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sysutils/u-boot-2016.07 (Score: 0.0017956721)
Cross-build U-Boot loader for olimex-a20-som-evb
U-Boot loader for pcDuino3 To install this bootloader on an sdcard just do : dd if=/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-boardname/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/path/to/sdcarddevice bs=1k seek=8 conv=notrunc,sync This version is patched so that: * ELF and API features are enabled. * The default environment is trimmed to just what's needed to boot. * The saveenv command writes to the file u-boot.env on the FAT partition. * The DTB file name is chosen based on the board model and passed to ubldr.bin using the fdtfile env variable. ubldr.bin loads the DTB from /boot/dtb/ on the FreeBSD partition. * By default, it loads PIE ubldr.bin from file ubldr.bin on the FAT partition to address 0x42000000, and launches it. For information about running FreeBSD on Allwinner boards, see https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/Allwinner For general information about U-Boot see WWW: http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot
astro/fowsr-2.0 (Score: 0.0016152341)
Fine Offset Weather Station Reader
fowsr is an application that reads from wireless weather stations * WH1080 / WH1081 / WH1090 / WH1091 / WH2080 / WH2081 * Watson W-8681 * Scientific Sales Pro Touch Screen Weather Station * TOPCOM NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 265NE * PCE-FWS 20 * ... and other similar USB devices from Fine Offset Electronics Co., LTD. compatible with the EasyWeather application . The result is a weather history log file that can be uploaded to a central server for further processing. Example script files for uploads is included. So far the following formats are supported: * Weather Underground * pywws * XML fowsr performs a complete read out of the weather station memory using its USB port, and stores the result in a cache file to speed up later read-outs. Rain data is then calculated per hour, day, week and month if data for these periods exist. No further data processing is performed. This makes fowsr very small and well suited for running in embedded devices at remote locations.
dns/bind-9.9.9P3 (Score: 0.0016152341)
BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the underlying BIND architecture. Some of the important features of BIND 9 are: DNS Security: DNSSEC (signed zones), TSIG (signed DNS requests) IP version 6: Answers DNS queries on IPv6 sockets, IPv6 resource records (AAAA) Experimental IPv6 Resolver Library DNS Protocol Enhancements: IXFR, DDNS, Notify, EDNS0 Improved standards conformance Views: One server process can provide multiple "views" of the DNS namespace, e.g. an "inside" view to certain clients, and an "outside" view to others. Multiprocessor Support BIND 9.9 includes a number of changes from BIND 9.8 and earlier releases, including: NXDOMAIN redirection Improved startup and reconfiguration time, especially with large numbers of authoritative zones New "inline-signing" option, allows named to sign zones completely transparently, including static zones Many other new features, especially for DNSSEC See the CHANGES file for more information on features.
mail/wanderlust-2.15.9.b.20160912 (Score: 0.0016152341)
Yet another message interface on Emacsen
Wanderlust is a mail/news agent on Emacs/XEmacs. The features of Wanderlust are as follows: * Implementation in elisp only. * Support of IMAP4rev1, NNTP, POP(POP3/APOP) and MH format. * Integrated access to messages based on Folder Specifications like Mew. * Key bindings and mark processing like Mew. * Management of threads and unread messages. * Folder mode that displays all folder you read. * Message cache, Disconnected Operation. * MH-like FCC (FCC: %Backup is possible). * Support of MIME (by SEMI or tm). * Draft editing of mail and news as a same interface. * Icon based interface for the list of Folder (XEmacs). * Non-fetched operations for a big message part of MIME (IMAP4). * Server side search (IMAP4), also various charset support. * Virtual Folder. * Compression Folder. * Automatic expiration of old messages.
mail/meta1-1.1.0a.6.0 (Score: 0.0016152341)
Secure and efficient mail gateway
MeTA1 is a message transfer agent that has been designed with these main topics in minds: * Security * Reliability * Efficiency * Configurability * Extendibility MeTA1 consists of five main modules of which only one runs as root: * mcp: the main control program is similar to inetd(8): it starts all other MeTA1 modules and watches over their execution. mcp runs as root in order to bind to port 25 and to change the uid of the processes it starts. * smtps: the SMTP server receives e-mails. * smtpc: the SMTP client sends e-mails. * smar: the address resolver provides lookups in various maps including DNS for mail routing. * qmgr: the queue manager controls the flow of e-mails through the SMTP servers and clients.
