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Results 5,4915,500 of 5,827 for /net-mgmt/.(0.005 seconds)
www/webbrowser-0.3 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Wrapper for running the "best" available WEB browser
Webbrowser is a wrapper script for finding and running the "best" available installed browser on the system. It is intended for use by other applications that invoke a browser, so that they need not be reconfigured when a user switches to a different browser.
x11-clocks/cairo-clock-0.3.4 (Score: 0.0052506765)
MacSlow's Cairo-Clock
It is an analog clock displaying the system-time. It leverages the new visual features offered by Xorg 6.9/7.0 in combination with a compositing-manager (e.g. like xcompmgr), gtk+ 2.8.x, cairo 1.0.2 and librsvg 2.13.93 to produce a time-display with pretty-pixels.
x11-clocks/intclock-2.13 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Multi-timezone clock
Intclock provides a graphical multi-timezone clock that is customizable via a configuration window. It is based on hsclock.
x11-clocks/wmfuzzy-0.7.1 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Fuzzy clock WindowMaker dockapp
wmfuzzy is a fuzzy clock Windowmaker dock applet (but also runs well under *boxen and many other windowmanagers). A fuzzy clock gives an approximate time, under the supposition that it's more useful to know that it's about Half Past Three than that it's 3:27. The granularity of the approximation can be set via commandline switches.
x11-fm/catseye-fm- (Score: 0.0052506765)
Clear, fast, powerful file browser using gtk+2.0
This is Cat'sEyE (catseye-fm), a filesystem browser using gtk+2. Main goals: clear view, powerfull, no icons, fast. Cat'sEyE gots its power by the configuration file where the user can (but not has to) 'create' dialogs and build complicated commandlines which Cat'sEyE calls to the Shell. You can define how the items are called to some program: each item (e.g. for viewing some pictures), all items (e.g. for listen to some music) or processed in a list, calling one item after each other waiting for the previouse item to finish. FileShelfs help you to keep track of your data spread out over the whole filesystem, but also belonging together such as configfiles.
x11-fm/librfm- (Score: 0.0052506765)
Basic library used by some rfm applications
Librm is the basic library used by some rfm applications, such as Rodent filemanager.
x11-fm/libtubo-5.0.14 (Score: 0.0052506765)
XFFM Interprocess Communication and Control
The Libtubo library is small and simple function set to enable a process to run any other process in the background and communicate via the stdout, stderr and stdin file descriptors. This library is used by Rodent filemanager but is also available here for other programs to use freely.
x11-fm/rox-mime-editor-0.6 (Score: 0.0052506765)
MIME type editor for the ROX desktop
A MIME type editor for the ROX desktop.
x11-fm/rox-session-0.40.0 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Simple session manager for the ROX desktop
ROX-Session is a simple session manager. It loads, runs any programs you asked it to, and then quits when you run it a second time (thus ending your session). It does not display any windows until you ask it to quit.
x11-fonts/linuxlibertine-4.7.5 (Score: 0.0052506765)
Linux Libertine Open Fonts
The Libertine Open Fonts Project is devoted to creating high quality alternatives to other well-known fonts. There are currently two font families: Linux Libertine and Linux Biolinum.