Ports Search

Results 2,2212,230 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.007 seconds)
mail/postsrsd-1.3 (Score: 0.0038765618)
Postfix Sender Rewriting Scheme daemon
PostSRSd provides the Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) via TCP-based lookup tables for Postfix. SRS is needed if your mail server acts as forwarder.
net-mgmt/statsite-0.7.1 (Score: 0.0038765618)
C implementation of statsd
Statsite is a metrics aggregation server. Statsite is based on Etsy's StatsD, https://github.com/etsy/statsd, wire compatible and implemented in C.
net/libwebsockets-2.0.2 (Score: 0.0038765618)
C library for lightweight websocket clients and servers
Libwebsockets is a lightweight pure C library built to use minimal CPU and memory resources, and provide fast throughput in both directions as client or server.
news/nnap-1.1 (Score: 0.0038765618)
Nnap is a lightweight NNTP authentication proxy
A small program that implements just enough of the NNTP protocol to authenticate client requests. After authentication nnap bounces the client TCP connection to an open NNTP server.
sysutils/chef-api-0.5.0 (Score: 0.0038765618)
Leightweight Chef API client
ChefAPI is a tiny, dependency-minimal Ruby client for interacting with a Chef Server. It adopts many patterns and principles from Ruby On Rails.
www/frappe-bench-0.92 (Score: 0.0038765618)
Frappe / ERPNext apps setup tool
The bench allows you to setup Frappe / ERPNext apps on your local machine or a production server. You can use the bench to serve multiple frappe sites.
www/single_auth-2.0.0 (Score: 0.0038765618)
SSO authentication method for Redmine
Plugin implements SSO authentication method in Redmine. Plugin allows transparent authentication of the User using his domain account through Web-server module (for ex. mod_ntlm in Apache).
www/slowcgi-5.8.20160114 (Score: 0.0038765618)
FastCGI interface for old CGI programs
slowcgi is a server which implements the FastCGI Protocol to execute CGI scripts. FastCGI was designed to overcome the CGI protocol's scalability and resource sharing limitations.
x11/xgrab-2.41 (Score: 0.0038765618)
X11 image grabber
xgrab lets you grab arbitrary rectangular images from an X server and writes them to files or commands (such as lpr) in a variety of formats.
chinese/Lingua-ZH-WordSegmenter-0.01 (Score: 0.0038213448)
Simplified Chinese Word Segmentation
This is a perl version of simplified Chinese word segmentation. The algorithm for this segmenter is to search the longest word at each point from both left and right directions, and choose the one with higher frequency product. The original program is from the CPAN module Lingua::ZH::WordSegment (http://search.cpan.org/~chenyr/) I did the follwing changes: 1) make the interface object oriented; 2) make the internal string into utf8; 3) using sogou's dictionary (http://www.sogou.com/labs/dl/w.html) as the default dictionary.