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Results 14,60114,610 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.011 seconds)
science/metaf2xml-2.0 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Parse and Decode METAR, TAF, SYNOP, BUOY and AMDAR and Write as XML
metaf2xml can download, parse and decode aviation routine weather reports (METAR, SPECI, SAO), aerodrome forecasts (TAF), synoptic observations (SYNOP), observations from buoys (BUOY) and meteorological reports from aircrafts (AMDAR). Data can also be taken from decoded BUFR messages. The extracted data can be written as XML or passed to a user-defined function (all done in Perl). It also provides XSLT style sheets to convert the XML to plain language (text, HTML), or XML with different schemas. A web-based (CGI) user interface can be used to download and display up-to-date weather data from NOAA, Ogimet, and other sources.
science/fasthenry-3.0.w.021113 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Multipole-accelerated inductance analysis program
FastHenry computes the frequency dependent self and mutual inductances and resistances between conductors of complex shape. The algorithm used in FastHenry is an acceleration of rge mesh formulation approach. The linear system resulting from the mesh formulation is solved using a generalized minimal residual algorithm with a fast multipole algorithm to efficiently compute the iterates. --------------------- Superconductivity Support ------------------------- This version of fasthenry has been modified to support superconducting segments and ground planes by Stephen R. Whiteley of Whitleley Research Inc. The analysis used is based on the London equations and the two-fluid model. Both reactive and lossy components of the superconductor complex conductivity are employed in obtaining the impedance matrix.
science/sigrok-cli-0.5.0 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Framework for hardware logic analyzers, CLI client
The sigrok project aims at creating a portable, cross-platform, Free/Libre/Open-Source signal analysis software suite that supports various device types, such as logic analyzers, MSOs, oscilloscopes, multimeters, LCR meters, sound level meters, thermometers, hygrometers, anemometers, light meters, DAQs, dataloggers, function generators, spectrum analyzers, power supplies, GPIB interfaces, and more. sigrok-cli is a command-line tool written in C, which uses both libsigrok and libsigrokdecode to provide the basic sigrok functionality from the command-line. Among other things, it's useful for scripting purposes.
security/hotssh-0.2.7 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
HotSSH is an interface to Secure Shell, for GNOME and OpenSSH
HotSSH is an interface to Secure Shell, for GNOME and OpenSSH. It intends to be a better experience than simply invoking "ssh" from an existing terminal window. * Fast search-based interface for new connections * Also display and search of local (Avahi) SSH servers * Tabbed display with automatic session saving (Firefox style) * Status bar with information like latency to server and output of remote uptime * Close integration with OpenSSH features like connection sharing (near-instant new tabs) * NetworkManager integration to easily reconnect after a network change, great for laptops
security/cipher-aes-0.2.11 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Fast AES cipher implementation with advanced mode of operations
Fast AES cipher implementation with advanced mode of operations. The modes of operations available are ECB (Electronic code book), CBC (Cipher block chaining), CTR (Counter), XTS (XEX with ciphertext stealing), GCM (Galois Counter Mode). The AES implementation uses AES-NI when available (on x86 and x86-64 architecture), but fallback gracefully to a software C implementation. The software implementation uses S-Boxes, which might suffer for cache timing issues. However do notes that most other known software implementations, including very popular one (openssl, gnutls) also uses same implementation. If it matters for your case, you should make sure you have AES-NI available, or you'll need to use a different implementation.
security/httprint-301 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Web server fingerprinting tool
httprint is a web server fingerprinting tool. It relies on web server characteristics to accurately identify web servers, despite the fact that they may have been obfuscated by changing the server banner strings, or by plug-ins such as mod_security or servermask. httprint can also be used to detect web enabled devices which do not have a server banner string, such as wireless access points, routers, switches, cable modems, etc. httprint uses text signature strings and it is very easy to add signatures to the signature database.
Extensible authentication framework for Dancer apps
A user authentication and authorisation framework plugin for Dancer apps. Makes it easy to require a user to be logged in to access certain routes, provides role-based access control, and supports various authentication methods/sources (config file, database, Unix system users, etc). Designed to support multiple authentication realms and to be as extensible as possible, and to make secure password handling easy (the base class for auth providers makes handling `RFC2307'-style hashed passwords really simple, so you have no excuse for storing plain-text passwords).
security/lsh-2.1 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Secure (encrypted) remote shell compatible with ssh 2
lsh is a client that can connect to the corresponding lshd server. It uses the SECSH protocol, which means that it is compatible with SSH 2.0, except for file transfer, which is not part of SECSH. SECSH uses compression and encryption algorithms that are unencumbered, and lsh itself is GPL. lsh is not as feature-rich as OpenSSH, as it doesn't currently support password-protected keyrings, the SSH 1.X protocols, TCP wrappers, etc. On the other hand, it doesn't require OpenSSL, and doesn't take a lot of work to avoid patented algorithms. Port author's notes on usage and common problems can be found at
security/libgringotts-1.2.1 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Library for encapsulating/safekeeping data in encrypted/compressed form
libGringotts is a small, easy-to-use, thread-safe C library originally developed for Gringotts; its purpose is to encapsulate data (generic: ASCII, but also binary data) in an encrypted and compressed structure, to be written in a file or used elseway. It makes use of strong encryption algorithms, to ensure the data are as safe as possible, and allow the user to have the complete control over all the algorithms used in the process. For encryptions, libGringotts makes use of the MCrypt and MHash libs by Nikos Mavroyanopoulos.
security/libsparkcrypto-0.1.1 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Cryptographic library implemented in SPARK
libsparkcrypto is a formally verified implementation of several widely used symmetric cryptographic algorithms using the SPARK programming language and toolset. For the complete library proofs of the absence of run-time errors like type range violations, division by zero and numerical overflows are available. Some of its subprograms include proofs of partial correctness. The distribution contains test cases for all implemented algorithms and a benchmark to compare its performance with the OpenSSL library. The achieved speed has been found to be very close to the optimized C and Assembler implementations of OpenSSL.