Ports 搜索

textproc/tl-aspell-0.02.1 (Score: 0.007000902)
Aspell Tagalog dictionary
Aspell Tagalog dictionary.
textproc/wv-1.2.9 (Score: 0.007000902)
Library and executables to access Microsoft Word files
wv is a library that allows access to Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 6-9 formats (Word 6, 95, 97, 2000). Several converter executables called wvWare are also provided: wvHtml, wvLatex, wvCleanLatex, wvDVI, wvPS, wvPDF, wvText, wvAbw, wvWml, wvMime Note: wvHtml was previously known as MSWordView.
textproc/tn-aspell- (Score: 0.007000902)
Aspell Tswana dictionary
Aspell Tswana dictionary.
textproc/tr-aspell-0.50.0 (Score: 0.007000902)
Aspell Turkish dictionary
Aspell Turkish dictionary.
textproc/uz-aspell-0.6.0 (Score: 0.007000902)
Aspell Uzbek dictionary
Aspell Uzbek dictionary.
textproc/wa-aspell-0.50.0 (Score: 0.007000902)
Aspell Walloon dictionary
Aspell Walloon dictionary.
textproc/saxon- (Score: 0.007000902)
XSLT 2.0 / XPath 2.0 / XQuery 1.0 processor for Java
The Saxon-B 9.1 package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents. The main components are: - An XSLT 2.0 processor, that can be used from the command line, or invoked from a Java application by use of the standard JAXP API. Saxon can be integrated with Java applications using the JAXP API, which means it is possible for a Java application to switch between different XSLT processors without changing the application code. As well as conforming closely with the XSLT 2.0 specification, Saxon offers a number of powerful extensions. - An XPath 2.0 processor accessible via an API to Java applications. - An XQuery 1.0 processor that can be used from the command line, or invoked from a Java application by use of an API. - An XML Schema 1.0 processor. This can be used on its own to validate a schema for correctness, or to validate a source document against the definitions in a schema. It is also used to support the schema-aware functionality of the XSLT and XQuery processors. So you can use Saxon to process XML by writing XSLT stylesheets, by writing XQuery queries, by writing Java applications, or by combinations of the approaches.
textproc/saxon-6.5.5 (Score: 0.007000902)
XSLT 1.0 processor for Java
The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents. The main components are: - An XSLT processor, which implements the Version 1.0 XSLT and XPath Recommendations with a number of powerful extensions. - A Java library, which supports a similar processing model to XSL, but allows full programming capability. - A slightly improved version of the Alfred parser from Microstar.
textproc/wv2-0.4.2 (Score: 0.007000902)
Library providing routines to access Microsoft Word files
wv2 is a library which allows access to Microsoft Word files. It is a rewrite of the wv library.
textproc/sdcv-0.4.2 (Score: 0.007000902)
Text-based utility for work with dictionaries in StarDict's format
SDCV(StarDict under Console Version) is simple, cross-platform text-based utility for work with dictionaries in StarDict's format. The word from "list of words" may be string with leading '/' for using Fuzzy search algorithm, string may contain '?' and '*' for using regexp search. It work in interactive and not interactive mode.