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Results 681690 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.003 seconds)
textproc/Pod-XML-0.99 (Score: 0.068937615)
Module to convert POD to XML
This module uses Pod::Parser to parse POD and generates XML from the resulting parse stream.
textproc/Pod-Xhtml-1.61 (Score: 0.068937615)
Generate well-formed XHTML documents from POD format documentation
There's Pod::PXML and Pod::XML, so why do we need Pod::Xhtml? You need an XSLT to transform XML into XHTML and many people don't have the time or inclination to do this. But they want to make sure that the pages they put on their web site are well-formed, they want those pages to use stylesheets easily, and possibly they want to squirt the XHTML through some kind of filter for more processing. By generating well-formed XHTML straight away we allow anyone to just use the output files as-is. For those who want to use XML tools or transformations they can use the XHTML as a source, because it's a well-formed XML document.
textproc/RADIUS-UserFile-1.01 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl extension for manipulating a RADIUS users file
This module provides methods for reading information from and modifying a RADIUS users text file. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/RDF-Core-0.51 (Score: 0.068937615)
Object oriented Perl modules for handling tasks related to RDF
RDF::Core is a pure perl implementation of RDF storage, parser, serializer and query. The storage functionality is basic - store, delete, query statements, where query means ask about existence or count or retrieve statements conforming given mask of (subject, predicate, object). Three storages are available - in memory, file (DB_File) and DBMS (PostgreSQL). The parser supports full RDF/XML syntax including aboutEach attribute (though it became obsolete). The serializer attempts to preserve anonymous nodes and to compact xml a bit grouping statements with common subject. The query language is rather focused on resources than on statements.
textproc/RDF-Notation3-0.91 (Score: 0.068937615)
RDF Notation3 parser
This module is an RDF/N3 parser; it can parse N3 files or strings and provide results in whatever format (as far as there are subclasses supporting your desired format available).
textproc/RDF-Simple-0.41.5 (Score: 0.068937615)
Read and write RDF without complication
RDF::Simple is for very simple manipulations of RDF/XML serialisations of RDF graphs.
textproc/RDF-Trine-1.014 (Score: 0.068937615)
RDF Framework for Perl
RDF Framework for Perl
textproc/Pod-Constants-0.17 (Score: 0.068937615)
Include constants from POD
This module allows you to specify those constants that should be documented in your POD, and pull them out a run time in a fairly arbitrary fashion.
textproc/RTF-Parser-1.12 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl module for parsing RTF files
The RTF package set is a minimal RTF processor. This set is provided with an RTF to HTML converter. This converter is just an example, not a full-fledged application. You can try this converter the RTF specification (see the "Ressources" section). For example: % rtf2html RTF-Spec-1_5.rtf > RTF-Spec-1_5.htm Philippe Verdret pverdret@sonovision-itep.fr
textproc/Pod-Escapes-1.07 (Score: 0.068937615)
For resolving Pod E<...> sequences
This module provides things that are useful in decoding Pod E<...> sequences. Presumably, it should be used only by Pod parsers and/or formatters.