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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第15,43115,440项(搜索用时0.011秒)
sysutils/File_Gettext-0.4.2 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
PEAR GNU Gettext file parser
Reader and writer for GNU PO and MO files.
sysutils/I18Nv2-0.11.4 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
PEAR Internationalization
This package provides basic support to localize your application, like locale based formatting of dates, numbers and currencies. Beside that it attempts to provide an OS independent way to setlocale() and aims to provide language and country names translated into many languages.
sysutils/Translation2-2.0.4 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
PEAR class for multilingual applications management
This class provides an easy way to retrieve all the strings for a multilingual site from a data source (i.e. db). The following containers are provided, more will follow: - PEAR::DB - PEAR::MDB - PEAR::MDB2 - gettext - XML - PEAR::DB_DataObject (experimental) It is designed to reduce the number of queries to the db, caching the results when possible. An Admin class is provided to easily manage translations (add/remove a language, add/remove a string). Currently, the following decorators are provided: - CacheLiteFunction (for file-based caching) - CacheMemory (for memory-based caching) - DefaultText (to replace empty strings with their keys) - Iconv (to switch from/to different encodings) - Lang (resort to fallback languages for empty strings) - SpecialChars (replace html entities with their hex codes) - UTF-8 (to convert UTF-8 strings to ISO-8859-1)
sysutils/qsynergy-0.9.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Comprehensive and easy to use graphical front end for Synergy
QSynergy is a comprehensive and easy to use graphical front end for Synergy. Synergy lets a user control more than one computer with a single mouse and keyboard (and has lots and lots of extra features on top of that). Synergy itself only comes with a GUI for MS Windows. QSynergy was written to fill the gap for users on Mac and Unix platforms. Of course, it runs on MS Windows as well.
sysutils/pfstat-2.5 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Utility to render graphical statistics for pf
Pfstat is a small utility that collects packet filter (security/pf) statistics and produces graphs like mrtg or alike. Samples can be found at the website below.
sysutils/phantom-1.2 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Phantomblock generator (converts existing files to sparse files)
This tool removes blocks of 0x00 from files by replacing them with phantomblocks. That way, a file uses less diskspace while its contents hasn't changed at all! BEWARE: after copying these files with tar, cp, cpio or any other tool, the phantomblocks have been replaced with 0x00-blocks again! EXAMPLE: find / -type f -print | xargs -n 1 phantom -r -i This would go trough the whole harddisk, scan all files and generate 0x00-blocks where necessary.
sysutils/plconfig-0.2 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Tool for configuring HomePlug powerline bridges
plconfig is an experimental commandline tool for configuring HomePlug (Ethernet over AC) powerline bridges powered by the Intellon INT5130 chipset. Again, this tool is considered "between an ugly hack and simple use-once-and-throw-away" quality by the program's author.
sysutils/policykit-gnome-0.9.2 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
GNOME frontend to the PolicyKit framework
PolicyKit is a framework for defining policy for system-wide components and for desktop pieces to configure it. PolicyKit-gnome is a GTK+/GNOME frontend for that framework.
sysutils/read-edid-3.0.2 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Tools for reading the EDID from a monitor
read-edid is a pair of tools (originally by John Fremlin) for reading the EDID from a monitor. It should work with most monitors made since 1996, assuming the video card supports the standard read commands (most do). Two tools are provided: get-edid, which gets the raw EDID information from the monitor, and parse-edid, which turns the raw binary information into a xorg.conf-compatible monitor section (or xrandr-compatible modelines).
sysutils/policykit-0.9 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Framework for controlling access to system-wide components
PolicyKit is a framework for defining policy for system-wide components and for desktop pieces to configure it. It is used by HAL.