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Results 91100 of 650 for name%3Aeclipse.(0.027 seconds)
devel/Sub-Identify-0.12 (Score: 0.009980239)
Retrieve names of code references
Sub::Identify allows you to retrieve the real name of code references.
devel/aliased-0.31 (Score: 0.009980239)
Use shorter versions of class names
aliased is simple in concept but is a rather handy module. It loads the class you specify and exports into your namespace a subroutine that returns the class name. You can explicitly alias the class to another name or, if you prefer, you can do so implicitly. In the latter case, the name of the subroutine is the last part of the class name.
devel/ObjectName- (Score: 0.008821368)
Explicitly handled object names for Haskell
This tiny Haskell package contains the class ObjectName, which corresponds to the general notion of explicitly handled identifiers for API objects, e.g. a texture object name in OpenGL or a buffer object name in OpenAL.
dns/hesiod-3.2.1 (Score: 0.008821368)
Directory service built on DNS and BIND
Hesiod is part of MIT's Athena Project. Hesiod can provide general name service for a variety of applications and is based on the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (BIND). Jacques Vidrine <n@nectar.com>
dns/namebench-1.3.1 (Score: 0.008821368)
Open Source DNS benchmark utility
An experiment in benchmarking DNS name services. This tool is designed to help you as a user determine what name services are the best to use for an individual machine.
misc/countrycodes-1.0.5 (Score: 0.008821368)
ISO 3166 country code finder
Countrycodes is an ISO 3166 country code finder. It is mainly used to know the country a domain name belongs to. It also allows searching by 2 or 3 letters codes, country number and country name.
misc/Geo-Postcodes-DK-0.32 (Score: 0.008821368)
Danish postcodes with associated information
Tired og entering the postal name all the time? This is not necessary, as it is uniquely defined from the postcode. Request the postcode only, and use this library to get the postal name.
textproc/Lingua-EN-Nickname-1.36 (Score: 0.008821368)
Genealogical nickname matching (Liz=Beth)
Nicknames, alternate spellings, and alternate etymological derivations make checking first name equivalence nearly impossible. This module will tell you that 'Maggie', 'Peg', and 'Margaret' are all probably the same name.
converters/Net-IDN-Nameprep-1.102 (Score: 0.008732709)
Normalization of domain names (Nameprep, RFC 3491)
This module implements the nameprep specification, which describes how to prepare internationalized domain name (IDN) labels in order to increase the likelihood that name input and name comparison work in ways that make sense for typical users throughout the world. Nameprep is a profile of the stringprep protocol and is used as part of a suite of on-the-wire protocols for internationalizing the Domain Name System (DNS).
devel/Module-Info-File-0.14 (Score: 0.008732709)
Retrieves module information from a file or script
Retrieves module information from a file or script. Enhances Module::Info->new_from_file to include dir and name attributes.