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Results 17,18117,190 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.012 seconds)
devel/enumerator-0.4.20 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Reliable, high-performance processing with left-fold enumerators
Typical buffer-based incremental I/O is based around a single loop, which reads data from some source (such as a socket or file), transforms it, and generates one or more outputs (such as a line count, HTTP responses, or modified file). Although efficient and safe, these loops are all single-purpose; it is difficult or impossible to compose buffer-based processing loops. Haskell's concept of "lazy I/O" allows pure code to operate on data from an external source. However, lazy I/O has several shortcomings. Most notably, resources such as memory and file handles can be retained for arbitrarily long periods of time, causing unpredictable performance and error conditions. Enumerators are an efficient, predictable, and safe alternative to lazy I/O. Discovered by Oleg Kiselyov, they allow large datasets to be processed in near constant space by pure code. Although somewhat more complex to write, using enumerators instead of lazy I/O produces more correct programs. This library contains an enumerator implementation for Haskell, designed to be both simple and efficient.
devel/log4net-1.2.10 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Port for .NET of the Apache Logging Services project
log4net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. In case of problems with an application, it is helpful to enable logging so that the problem can be located. With log4net it is possible to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binary. The log4net package is designed so that log statements can remain in shipped code without incurring a high performance cost. It follows that the speed of logging (or rather not logging) is crucial. At the same time, log output can be so voluminous that it quickly becomes overwhelming. One of the distinctive features of log4net is the notion of hierarchical loggers. Using these loggers it is possible to selectively control which log statements are output at arbitrary granularity. log4net is designed with two distinct goals in mind: speed and flexibility. Features: * Support for multiple frameworks * Output to multiple logging targets * Hierarchical logging architecture * XML Configuration * Dynamic Configuration * Logging Context * Proven architecture * Modular and extensible design * High performance with flexibility
devel/Parse-Pidl-4.3.11 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
IDL compiler written in Perl
Pidl is an IDL compiler written in Perl that aims to be somewhat compatible with the midl compiler. IDL stands for "Interface Definition Language". Pidl can generate stubs for DCE/RPC server code, DCE/RPC client code and ethereal dissectors for DCE/RPC traffic. IDL compilers like pidl take a description of an interface as their input and use it to generate C (though support for other languages may be added later) code that can use these interfaces, pretty print data sent using these interfaces, or even generate ethereal dissectors that can parse data sent over the wire by these interfaces. Pidl takes IDL files in the same format as is used by midl, converts it to a .pidl file (which contains pidl's internal representation of the interface) and can then generate whatever output you need. .pidl files should be used for debugging purposes only. Write your interface definitions in .idl format. The goal of pidl is to implement a IDL compiler that can be used while developing the RPC subsystem in Samba (for both marshalling/unmarshalling and debugging purposes).
devel/Pegex-0.61 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Acmeist PEG Parser Framework
Pegex is an Acmeist parser framework. It allows you to easily create parsers that will work equivalently in lots of programming languages! The inspiration for Pegex comes from the parsing engine upon which the postmodern programming language Perl 6 is based on. Pegex brings this beauty to the other justmodern languages that have a normal regular expression engine available. Pegex gets it name by combining Parsing Expression Grammars (PEG), with Regular Expessions (Regex). That's actually what Pegex does. PEG is the cool new way to elegantly specify recursive descent grammars. The Perl 6 language is defined in terms of a self modifying PEG language called Perl 6 Rules. Regexes are familiar to programmers of most modern programming languages. Pegex defines a simple PEG syntax, where all the terminals are regexes. This means that Pegex can be quite fast and powerful. Pegex attempts to be the simplest way to define new (or old) Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) that need to be used in several programming languages and environments. Things like JSON, YAML, Markdown etc. It also great for writing parsers/compilers that only need to work in one language.
devel/Struct-Dumb-0.09 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Make simple lightweight record-like structures
Struct::Dumb creates record-like structure types, similar to the struct keyword in C, C++ or C#, or Record in Pascal. An invocation of this module will create a construction function which returns new object references with the given field values. These references all respond to lvalue methods that access or modify the values stored. It's specifically and intentionally not meant to be an object class. You cannot subclass it. You cannot provide additional methods. You cannot apply roles or mixins or metaclasses or traits or antlers or whatever else is in fashion this week. On the other hand, it is tiny, creates cheap lightweight array-backed structures, uses nothing outside of core. It's intended simply to be a slightly nicer way to store data structures, where otherwise you might be tempted to abuse a hash, complete with the risk of typoing key names. The constructor will croak if passed the wrong number of arguments, as will attempts to refer to fields that don't exist.
