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math/aribas-1.64 (Score: 0.009869938)
Interpreter for big integer/multi-precision floating point arithmetic
ARIBAS is an interactive interpreter for big integer arithmetic and multi-precision floating point arithmetic with a Pascal/Modula like syntax. It has several builtin functions for algorithmic number theory like gcd, Jacobi symbol, Rabin probabilistic prime test, continued fraction and quadratic sieve factorization, Pollard rho factorization, etc.
math/algotutor-0.8.6 (Score: 0.009869938)
Interactive tutorial for algorithms and data structures
Algotutor is an interactive program for observing the intermediate steps of algorithms. The target audience is computer science students and/or anyone who studies algorithms and/or data structures.
math/chaco-2.2 (Score: 0.009869938)
Software for partitioning graphs
Before a calculation can be performed on a parallel computer, it must first be decomposed into tasks which are assigned to different processors. Efficient use of the machine requires that each processor have about the same amount of work to do and that the quantity of interprocessor communication is kept small. Finding an optimal decomposition is provably hard, but due to its practical importance, a great deal of effort has been devoted to developing heuristics for this problem. The decomposition problem can be addressed in terms of graph partitioning. Chaco implements a variety of algorithms for graph partitioning and is used at most of the major parallel computing centers around the world to simplify the development of parallel applications, and to ensure that high performance is obtained. Chaco has contributed to a wide variety of computational studies including investigation of the molecular structure of liquid crystals, evaluating the design of a chemical vapor deposition reactor and modeling automobile collisions. Note: this port includes a patch provided by Walter Landry for use within MBDyn.
math/cmlib-3.0 (Score: 0.009869938)
NIST Core math library (CMLIB)
A collection of non-proprietary, easily transportable Fortran subprogram packages solving a variety of mathematical and statistical problems.
math/e-0.02718 (Score: 0.009869938)
Tiny expression evaluator
This is the port of e, a tiny expression evaluator.
math/Clp-1.16.8 (Score: 0.009869938)
Linear Programming Solver
This is a port of Clp (Coin-or linear programming), which is an open-source linear programming solver written in C++. It is primarily meant to be used as a callable library, but a basic, stand-alone executable version is also included.
math/dieharder-3.31.1 (Score: 0.009869938)
Random number generator testsuite
At the suggestion of Linas Vepstas on the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) list, this GPL'd suite of random number tests will be named "Dieharder". Using a movie sequel pun for the name is a double tribute to George Marsaglia, whose "Diehard battery of tests" of random number generators has enjoyed years of enduring usefulness as a test suite. The dieharder suite is more than just the diehard tests cleaned up and given a pretty GPL'd source face in native C: tests from the Statistical Test Suite (STS) developed by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) are being incorporated, as are new tests developed by rgb. Where possible, tests are parametrized and controllable so that failure, at least, is unambiguous. A further design goal is to provide some indication of *why* a generator fails a test, where such information can be extracted during the test process and placed in usable form. For example, the bit-distribution tests should (eventually) be able to display the actual histogram for the different bit n-tuplets. Dieharder is by design extensible. It is intended to be the "Swiss army knife of random number test suites", or if you prefer, "the last suite you'll ever ware" for testing random numbers.
math/probability- (Score: 0.009869938)
Probabilistic Functional Programming
The Library allows exact computation with discrete random variables in terms of their distributions by using a monad. The monad is similar to the List monad for non-deterministic computations, but extends the List monad by a measure of probability. Small interface to R plotting.
math/glpk-4.55 (Score: 0.009869938)
GNU Linear Programming Kit
The GLPK package is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized in the form of a callable library. This package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer linear programming (MIP) and other related problems. The GLPK package includes the following main components: * implementation of the simplex method; * implementation of the exact simplex method based on bignum (rational) arithmetic; * implementation of the primal-dual interior-point method; * implementation of the branch-and-bound method; * application program interface (API); * GNU MathProg modeling language (a subset of AMPL); * GLPSOL, a stand-alone LP/MIP solver.
math/giacxcas- (Score: 0.009869938)
Computer algebra system
General purpose computer algebra system released under GPLv3. French documentation by Renee De Graeve is for non-commercial use only. The package consists of: - C++ library (libgiac). It is build on C and C++ libraries: PARI, NTL (arithmetic), CoCoA (Groebner basis), GSL (numerics), GMP (big integers), MPFR (bigfloats) and provides algorithms for basic polynomial operations (product, GCD) and symbolic computations (simplifications, limits/series, symbolic integration, summation, ...). The library can be configured to accept Maple or TI syntax to ease the transition for users of these systems. - Command line interpreter (icas or giac). It can be called from texmacs. - FLTK-based GUI (xcas). It is a GUI for symbolic computation with several modules added: 2-d and 3-d graphics, dynamic 2-d and 3-d geometry (exact or numeric), spreadsheet, programming environment.