Ports 搜索

devel/Data-RoundRobin-0.03 (Score: 0.001200101)
Serve data in a round robin manner
This module provides a round robin object implementation. It is similar to an iterator, only the internal counter is reset to the beginning whenever it reaches the end. It might also be considered as a circular iterator.
devel/Package-Constants-0.06 (Score: 0.001200101)
List all constants declared in a package
Package::Constants lists all the constants defined in a certain package. This can be useful for, among others, setting up an auto-generated @EXPORT/@EXPORT_OK for a Constants.pm file.
devel/unicode-display_width-1.1.0 (Score: 0.001200101)
Get the display size of a string
An early draft of a way to determine the size of the characters using EastAsianWidth.txt, based on the very early draft of a Ruby interface to UnicodeData.txt by runpaint.
games/4stattack-2.1.4 (Score: 0.001200101)
Connect four stones in a straight line
4st Attack is a game in which you have to try to out-smart your opponent. The goal of the game is to connect four of stones in a straight line. This can be horizontaly, vertically and even diagonnally.
games/el-193 (Score: 0.001200101)
Eternal Lands is a free 3D MMORPG
Eternal Lands is a FREE 3D MMORPG (massive multiplay online role playing game) currently under development. There are 9 skills, total character development freedom, many quests, religion, a lot of NPCs, animals and monsters.
lang/Promises-0.94 (Score: 0.001200101)
An implementation of the Promise/A+ pattern
This module is an implementation of the "Promise/A+" pattern for asynchronous programming. Promises are meant to be a way to better deal with the resulting callback spaghetti that can often result in asynchronous programs.
mail/Email-MIME-ContentType-1.01.7 (Score: 0.001200101)
Parse a MIME Content-Type Header
This module is responsible for parsing email content type headers according to section 5.1 of RFC 2045. It returns a hash with entries for the discrete type, the composite type, and a hash of attributes.
mail/Email-LocalDelivery-1.200 (Score: 0.001200101)
Deliver a piece of email - simply
This is the second module produced by the "Perl Email Project", a reaction against the complexity and increasing bugginess of the Mail::* modules. It delivers an email to a list of mailboxes.
misc/Business-Hours-0.12 (Score: 0.001200101)
Calculate business hours during a time period
This module is a simple tool for calculating business hours in a time period. Over time, additional functionality will be added to make it easy to calculate the number of business hours between arbitrary dates.
net/iodine-0.7.0 (Score: 0.001200101)
通过 DNS 服务器建立隧道传输 IPv4 数据
这是一个可以让你通过 DNS 服务器建立隧道传输 IPv4 数据的软件。可以用于各种 互联网访问被防火墙挡住但 DNS 查询被允许的情形下。