devel/HTML_Template_Sigma-1.3.0 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
PEAR template API
HTML_Template_Sigma implements Integrated Templates API designed by Ulf Wendel. Features: * Nested blocks. Nesting is controlled by the engine. * Ability to include files from within template: <!-- INCLUDE --> * Automatic removal of empty blocks and unknown variables (methods to manually tweak/override this are also available) * Methods for runtime addition and replacement of blocks in templates * Ability to insert simple function calls into templates: func_uppercase('Hello world!') and to define callback functions for these * 'Compiled' templates: the engine has to parse a template file using regular expressions to find all the blocks and variable placeholders. This is a very "expensive" operation and is an overkill to do on every page request: templates seldom change on production websites. Thus this feature: an internal representation of the template structure is saved into a file and this file gets loaded instead of the source one on subsequent requests (unless the source changes) * PHPUnit-based tests to define correct behaviour * Usage examples for most of the features are available, look in the docs/ directory
devel/ptypes-2.1.1 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
C++ Portable Types Library
PTypes is a C++ Portable Types Library. It offers the following features: * Threads and synchronization objects along with message queues solve the vital problem of diversity of the threading API's on different platforms. * IP socket classes and utilities provide complete IP-based framework for both client-side and server-side programming. They can be combined with PTypes multithreading. * Dynamic strings, variants, character sets, date/time type and various kinds of dynamic and associative arrays: Delphi programmers will find them very similar to the ones in their favorite language. * Streaming interfaces provide buffered I/O with simple and powerful text parsing methods. A strictly defined syntax for the given text format or a formal language can be represented by calls to PTypes token extraction methods. The unified streaming interface is applicable to files, named pipes and network sockets. * Special thread class with enhanced functionality called unit. Units have their own main() and input/output 'plugs'; they can be connected to each other within one application to form pipes, like processes in the Unix shell. * Finally, everything above is portable: all platform-dependent details are hidden inside.
devel/buildbot-0.8.12 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Continuous Integration Framework (Master)
The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. By automatically rebuilding and testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the failure. The guilty developer can be identified and harassed without human intervention. By running the builds on a variety of platforms, developers who do not have the facilities to test their changes everywhere before checkin will at least know shortly afterwards whether they have broken the build or not. Warning counts, lint checks, image size, compile time, and other build parameters can be tracked over time, are more visible, and are therefore easier to improve. The overall goal is to reduce tree breakage and provide a platform to run tests or code-quality checks that are too annoying or pedantic for any human to waste their time with. Developers get immediate (and potentially public) feedback about their changes, encouraging them to be more careful about testing before checkin. For more information, please see: http://buildbot.net/trac
games/freedroidrpg-0.16.1 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Modification of the classical Freedroid engine into an RPG
The Freedroid RPG is an extension/modification of the classical Freedroid engine into an RPG. The main differences to the classical version are as follows: * The Tux is the main character of the rpg. * The game uses isometric viewpoint and animated pre-rendered 3d character models for all characters inside the game. * Dialogs and chatting with friendly droids and humans: Multiple-choice menus and voice samples (with subtitles for those without sound). * There is an item and inventory system that is modeled after some popular standards of the industry :) * An automap feature was added. (this is currently a bit unmaintained since part of the code needs to be re-written for proper OpenGL support in the automap display) * Saving and loading of games. * Shops to trade things and skills to learn. * Controls are different: Mouse is the input method of choice. * This is a graphically intense game. Therefore the archive size is comparably *huge* and not suitable for modem downloads with a dialup connection.
games/gtkradiant-1.5.0 (Score: 4.486353E-5)
Map editor for FPS games, by id Software and Loki Software
GtkRadiant is a level design program developed by id Software and Loki Software. It is used to create maps for a number of computer games. GtkRadiant originated as Q3Radiant, the Quake III Arena level design tool, which was a Windows-only application. Two major things are different in GtkRadiant: it is based on the GTK+ toolkit, so it also works in Linux and Mac OS X, and it's also game engine-independent, with functionality for new games added as game packs. GtkRadiant is an Open Source application. Source code is publicly available from id Software's Subversion repository and new additions to the code are covered under open source licenses. The core Q3Radiant code, however, was originally under id Software's proprietary license. The license for both the editor and toolset (notably Q3Map2, the BSP compiler) was changed in February 2006, and publicly released under the GPL on February 17. More up-to-date fork, NetRadiant, is available as `games/netradiant' port.