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Results 691700 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
chinese/CJKUnifonts-0.2.20080216.1 (Score: 0.006740419)
CJKUnifonts TrueType Font is a combine of Arphic Ming and Kai fonts
These fonts are chinese Unicode fonts which include the following charsets: - Big5 - GB2312-80 - HKSCS-2004 - ISO8859-1,2,3,4,7,9,10,13,14,15 - Bopomofo Extended for Minnan and Hakka, Minnan (Unicode 5.0) and their MBE variants. Partly support is implemented for: CNS 11643 GBK GB18030 Japanese Korean This font is under development, new glyphs for the partly supported charsets are constantly added. This font is a TrueType Collection containing 4 flavors, namely CN, HK, TW and TW MBE.
japanese/Lingua-JA-Numbers-0.05 (Score: 0.006664508)
Converts numeric values to and from their Japanese string equivalents
This module converts Japanese text in UTF-8 (or romaji in ascii) to number, AND vice versa. Though this pod is in English and all examples are in romaji to make http://search.cpan.org/ happy, this module does accept Japanese in UTF-8. Try the code below to see it. perl -MLingua::JA::Numbers \ -e '$y="\x{4e8c}\x{5343}\x{4e94}"; printf "(C) %d Dan Kogai\n", ja2num($y)' CAVEAT DO NOT BE CONFUSED WITH Lingua::JA::Number by Mike Schilli. This module is far more comprehensive. As of 0.03, it even does its to_string() upon request.
net/subnetcalc-2.2.0 (Score: 0.006664508)
IPv4/IPv6 Subnet Calculator
SubNetCalc is an IPv4/IPv6 subnet address calculator. For given IPv4 or IPv6 address and netmask or prefix length, it calculates network address, broadcast address, maximum number of hosts and host address range. The output is colourized for better readability (e.g. network part, host part). Also, it prints the addresses in binary format for better understandability. Furthermore, it can identify the address type (e.g. multicast, unique local, site local, etc.) and extract additional information from the address (e.g. type, scope, interface ID, etc.). Finally, it can generate IPv6 unique local prefixes.
audio/liba52-0.7.4 (Score: 0.006661053)
Free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams, aka AC-3
[ from developer's site ] It is a free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams, aka AC-3. The A/52 standard is used in a variety of applications, e.g., digital television and DVD. The main goals in liba52 development are: Portability - most of the code is written in C, and when we use platform-specific optimizations we always have a generic C routine to fall back on. Reusability - we do not want liba52 to include any project-specific code, but it should still include enough features to be used by very diverse projects. Precision - We are trying to implement all of the A/52 standard, and to have a very precise output by doing all the calculations in floating point. We have a test suite that detects any deviation in the output when compared to previous versions. We do not have access to official A/52 test vectors though, so we have to use our judgement to ensure that such deviations are only introduced when we fix bugs! Speed - liba52 is really fast, on any modern PC it should take only a few percent of CPU time.
games/Games-Dice-0.045 (Score: 0.0065424326)
Perl module to simulate die rolls
Games::Dice simulates die rolls. It uses a function-oriented (not object-oriented) interface. No functions are exported by default. The number and type of dice to roll is given in a style which should be familiar to players of popular role-playing games: adb[+-*/b]c. a is optional and defaults to 1; it gives the number of dice to roll. b indicates the number of sides to each die. % can be used instead of 100 for b; hence, rolling 2d% and 2d100 is equivalent. roll simulates a rolls of b-sided dice and adds together the results. The optional end, consisting of one of +-*/b and a number c, can modify the sum of the individual dice. +-*/ are similar in that they take the sum of the rolls and add or subtract c, or multiply or divide the sum by c. (x can also be used instead of *.) Using b in this slot is a little different: it's short for "best" and indicates "roll a number of dice, but add together only the best few". For example, 5d6b3 rolls five six- sided dice and adds together the three best rolls.
sysutils/dolly-0.58.c (Score: 0.006527814)
Program to clone harddisks/partitions over a fast switched network
[ excerpt taken from distfile's README ] Dolly is used to clone the installation of one machine to (possibly many) other machines. It can distribute image-files (even gnu-zipped), partitions or whole hard disk drives to other partitions or hard disk drives. As it forms a "virtual TCP ring" to distribute data, it works best with fast switched networks (we were able to clone a 2 GB Windows NT partition to 15 machines in our cluster over Gigabit Ethernet in less than 4 minutes). As dolly clones whole partitions block-wise it works for most filesystems. We used it to clone partitions of the following type: Linux, Windows NT, Oberon, Solaris (most of our machines have multi boot setups). We have a small (additional) Linux installation on all of our machines or use a small one-floppy-disk-linux (e.g. muLinux) to do the cloning. On newer machines we use PXE to boot a small system in a RAM disk. From that system we then clone the hard disks in the machines.
deskutils/fet-5.30.3 (Score: 0.0065134736)
Free timetabling software
FET is open source free software for automatically scheduling the timetable of a school, high-school or university. It uses a fast and efficient timetabling algorithm. Usually, FET is able to solve a complicated timetable in maximum 5-20 minutes. For simpler timetables, it may take a shorter time, under 5 minutes (in some cases, a matter of seconds). For extremely difficult timetables, it may take a longer time, a matter of hours. FET can mean "Free Educational Timetabling" (the "E" in the middle may also stand for other words, based on your personal preference).
net/socat- (Score: 0.0065134736)
Multipurpose relay and more
socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (terminal or modem etc.), socket (UNIX, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), a file descriptor (stdin etc.), a program, or an arbitrary combination of two of these. socat can be used, e.g., as TCP relay (one-shot or daemon), as an external socksifier, for attacking weak firewalls, as a shell interface to UNIX sockets, IP6 relay, for redirecting TCP oriented programs like brutus to a serial line, or to establish a relatively secure environment (su and chroot) for running client or server shell scripts with network connections.
security/iaikPkcs11Wrapper-1.2.18 (Score: 0.0065134736)
PKCS#11 Java wrapper
This is a library for the Java platform which makes PKCS#11 (also known as Cryptoki) modules accessible from within Java. A PKCS#11 module is a software library with a defined API which allows access to cryptographic hardware. It usually comes with hardware security modules (HSM), smart cards and crypto tokens (e.g. USB tokens). Thus, the PKCS#11 Wrapper provides Java software access to almost any crypto hardware. For example, a Java application can use it to integrate a HSM or a smart card to create digital signatures, to decrypt data or to unwrap keys.
devel/IPC-Mmap-0.21 (Score: 0.0064879195)
Provides a minimal mmap() interface for both POSIX and Win32
Provides an object-oriented interface to either the POSIX mmap() or Win32 equivalent APIs to memory map a file into a process's address space for general memory access. IPC::Mmap provides only a minimal interface without the additional overhead of tie'd variables or locking enforced in other modules (e.g., Sys::Mmap, Win32::MMF); hence, the application is responsible for performing read()'s and write()'s on the IPC::Mmap object, and calling any needed lock() and unlock() methods, as required by concurrent processes. Memory mapped files provide an alternate shared memory mechanism for multiple processes. The technique maps the OS's file system buffers for a given file into each mmap()'ing process's virtual memory space, thereby permitting each process to essentially share the same physical memory. Refer to the excellent "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment", Stevens et al., Addison-Wesley Publisher for a detailed reference on the POSIX implementation. IPC::Mmap provides OS-agnostic wrappers for both the POSIX and Win32 memory mapped file capabilities.