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Results 681690 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
x11-wm/compton-20150920 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Feature-rich compositing window manager for X11
Compton is a compositor for X11, which was forked from Dana Jansens' fork of xcompmgr, and heavily refactored. Most prominent changes from the original xcompmgr: - OpenGL/GLX backend in addition to the old XRender backend - Inactive window transparency and dimming - Titlebar/frame and menu transparency - Shadows for ARGB windows, e.g. terminals with transparency - Colored shadows; new fade system - Blur of background of transparent windows, window color inversion - Configuration file support with blacklisting
databases/cql-1.4.0 (Score: 0.007047412)
Python DB-API 2.0 client interface for Cassandra
Python DB-API 2.0 client interface for Cassandra
www/phpbb-2.0.23 (Score: 0.00703719)
PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system
From the website: phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customisable open-source bulletin board package. phpBB has a user-friendly interface, simple and straightforward administration panel, and helpful FAQ. Based on the powerful PHP server language and your choice of MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL or Access/ODBC database servers, phpBB is the ideal free community solution for all web sites.
archivers/tardy-1.28 (Score: 0.0070355916)
Manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways
The tardy program is a tar post-processor. It may be used to manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways. The reason the tardy program was written was because the author wanted to "spruce up" tar files before posting them to the net, mostly to remove artifacts of the development environment, without introducing more. The tardy program was designed to allow you to alter certain characteristics of files after they have been included in the tar file. Among them are: * change file owner (by number or name) * change file group (by number or name) * add directory prefix (e.g. dot) * change file protections (e.g. from 600 to 644) Note that all of these affect ALL files in the archive.
devel/vasm-1.7e (Score: 0.0070355916)
Portable 6502 6800 arm c16x jagrisc m68k ppc vidcore x86 z80 assembler
vasm is a portable and retargetable assembler to create linkable objects in various formats or absolute code. Multiple CPU-, syntax and output-modules can be selected. Currently the following CPUs are officially supported by vasm: M680x0 family (including M6888x, M68851 and CPU32) ColdFire family (all models of V2, V3, V4, V4e) 80x86 family (IA32 8/16/32 bit, using MIT-syntax) PowerPC family (POWER, 40x, 6xx, 7xx, 7xxx, 860, e300) ARM (architecture ARMv1 to ARMv4, including THUMB mode) Jaguar RISC (GPU and DSP instruction sets) Z80 family (Z80, 8080, GBZ80, 64180, RCM2/3/4k) C16x/ST10 6502 family 6800 family (6800, 68HC11) These syntax flavours are supported: Standard MIT (GNU-as style) syntax Motorola/Freescale 68k syntax (Devpac compatible) Old 8-bit style syntax
games/xoct-5.5.2 (Score: 0.0070355916)
Oct puzzle for X Window System
The original puzzle has 9 triangles per face (size = 3) and has period 4 turning (i.e. the face or points turn with 90 degree intervals). The puzzle was designed by Uwe Meffert and called the Magic Octahedron (or Star Puzzler). The puzzle was not widely distributed but not exactly rare. This puzzle has some analogies to the Rubik's Cube and the solving techniques are the same to that of the Pyraminx. Christoph's Magic Jewel is similar except there are no trivial corners to solve. This has 2^22*12! or 2,009,078,326,886,400 different combinations. Uwe Meffert also noticed that there could be an alternate twisting for the octahedron where it has period 3 turning (i.e. faces turn with 120 degree intervals). One is able to simulate a Trajber's Octahedron (period 3 turning and sticky mode). Also one is able to simulate one with variant turning (period 4 turning and sticky mode).
x11/grabc-1.1 (Score: 0.006957109)
Grab a color from screen
grabc is s simple but very useful program to determine the color string in hex (or RGB components) by clicking on a pixel on the screen. While web browsing, lots of time you find a nice color and wonder what color is that! Well just use grabc! When this program is run, the mouse pointer is grabbed and changed to a cross hair and when the mouse is clicked, the color of the clicked pixel is written to stdout in hex prefixed with #. It will the R, G, B component also in the stderr.
games/xpyraminx-5.5.2 (Score: 0.006928861)
Pyraminx puzzle for X Window System
The original puzzle has 9 triangles per face (size = 3) and has period 3 turning (i.e. the face or points turn in 120 degree intervals). The puzzle was designed by Uwe Meffert and called the Pyraminx. This has 2^5*3^8*6!/2 or 75,582,720 different combinations. Another puzzle Senior Pyraminx 3x3x3 exists only on paper, it has period 2 turning (i.e. edges turn with 180 degree intervals) but the corners would fall off unless it had some tricky mechanism. (This may be the same as the Master Pyraminx which has 446,965,972,992,000 different combinations). Another puzzle (which was not widely distributed), the Junior Pyraminx (and similarly the Junior Pyraminx Star, a octahedron formed by two tetrahedra, this has 7!*3^6 or 3,674,160 different combinations), has 4 triangles (size = 2) per face and at the time I designed this computer puzzle thought that it had only period 2 turning (i.e the edges rotate). It turns out the puzzle has a period 4 turning (edges turn with 90 degree intervals) which makes it analogous to the 2x2x2 Rubik's cube. This puzzle makes various non-tetrahedral shapes. The puzzle contained here has no period 4 turning flexability.
multimedia/AtomicParsley-0.9.0 (Score: 0.006826599)
Command line program for reading parsing and setting MP4/M4A metadata
AtomicParsley is a lightweight command line program for reading, parsing and setting metadata into MPEG-4 files supporting these styles of metadata: * iTunes-style metadata into .mp4, .m4a, .m4p, .m4v, .m4b files * 3gp-style assets in 3GPP, 3GPP2, MobileMP4 & derivatives * ISO copyright notices at movie & track level for MPEG-4 * uuid private user extension text & file embedding for MPEG-4
www/quick-locale-switcher- (Score: 0.006821099)
Quickly change and apply a different locale from the tools menu
Allows you to quickly change and apply a different locale from the tools menu: * Handy tool for all people involved with multilingual usage of Mozilla applications. * Switches the Mozilla User Interface language (general.useragent.locale preference) * Switches the accept_language preference, so complete websites will be translated. (if the http accept language header is supported, e.g. like Google does) * Switches the Spell Checker Dictionary preference. (if supported by your Mozilla application) * Remembers the dictionary and content locale for each site and automatically switches when you load that site. It also tries to detect the language of sites itself, and if found automatically switches to that language. * Auto restarts the application in versions 1.4+ (only if needed) * Includes country flag icons for 'all' countries by famfamfam.com. * Displays the flag of the currently selected locale on your statusbar. * Add 3 of your own custom defined locales.