Ports 搜索

devel/pycerberus-0.6 (Score: 0.062004834)
Highly flexible, no magic input validation library
Pycerberus is a framework to check user data thoroughly so that you can protect your application from malicious (or just garbled) input data. * Remove stupid code which converts input values: After values are validated, you can work with real Python types instead of strings - e.g. 42 instead of '42', convert database IDs to model objects transparently. * Implement custom validation rules: Writing custom validators is straightforward, everything is well documented and pycerberus only uses very little Python magic. * Focus on your value-adding application code: Save time by implementing every input validation rule only once, but 100% right instead of implementing a dozen different half-baked solutions. * Ready for global business: i18n support (based on GNU gettext) is built in, adding custom translations is easy. * Tune it for your needs: You can implement custom behavior in your validators, e.g. fetch translations from a database instead of using gettext or define custom translations for built-in validators. * Use it wherever you like: pycerberus is used in a SMTP server, trac macros as well as web applications - there are no dependecies on a specific context like web development.
devel/pydenticon-0.2 (Score: 0.062004834)
Library for generating identicons - an enhanced port of Sigil
Pydenticon is a small utility library that can be used for deterministically generating identicons based on the hash of provided data.
devel/responses-0.5.0 (Score: 0.062004834)
Utility library for mocking out the requests Python library
A utility library for mocking out the requests Python library.
devel/snackwich-1.3.18 (Score: 0.062004834)
Configuration-based Console UI Framework
Configuration-based Snack/Newt adaptation for easy and attractive console UI forms.
devel/tapi-0.1.7 (Score: 0.062004834)
Framework for testing APIs
Tapi is a tool to automate the testing of your Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs). Features: - Test you API without writing any code (only edit a json file) - Test you APIs in a much more 'natural' way by specifying urls/verbs and what the output should be - Verify anything from response status codes, headers, body content etc - Also allows verification by issuing another API call to a different endpoint to ensure a prior API call worked - Execute arbitrary python scripts to populate request paramaters e.g. custom headers - Execute arbitrary python scripts to verify response from endpoint is valid - Tests your APIs using your own APIs
devel/thrift-0.9.3 (Score: 0.062004834)
Python interface to Thrift
Python interface to Thrift.
devel/unpaddedbase64-1.0.1 (Score: 0.062004834)
Unpadded Base64
Encode and decode Base64 without "=" padding. RFC 4648 specifies that Base64 should be padded to a multiple of 4 bytes using "=" characters. However this conveys no benefit so many protocols choose to use Base64 without the "=" padding.
devel/xcaplib-1.0.16 (Score: 0.062004834)
Python XCAP client library
XCAP protocol, defined in RFC 4825, allows a client to read, write, and modify application configuration data stored in XML format on a server. XCAP maps XML document sub-trees and element attributes to HTTP URIs, so that these components can be directly accessed by HTTP. An XCAP server used by XCAP clients to store data like presence policy in combination with a SIP Presence server that supports PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY SIP methods can provide a complete SIP SIMPLE solution.
devel/xmltodict-0.10.1 (Score: 0.062004834)
XML parser that returns python dictionaries
xmltodict is a Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON.
devel/yappi-0.94 (Score: 0.062004834)
Yet Another Python Profiler
Yappi is designed to work on long-running multi-threaded applications. It is possible to profile an application, retrieve statistics, then stop and start later on the fly without affecting the profiled application.