ldapdiff combines "diff" and "patch" functionality in one application.
The difference is that ldapdiff is not designed for use on flat ascii
files, it is designed for "patching" ldap directories using ldif files.
With ldapdiff it is possible to check every entry/attribute of an ldif
file against a running ldap directory. ldapdiff is able to produce ldif
delta files in ldap version 3 format, which can be fed, into tools like
"ldapmodify", "ldapdelete" etc. ldapdiff is also able to modify, delete
and add entries/attributes online.
Libcapnav is a libpcap wrapper library that allows navigation to arbitrary
packets in a tcpdump trace file between reads, using timestamps or percentage
offsets. The API is intentionally much like that of the pcap library.
The core of the Netdude framework and the place where the packet manipulations
are performed. It allows you to implement trace file manipulations at a much
higher level of abstraction than code written directly on top of the pcap
Libnids is a library that provides the function of one of the NIDS
(Network Intrusion Detection System) components, namely E-component. The
libnids code watches all local network traffic, processes received
datagrams a bit, and provides convenient information on them to analyzing
modules. Libnids performs:
a) assembly of TCP segments into TCP streams
b) IP defragmentation
c) TCP port scan detection
OAuth is an open protocol to allow secure API authorization in
a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.
liboauth is a collection of POSIX-c functions implementing the OAuth
Core RFC 5849 standard. liboauth provides functions to escape and
encode parameters according to OAuth specification and offers
high-level functionality to sign requests or verify OAuth signatures
as well as perform HTTP requests.
The librsync library implements network delta-compression of streams and
files. The algorithm is similar to that used in the rsync(1) and xdelta(2)
programs, but specialized for transfer of arbitrary-length octet streams.
Unlike most diff programs, librsync does not require access to both of the
files on the same machine, but rather only a short ``signature'' of the
old file and the complete contents of the new file.
The librsync library implements network delta-compression of streams and
files. The algorithm is similar to that used in the rsync(1) and xdelta(2)
programs, but specialized for transfer of arbitrary-length octet streams.
Unlike most diff programs, librsync does not require access to both of the
files on the same machine, but rather only a short ``signature'' of the
old file and the complete contents of the new file.
Libsocketcpp provides a easy-to-use C++ class. With this class, TCP and UDP
functionality can be added to any program quickly and easily.
Liferea is a simple FeedReader clone. It is a reader for RSS/RDF
feeds. The problem with FeedReader: for now its only available for
Windows. There are some projects for GNU/Linux or Unices, but no
satisfying solutions for GTK/GNOME. Therefore I started to write
this program. Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader.
LinKNX is a backend for controlling a KNX/EIB home and building automation
system. It connects to eibd which is part of the BCU SDK and keeps state of
KNX devices such as lamps, window blinds, heating and so on.
Furthermore it provides a powerful, rule-based event after treatment, e.g.
for switching other KNX devices, sending e-mail or SMS or executing a shell
command. You can configure and control the LinKNX daemon using an XML-style
protocol via TCP network socket or Unix domain socket.