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Results 1,5311,540 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.003 seconds)
net/spread4-4.2.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
Spread Group Communication System, a network toolkit
Copyright (c) 1993-2002 Spread Concepts LLC. All rights reserved. This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread see http://www.spread.org/ Spread is a toolkit and daemon that provide multicast and group communications support to applications across local and wide area networks. Spread is designed to make it easy to write groupware, networked multimedia, reliable server, and collaborative work applications. Spread consists of a library that user applications are linked with, a binary daemon which runs on each computer that is part of the processor group, and various utility and demonstration programs.
net/opennebula-4.14.2 (Score: 0.07643312)
Libraries needed to talk to OpenNebula
OpenNebula is an open-source project delivering a simple but feature-rich and flexible solution to build and manage enterprise clouds and virtualized data centers. This gem provides libraries needed to talk to OpenNebula.
net/srelay-0.4.8b6 (Score: 0.07643312)
Srelay is a SOCKS4/5 proxy and Relay
The SOCKS proxy and relay. * Srelay is a socks4/5 protocol proxy server * Supports socks connect/bind request in the protocol v4, v4a, and v5. * Supports socks server chaining with both v4 and v5 servers. * Supports Username/Password authentication in v5 (not recommended). * Testing on FreeBSD 8.1R, Solaris 8, 10, Linux-i386, MacOS 10.5. * Supports IPv6 as well as IPv4. * Srelay is Free.
net/ssldump-0.9b3 (Score: 0.07643312)
SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
ssldump is an SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer. It identifies TCP connections on the chosen network interface and attempts to interpret them as SSLv3/TLS traffic. When it identifies SSLv3/TLS traffic, it decodes the records and displays them in a textual form to stdout. If provided with the appropriate keying material, it will also decrypt the connections and display the application data traffic.
net/packetfu-1.1.11 (Score: 0.07643312)
Mid-level packet manipulation library for Ruby
PacketFu is a mid-level packet manipulation library for Ruby. With it, users can read, parse, and write network packets with the level of ease and fun they expect from Ruby.
net/pcaprub-0.12.4 (Score: 0.07643312)
Libpcap bindings for ruby
This goal of this project is to provide a consistent interface to LBL's libpcap packet capture library. This does not provide packet processing functionality, it simply provides the interface for capturing packets, and passing yielding those packets.
net/rabbiter-2.0.1 (Score: 0.07643312)
Rabbiter is a twitter client for Rabbit
Rabbiter is a tool that collects tweets related to the talk and sends them to Rabbit as comments. In public conference such as RubyKaigi, audiences tweet comments about the listening talk to Twitter. To show the comments to your slide showed by Rabbit, you can use Rabbiter. If you have room to breathe, you can reply to the comments to reflect audiences' opinions. An audience can listen your talk with some different points of view because an audience can know other's comments. Note that you have a risk that audiences are interested in audiences' comments rather than your talk. You should ready your talk to make very interesting talk rather than audiences' comments.
net/ssmping-0.9.1 (Score: 0.07643312)
Ping for ASM and SSM
ssmping is a tool for checking whether a host can receive SSM from another. If a host runst ssmpingd, users on other hosts can check that they receive from this host by running the ssmping tool. asmping is similar to ssmping, but checks for ASM rather than SSM.
net/rbvmomi-1.8.2 (Score: 0.07643312)
Ruby interface to the VMware vSphere API
RbVmomi is a Ruby interface to the vSphere API. Like the Perl and Java SDKs, you can use it to manage ESX and VirtualCenter servers. The current release supports the vSphere 5.0 API.
net/stf-0.275558 (Score: 0.07643312)
6rd patched stf(4) kernel modules port for 8.4+
Port for package building of 6rd patched stf(4) kernel lodable modules. This port supports only 8.4+ releases. This patch was developed by hrs and obtained from http://people.allbsd.org/~hrs/FreeBSD/stf_6rd_20100923-1.diff