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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第851860项(搜索用时0.011秒)
www/mochiweb-2.9.0p2 (Score: 0.018543694)
Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers (Basho fork)
MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers. This is the Basho fork of MochiWeb.
www/twistedWeb-15.2.1 (Score: 0.018345537)
HTTP protocol implementation together with clients and servers
Twisted web is a part of the Twisted project and provides an HTTP protocol implementation together with clients and servers Twisted Web is available under the MIT Free Software licence.
net/echoping-6.0.2 (Score: 0.018309442)
Ping-like program that uses TCP and/or HTTP
"echoping" is a small program to test (approximatively) performances of a remote host by sending it TCP "echo" (or other protocol) packets. - uses the protocols echo, discard, chargen or HTTP, - uses UDP instead of TCP for the protocols which accept it (like echo), - can repeat the test and display various measures about it, - can use T/TCP on systems which support it. It's useful for checking that http servers are running and not wedged.
www/CGI-ExtDirect-3.20 (Score: 0.018229922)
Perl extension for creating Ext.Direct remoting in CGI applications
This module implement RPC::ExtDirect gateway for CGI environment. It was successfully tested in Apache CGI and HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI applications.
www/mod_qos-11.31 (Score: 0.018229922)
QoS for Apache
mod_qos is a quality of service module for the Apache web server implementing control mechanisms that can provide different levels of priority to different HTTP requests.
www/pwebstats-1.3.8 (Score: 0.018169252)
Analyse a web server log
pwebstats will analyse a web server log in Common Log Format, or proxy server log, producing a variety of statistics. The output is a series of HTML pages and graphs.
sysutils/moosefs2-2.0.89 (Score: 0.018128008)
MooseFS metadata backup server
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out, network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity servers, which are visible to the user as one resource. For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system. This port provides: MooseFS metalogger (metadata replication) server.
sysutils/moosefs3-3.0.81 (Score: 0.018128008)
MooseFS metadata backup server
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out, network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity servers, which are visible to the user as one resource. For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system. This port provides: MooseFS metalogger (metadata replication) server.
ftp/tnftpd-20130325 (Score: 0.018123336)
Enhanced ftp server from NetBSD
tnftpd (formerly known as lukemftpd) is a port of the enhanced NetBSD ftp server to other systems.
sysutils/sd-agent-1.13.4 (Score: 0.018123336)
Server Density Agent for FreeBSD
Server Density Agent for FreeBSD Monitor CPU, memory, disk usage, network, Apache, MySQL + more via the ServerDensity platform.