Ports Search

Results 1,5211,530 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.008 seconds)
www/ParallelUA-2.57 (Score: 0.0070263213)
Perl5 Parallel LWP User Agent for WWW access
ParallelUserAgent allows you to connect to multiple sites _in parallel_! You can register a number of requests, then call the 'wait' method and see how the requests come in as each server responds. ParallelUserAgent is basically an extension of the current UserAgent and RobotUA modules that come with libwww5. It installs into the ::Parallel subtree under the standard LWP directory that ships with libwww5.
www/PocketIO-0.17000 (Score: 0.0070263213)
Socket.IO Plack application
PocketIO is a server implementation of SocketIO in Perl, you still need socket.io javascript library on the client. PocketIO aims to have API as close as possible to the node.js implementation and sometimes it might look not very perlish.
www/Tatsumaki-0.1013 (Score: 0.0070263213)
Non-blocking web framework based on Plack and AnyEvent
Tatsumaki is a toy port of Tornado for Perl using Plack (with non-blocking extensions) and AnyEvent. It allows you to write a web application that does a immediate response with template rendering, IO-bound delayed response (like fetching third party API or XML feeds), server push streaming and long-poll Comet in a clean unified API.
www/Services_Blogging-0.2.4 (Score: 0.0070263213)
PHP interface to Blog
pear-Services_Blogging provides a unified API to post and read blog entries, independent of the API supported by the server software hosting the blog. It uses a driver-based approach to communicate with different APIs out there. If a new blogging API is invented, someone just needs to write a driver for the Services_Blogging package, and everyone can access also this blogs.
www/apachelog-1.1 (Score: 0.0070263213)
Python access log parser
Parser for extracting fields from a single line of an Apache access.lo g (should work for other servers conforming to the Common Log Format). Create the parser with the log format from your server .conf file, parse lines to get dict corresponding to fields defined in the log format.
www/xmpp4moz- (Score: 0.0070263213)
Support for XMPP
xmpp4moz is: * A browser connector that provides rich user-to-user communication and interaction to web applications, in real-time and without server hacks. * A family of high-level components to quickly build XUL-based applications that communicate via XMPP.
x11-fonts/gbdfed-1.6 (Score: 0.0070263213)
GTK2 bitmap font editor
gbdfed is a GTK-based BDF font editor. It can import: - Metafont PK/GF fonts - Han Bitmap Font Format (HBF) fonts - Linux console (PSF, CP, and EGA/VGA) fonts - Sun VF fonts, OpenType (OTF & TTF) fonts Alternatively it can load a font from the X server. Export is supported to PSF2 Linux console fonts and HEX fonts.
x11/sisctrl-0.0.20051202 (Score: 0.0070263213)
Display Control Panel for XFree86/X.org SiS driver
sisctrl is a gtk-2.x based tool for the XFree86/X.org SiS ("sis") driver to tune the display parameters during X server run-time. Among other features, it allows switching and changing output devices, tuning TV output, gamma correction and Xv (hardware video) properties. It also supports switching the display mode and resizing the desktop using the RandR extension.
dns/DNS-EasyDNS-0.04 (Score: 0.007023499)
Update your EasyDNS dynamic DNS entries
This module allows you to update your EasyDNS ( http://www.easydns.com/ ) dynamic DNS records. This is done via an http get using the libwww-perl modules.
www/CGI-FCKeditor-0.02 (Score: 0.007023499)
This's FCKeditor Controller for Perl OOP
CGI::FCKeditor is FCKeditor(http://www.fckeditor.net/) Controller for Perl OOP. FCKeditor(http://www.fckeditor.net/) is necessary though it is natural.