mail/xmailbox-2.5 (Score: 0.0016152341)
Mailbox checker with sound and animation for X Window System
The xmailbox program displays, by default, an image of a mailbox. When there is no mail, the image shown is that of a mailbox with its flag down. When new mail arrives, the image changes to that of a mailbox with the flag up, its door open and a letter visible inside. It can also optionally play a sound through the sound-card. The NCD audio server, the rplay sound package, FreeBSD Sun-compatible audio drivers, and an external sound player program are supported. By default, pressing any mouse button in the image forces xmailbox to remember the current size of the mail file as being the ``empty'' size and to change its image accordingly. In addition, the user can optionally invoke his/her favorite mail retrieving program.
net/matrix-synapse-0.12.0 (Score: 0.0016152341)
Matrix protocol reference homeserver
Matrix is an ambitious new ecosystem for open federated Instant Messaging and VoIP. The basics you need to know to get up and running are: * Everything in Matrix happens in a room. Rooms are distributed and do not exist on any single server. Rooms can be located using convenience aliases like #matrix:matrix.org or #test:localhost:8448. * Matrix user IDs look like @matthew:matrix.org (although in the future you will normally refer to yourself and others using a 3PID: email address, phone number, etc rather than manipulating Matrix user IDs) Synapse is currently in rapid development, but as of version 0.5 we believe it is sufficiently stable to be run as an internet-facing service for real usage!
security/Crypt-HCE_SHA-0.70 (Score: 0.0016152341)
Perl5 interface to one way hash chaining block cipher
This module implements a chaining block cipher using a one way hash. This method of encryption is the same that is used by radius (RFC2138) and is also described in Applied Cryptography. Two interfaces are provided in the module. The first is straight block encryption/decryption the second does base64 mime encoding/decoding of the encrypted/decrypted blocks. The idea is that the two sides have a shared secret that supplies one of the keys and a randomly generated block of bytes provides the second key. The random key is passed in cleartext between the two sides. An example client and server are packaged as modules with this module. They are used in the tests.
sysutils/cronolog-1.6.2 (Score: 0.0016152341)
Web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
"cronolog" is a simple program that reads log messages from its input and writes them to a set of output files, the names of which are constructed using template and the current date and time. "cronolog" is intended to be used in conjunction with a Web server, such as Apache to split the access log into daily or monthly logs. E.g.: TransferLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/access.log" ErrorLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/errors.log" would instruct Apache to pipe its access and error log messages into separate copies of cronolog, which would create new log files each day in a directory hierarchy structured by date, i.e. on 31 December 1996 messages would be written to: /www/logs/1996/12/31/access.log /www/logs/1996/12/31/errors.log After midnight the following files would be used: /www/logs/1997/01/01/access.log /www/logs/1997/01/01/errors.log
devel/enumerator-0.4.20 (Score: 0.0014365377)
Reliable, high-performance processing with left-fold enumerators
Typical buffer-based incremental I/O is based around a single loop, which reads data from some source (such as a socket or file), transforms it, and generates one or more outputs (such as a line count, HTTP responses, or modified file). Although efficient and safe, these loops are all single-purpose; it is difficult or impossible to compose buffer-based processing loops. Haskell's concept of "lazy I/O" allows pure code to operate on data from an external source. However, lazy I/O has several shortcomings. Most notably, resources such as memory and file handles can be retained for arbitrarily long periods of time, causing unpredictable performance and error conditions. Enumerators are an efficient, predictable, and safe alternative to lazy I/O. Discovered by Oleg Kiselyov, they allow large datasets to be processed in near constant space by pure code. Although somewhat more complex to write, using enumerators instead of lazy I/O produces more correct programs. This library contains an enumerator implementation for Haskell, designed to be both simple and efficient.