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Results 661670 of 8,048 for /www/.(0.003 seconds)
www/RT-Extension-QuickAssign-1.00 (Score: 0.056974534)
RT Extension to add owner change links on ticket display page
RT's extension that adds owner change links on ticket display page.
www/Reddit-Client-1.082 (Score: 0.056974534)
Methods and object wrappers for objects exposed by the Reddit API
Reddit::Client provides methods and simple object wrappers for objects exposed by the Reddit API. This module handles HTTP communication, basic session management (e.g. storing an active login session), and communication with Reddit's external API.
www/geneweb-6.08 (Score: 0.056974534)
Advanced genealogy software
GeneWeb is a genealogy software program with a Web interface originally developed by Daniel de Rauglaudre, but currently maintained by fabien@geneanet.org. It can be used off-line or in a Web environment. It uses very efficient techniques of relationship and consanguinity computing, developed in collaboration with Didier Remy, research Director at INRIA. Feel free to enable option GTK2 to try the new GUI. It's only disabled by default to avoid accidental GTK2 dependencies.
www/webalizer-2.23.8 (Score: 0.056974534)
Web server log file analysis program
www/get_flash_videos-1.24.20120610 (Score: 0.056974534)
Download videos from various Flash-based video hosting sites
[ excerpt from developer's web site ] Download videos from various Flash-based video hosting sites, without having to use the Flash player. Handy for saving videos for watching offline, and means you don't have to keep upgrading Flash for sites that insist on a newer version of the player. YouTube, eHow, Brightcove (used by many sites like Channel 4, Daily Telegraph ...), BBC (news, etc), Metacafe, 5min, Google, fliqz, nicovideo, vimeo, Blip, Break, Collegehumor, Muzu, Sevenload, Megavideo, Wat.tv. Also includes a 'generic' method which works on many other sites.
www/getleft-1.2 (Score: 0.056974534)
Web site downloader
So here is my little effort, it is supposed to download complete Web sites. You give it an URL, and down it goes on, happily downloading every linked URL in that site. Features: * While it goes, it changes the original pages, all the links get changed to relative links, so that you can surf the site in your hard disk without those pesky absolute links. * Limited Ftp support, it will download the files but not recursively. * Resumes downloading if interrupted. * Filters not to download certain kind of files. * You can get a site map before downloading. * Getleft can follow links to external sites. * Multilingual support, at present Getleft supports Dutch, English, Esperanto, German, French, Italian, Polish, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and Spanish.
www/gist-4.5.0 (Score: 0.056974534)
Gist pastebin posting command
This port is for the Gist commandline tool, which allows for posting to the Gist pastebin.
www/pebble-2.3.2 (Score: 0.056974534)
Lightweight, open source, Java EE blogging tool
Pebble is a lightweight, open source, Java EE blogging tool. It's small, fast and feature-rich with unrivalled ease of installation and use. Blog content is stored as XML files on disk and served up dynamically, so there's no need to install a database. All maintenance and administration can be performed through your web browser, making Pebble ideal for anybody who is constantly on the move or doesn't have direct access to their host.
www/glassfish-4.1 (Score: 0.056974534)
Reference implementation of the Java EE application server
The Glassfish Java Application Server is the reference implementation for a Java EE Application server.
www/amfext-0.9.2 (Score: 0.056974534)
Implements encoding and decoding of AMF and AMF3 messages
AMFEXT is a PHP extension written in C that implements encoding and decoding of AMF and AMF3 messages for the PHP language. It has been based on some of the experience gained with AMFPP, a native code for encoding and decoding C. The native encoding and decoding is extremely fast and memory efficient respect existing PHP implementation, and the flexibility has been provided using callbacks to the PHP code.