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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第5,4415,450项(搜索用时0.01秒)
devel/antlr4-4.5.3 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
ANother Tool for Language Recognition
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions.
devel/Data-TemporaryBag-0.09 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Handle long size data using temporary file
Data::TemporaryBag module provides a bag object class handling long size data. The short size data are kept on memory. When the data size becomes over $Threshold size, they are saved into a temporary file internally.
devel/Data-Uniqid-0.12 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Perl extension for simple genrating of unique id's
Data::Uniqid provides three simple routines for generating unique ids. These ids are coded with a Base62 systen to make them short and handy (e.g. to use it as part of a URL).
devel/Data-Table-1.75 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Data type related to database tables, HTML table displays, etc
This perl package uses perl5 objects to make it easy for manipulating spreadsheet data among disk files, database, and Web publishing. A table object contains a header and a two-dimensional array of scalars. Four class methods Data::fromFile, Data::Table::fromCSV, Data::Table::fromTSV, and Data::Table::fromSQL allow users to create a table object from a CSV/TSV file or a database SQL selection in a snap. Table methods provide basic access, add, delete row(s) or column(s) operations, as well as more advanced sub-table extraction, table sorting, record matching via keywords or patterns, table merging, and web publishing. Data::Table class also provides a straightforward interface to other popular Perl modules such as DBI and GD::Graph.
devel/Date-EzDate-1.16 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Date and time manipulation made easy
The main idea of EzDate is that the object represents a specific date and time. A variety of properties tells you information about that date and time such as hour, minute, day of month, weekday, etc.
devel/DateTime-Event-NameDay-0.02 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Perl DateTime extension to work with namedays from various countries
DateTime::Event::NameDay is a class that knows the name days for various countries. In some countries a person's nameday is more important than their birthday and gifts may be exchanged.
devel/Devel-Cover-Report-Clover-0.35 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Perl extension for Clover reporting of coverage statistics
This module generates a Clover compatible coverage xml file which can be used in a variety of continuous integration software offerings. It is designed to be called from the cover program distributed with Devel::Cover.
devel/ExtUtils-AutoInstall-0.63 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN
ExtUtils::AutoInstall lets module writers to specify a more sophisticated form of dependency information than the PREREQ_PM option offered by ExtUtils::MakeMaker. This module works best with the Module::Install framework, a drop-in replacement for MakeMaker.
devel/Exporter-Lite-0.08 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Lightweight exporting of functions and variables
This is an alternative to Exporter intended to provide a lightweight subset of the most commonly-used functionality. It supports import(), @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK and not a whole lot else.
devel/File-Finder-0.53 (Score: 1.6401772E-4)
Nice wrapper for File::Find ala find(1)
File::Find is great, but constructing the wanted routine can sometimes be a pain. This module provides a wanted-writer, using syntax that is directly mappable to the find command's syntax.