaming over the web. It requires the Apache web server, the mod_perl embedded Perl interpreter, and the MP3::Info module. MP3 files are displayed in a list that shows the MP3 title, artist, duration and bitrate. Subdirectories are displayed with "CD" icons. The user can download an MP3 file to disk by clicking on its title, stream it to an MP3 decoder by clicking on the "play" link. Users can also stream the entire contents of a directory, or select a subset of songs to play.
www/Apache-ParseFormData-0.09 (Score: 0.020137845)
Module allows you to easily decode/parse form and query data
The Apache::ParseFormData module allows you to easily decode and parse form and query data, even multipart forms generated by "file upload". This module only work with mod_perl-2.0
www/Apache-Profiler-0.10 (Score: 0.020137845)
Profiles time seconds needed for every request
Apache::Profiler is a mod_perl init (and cleanup) handler to profile time taken to process one request. Profiled data is reported to the Apache Log file. It'd be useful to profile some heavy application taking a long time to proceed.
www/Apache-Session-PHP-0.05 (Score: 0.020137845)
Glue Apache::Session with PHP::Session
Apache::Session::PHP is an adapter of Apache::Session for PHP::Session
www/Apache-Session-SQLite3-0.03 (Score: 0.020137845)
Use DBD::SQLite 1.x for Apache::Session storage
This module is an implementation of Apache::Session. It uses the DBD::SQLite backing store. It requires DBD::SQLite version 1.00 or above, due to its use of SQLite3 API for BLOB support. Also, an extra LastUpdated field is populated with the current time(). There is no need to create the data source file beforehand; this module creates the session table automatically.
www/Apache-Session-SharedMem-0.6 (Score: 0.020137845)
Apache::Session extension that store session in shared memory
Apache::Session::SharedMem is an Apache::Session extension module that stores the session data in Shared memory (so, does exactly what it says on the tin then) using IPC::Cache (and hence IPC::ShareLite).
www/Apache-Session-Wrapper-0.34 (Score: 0.020137845)
Simple wrapper around Apache::Session
This module is a simple wrapper around Apache::Session which provides some methods to simplify getting and setting the session id. It can uses cookies to store the session id, or it can look in a provided object for a specific parameter. Alternately, you can simply provide the session id yourself in the call to the session() method. If you're using Mason, you should probably take a look at MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession first, which integrates this module directly into Mason.
www/Apache-Session-1.93 (Score: 0.020137845)
Persistence framework for session data
From the README file: These modules are used to keep persistent user data across http requests. Apache::Session was designed for use with Apache and mod_perl, but works just as well under CGI and any other web server. Apache::Session is Copyright(c) 1998, 1999 Jeffrey William Baker <jeffrey@kathyandjeffrey.net>. Distribute under the same terms as Perl itself.
www/Apache-SessionX-2.01 (Score: 0.020137845)
Extented persistence framework for session data
Apache::SessionX extents Apache::Session. It was initialy written to use Apache::Session from inside of HTML::Embperl, but is seems to be usefull outside of Embperl as well, so here is it as standalone module. Apache::Session is a persistence framework which is particularly useful for tracking session data between httpd requests. Apache::Session is designed to work with Apache and mod_perl, but it should work under CGI and other web servers, and it also works outside of a web server altogether. Apache::Session consists of five components: the interface, the object store, the lock manager, the ID generator, and the serializer. The interface is defined in SessionX.pm, which is meant to be easily subclassed. The object store can be the filesystem, a Berkeley DB, a MySQL DB, an Oracle DB, or a Postgres DB. Locking is done by lock files, semaphores, or the locking capabilities of MySQL and Postgres. Serialization is done via Storable, and optionally ASCII-fied via MIME or pack(). ID numbers are generated via MD5. The reader is encouraged to extend these capabilities to meet his own requirements.
www/Apache-Singleton-0.15 (Score: 0.020137845)
Singleton class for mod_perl
Apache::Singleton works the same as Class::Singleton, but with various object lifetime adapted for use under Apache.