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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,3812,390项(搜索用时0.007秒)
japanese/libskk-1.0.1 (Score: 0.0036230478)
Library to deal with Japanese Kana-to-Kanji conversion method
libskk -- a library to deal with Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion method Features: * Support basic features of SKK including new word registration into dictionary, completion, numeric conversion, abbrev mode, kuten input, hankaku-katakana input, Lisp expression evaluation (concat only), and re-conversion. * Support various typing rules including romaji-to-kana, AZIK, TUT-Code, and NICOLA. * Support various dictionary types including file dictionary (such as SKK-JISYO.[SML]), user dictionary, skkserv, and CDB format dictionary. * GObject based API with gobject-introspection support. * Experimental support for intelligent kana-to-kanji conversion based on Viterbi algorithm. Documentation: * file:tests/context.c for basic usage * http://du-a.org/docs/libskk/libskk/ for Vala binding reference * http://du-a.org/docs/gtk-doc/libskk/html/ for C binding reference
net/xmlrpc-epi-0.54.2 (Score: 0.0036230478)
General purpose implementation of the xmlrpc specification in C
xmlrpc-epi is an implementation of the xmlrpc protocol in C. It provides an easy to use API for developers to serialize RPC requests to and from XML. It does *not* include a transport layer, such as HTTP. The API is primarily based upon proprietary code written for internal usage at Epinions.com, and was later modified to incorporate concepts from the xmlrpc protocol. It passed the xmlrpc validation test suite in December 2000. As of Sept. 27, 2001, experimental support for SOAP v 1.1 has been added to the library. This support is implemented transparently to the application such that a single API can be used for manipulation of values, yet both SOAP and XML-RPC can be read or written. Various iterations of this code have been/are running at Epinions.com and are sufficiently fast for the high traffic volume this site encounters, with several xmlrpc type requests generated for each user http request. No specific speed claims are made. Your mileage may vary.
textproc/rmmseg-cpp-0.2.9 (Score: 0.0036230478)
High performance Chinese word segmentation utility
rmmseg-cpp is a high performance Chinese word segmentation utility for Ruby. It features full "Ferret":http://ferret.davebalmain.com/ integration as well as support for normal Ruby program usage. rmmseg-cpp is a re-written of the original RMMSeg(http://rmmseg.rubyforge.org/) gem in C++. RMMSeg is written in pure Ruby. Though I tried hard to tweak RMMSeg, it just consumes lots of memory and the segmenting process is rather slow. The interface is almost identical to RMMSeg but the performance is much better. This gem is always preferable in production use. However, if you want to understand how the MMSEG segmenting algorithm works, the source code of RMMSeg is a better choice than this.
x11-toolkits/Gtk2-1.2498 (Score: 0.0036230478)
Perl module for Gtk+ 2.x graphical user interface library
Perl bindings to the 2.x series of the Gtk+ graphical user interface library. This module allows you to write graphical user interfaces in a perlish and object-oriented way, freeing you from the casting and memory management in C, yet remaining very close in spirit to original API. Find out more about Gtk+ at http://www.gtk.org. The GTK+ Reference Manual is also a handy companion when writing Gtk programs in any language. http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gtk/ The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference documentation should be considered the canonical source. To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join gtk-perl-list@gnome.org at lists.gnome.org.
games/nadar-2.0 (Score: 0.0036117733)
Network tank battle game
N.A.D.A.R. is a network tank battle game. You can play N.A.D.A.R. with computer players and human players over the network. This port installs "/usr/X11R6/bin/nadars" and "/usr/X11R6/bin/nadar". "nadars" is a server of N.A.D.A.R. Run it before playing N.A.D.A.R. "nadar" is a client of N.A.D.A.R. for X. Run it after nadars starts. Example: server-machine> nadars client-machine1> nadar -s [Server's hostname] -p [Player's name] client-machine2> nadar -s [Server's hostname] -p [Player's name] ... If playing speed is very slow, Run nadar as below with size option. client-machine> nadar -s [Server's hostname] -p [Player's name] -size 30 See nadars(1) and nadar(1) for more details.
games/tetrinet-x-1.13.16 (Score: 0.0036117733)
Addictive 6 player tetr*s game
TetriNET is an addictive 6 player tetr*s game What this program does is set up a TetriNET server that ordinary TetriNET clients can connect to. It attempts to fix some of the "glaring" holes in the TetriNET protocol that I discovered, and which I'm sure some people use as cheats, but I now see why it is nearly impossible to fix ;), without a modification to the client. I've kept the server as close to the same as the original TetriNET server, but I've added some extras that I've often wanted, such as the "/kick" and "/ban" keywords. Please note, this server in no way encompasses the whole game. The clients are the ones that do most of the work, with the server just passing suitable packets between each client, and of course adding some of it's own.
astro/sscalc-1.0 (Score: 0.003597525)
Sunrise and sunset time calculator
This is sscalc, a sunrise/sunset time calculator, ported to C. You can find the sunrise and sunset times for anywhere in the world as long as you know the latitude and longitude of the location. The program is a port of the JavaScript program located at http://www.srrb.noaa.gov/highlights/sunrise/gen.html The page was written by Aaron Horiuchi, Chris Lehman and Chris Cornwall.
devel/mercurial-3.9.1 (Score: 0.003597525)
Fast, lightweight source control management system
Mercurial is a fast, lightweight source control management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects. Features include: * O(1) delta-compressed file storage and retrieval scheme * Complete cross-indexing of file and changesets for efficient exploration of project history * Robust SHA1-based integrity checking and append-only storage model * Decentralized development model with arbitrary merging between trees * High-speed HTTP-based network merge protocol * Easy-to-use command-line interface * Integrated stand-alone web interface * Small Python codebase * GPL license
devel/binutils-2.27 (Score: 0.003597525)
GNU binutils for AVR cross-development
GNU binutils for Atmel AVR cross-development Prerequisite for the GCC for AVR cross-compilation environment. Still included is the "AVR COFF beta" patch. It allows avr-objcopy to generate AVR (extended) COFF files to be used on Atmel AVR Studio and VMLAB. Note that this patch has known issues, see http://www.sax.de/~joerg/README.coff-avr-patch The support for additional devices has been synchronize with the latest public Atmel AVR Tools package.
editors/teco-0398 (Score: 0.003597525)
Powerful and compact editor with nongraphical user interface
TECO is the grand old text editor. It is powerful and compact precursor to EMACS and has a completely nongraphical user interface. It is very fast (probably the fastes editor in the world) and have a macro language. TECO was written by Dan Murphy (http://www.opost.com/dlm) at Digital Equipment Corporation in 1962. This is based on Pete Siemsen's TECOC implementation, and comes with a copy of the originals DECUS TECO documentation.