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Results 191200 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.015 seconds)
mail/gnubiff-2.2.13 (Score: 0.014993582)
Mail notification program for Gnome
gnubiff is a mail notification program that checks for mail, displays headers when new mail has arrived and allow to read first lines of new mails. It relies on the GNOME and GTK libraries but can be compiled and used with or without GNOME support. Supported protocols are pop3, apop, imap4, mh, qmail and mailfile. Furthermore, gnubiff is fully configurable with a lot of options like polltime, poptime, sounds, mail reader, mailbox names, etc. and can also filter spam.
devel/geany-plugin-miniscript-1.28 (Score: 0.014818445)
Geany plugin: pipe text/documents via script (shell, perl, awk, etc.)
Geany Mini-Script filter plugin. This plugin is a tool to apply a script filter on: - text selection - current document - all documents The filter type can be: - shell script - perl script - python script - sed commands - awk script The output can be: - selection of current document - all documents - new document
mail/dovecot-antispam-1.3 (Score: 0.014816064)
Dovecot plugin to train dspam about spam or false positives
The dovecot antispam plugin watches a defined spam folder (defaults to "SPAM"). Instead of moving mail into special folders or forwarding them to special mail addresses for retraining, the plugin offers two actions for the user: 1. moving mail out of the SPAM folder and 2. moving mail into the SPAM folder. The dovecot plugin watches these actions (and additionally prohibits APPENDs to the SPAM folder, more for technical reasons than others) and tells the spam classifier that it made an error and needs to re-clas- sify the message (as spam/not spam depending on which way it was moved.)
print/psutils-1.17 (Score: 0.014687231)
Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
psbook rearranges pages into signatures psselect selects pages and page ranges pstops performs general page rearrangement and selection psnup put multiple pages per physical sheet of paper psresize alter document paper size epsffit fits an EPSF file to a given bounding box getafm (sh) outputs PostScript to retrieve AFM file from printer showchar (sh) outputs PostScript to draw a character with metric info fixdlsrps (perl) filter to fix DviLaser/PS output so that PSUtils works fixfmps (perl) filter to fix framemaker documents so that psselect etc. work fixmacps (perl) filter to fix Macintosh documents with saner version of md fixpsditps (perl) filter to fix Transcript psdit documents to work with PSUtils fixpspps (perl) filter to fix PSPrint PostScript so that psselect etc. work fixscribeps (perl) filter to fix Scribe PostScript so that psselect etc. work fixtpps (perl) filter to fix Troff Tpscript documents fixwfwps (perl) filter to fix Word for Windows documents for PSUtils fixwpps (perl) filter to fix WordPerfect documents for PSUtils fixwwps (perl) filter to fix Windows Write documents for PSUtils extractres (perl) filter to extract resources from PostScript files includeres (perl) filter to include resources into PostScript files psmerge (perl) hack script to merge multiple PostScript files
www/TracSpamFilter-0.2.1 (Score: 0.014550198)
Allow different ways to reject contributions that contain spam
A plugin is being developed that will allow different ways to reject contributions that contain spam.
mail/spambnc-20060416 (Score: 0.014253873)
Set of procmail recipes which handle known/suspected spam
The Spam Bouncer is a set of procmail recipes, or instructions, which search the headers and text of your incoming email to see if it meets one or more of several categories (known addresses, rogue ISPs, bulk mail software etc etc). The Spam Bouncer sorts suspected spam into two categories -- mail from known spam sources which is definitely spam, and other mail which is probably spam, but might also be legitimate. It then tags this email with appropriate headers giving the spam classification, and responds according to the parameters you have set.
mail/bogofilter-1.2.4 (Score: 0.013720149)
Fast, teachable, learning spam detector
Bogofilter is a trainable email spam detector. Bogofilter takes an email message or other text on standard input, parses it into words, does a statistical check against databases of "good" and "bad" words, and returns a status code indicating whether or not the message is spam. Bogofilter decodes base64 or quoted-printable encoded texts and ignores non-text attachments and HTML comments. The supported database backends are Berkeley DB, QDBM and SQLite3.
korean/nhpf-1.42 (Score: 0.013709758)
Hangul Printing Filter for Netscape with embedded font
nhpf ---- This program makes you can print hangul homepages with Netscape 2.0 or later, in Unix with PostScript printer (or with Ghostscript). The filtered PS file is self-contained, because this program appends hangul fonts, "n3f-5" (N-byte 3BeolSik hangul Font 5), "n3f-5b" (the bold font), "n3f-5i" and "n3f-5bi" (the slanted version of them) to the output. This means that you can print hangul homepages with every PostScript printer.
lang/signatures-0.13 (Score: 0.013709758)
Subroutine signatures for Perl with no source filter
With this Perl module, you can specify subroutine signatures and have variables automatically defined within the subroutine.
math/KFAS-1.2.4 (Score: 0.013709758)
Kalman filter and smoothers for exponential family state space models
Package KFAS provides funchtions for Kalman filtering, state, disturbance and simulation smoothing, forecasting and simulation of state space models. All functions can use exact diffuse initialisation when distributions of some or all elements of initial state vector are unknown. Filtering, state smoothing and simulation functions use sequential processing algorithm, which is faster than standard approach, and it also allows singularity of prediction error variance matrix. KFAS also contains function for computing the likelihood of exponential family state space models and function for state smoothing of exponential family state space models.