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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第18,33118,340项(搜索用时0.011秒)
math/probability- (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Probabilistic Functional Programming
The Library allows exact computation with discrete random variables in terms of their distributions by using a monad. The monad is similar to the List monad for non-deterministic computations, but extends the List monad by a measure of probability. Small interface to R plotting.
math/ChangeAnomalyDetection-0.1.0 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Change Anomaly Detection
It is a R package for the detection of the point of a sharp turn of the behavior of the time series.
math/glpk-4.55 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
GNU Linear Programming Kit
The GLPK package is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized in the form of a callable library. This package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer linear programming (MIP) and other related problems. The GLPK package includes the following main components: * implementation of the simplex method; * implementation of the exact simplex method based on bignum (rational) arithmetic; * implementation of the primal-dual interior-point method; * implementation of the branch-and-bound method; * application program interface (API); * GNU MathProg modeling language (a subset of AMPL); * GLPSOL, a stand-alone LP/MIP solver.
math/giacxcas- (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Computer algebra system
General purpose computer algebra system released under GPLv3. French documentation by Renee De Graeve is for non-commercial use only. The package consists of: - C++ library (libgiac). It is build on C and C++ libraries: PARI, NTL (arithmetic), CoCoA (Groebner basis), GSL (numerics), GMP (big integers), MPFR (bigfloats) and provides algorithms for basic polynomial operations (product, GCD) and symbolic computations (simplifications, limits/series, symbolic integration, summation, ...). The library can be configured to accept Maple or TI syntax to ease the transition for users of these systems. - Command line interpreter (icas or giac). It can be called from texmacs. - FLTK-based GUI (xcas). It is a GUI for symbolic computation with several modules added: 2-d and 3-d graphics, dynamic 2-d and 3-d geometry (exact or numeric), spreadsheet, programming environment.
math/jtransforms-2.4 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Multithreaded FFT library written in pure Java
JTransforms is the first, open source, multithreaded FFT library written in pure Java. Currently, four types of transforms are available: Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete Sine Transform (DST) and Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT). The code is derived from General Purpose FFT Package written by Takuya Ooura and from Java FFTPack written by Baoshe Zhang.
math/gnumeric-1.12.28 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
GNOME spreadsheet program
The GNOME 2 spreadsheet.
math/jacal-1c4 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Symbolic mathematics program written in Scheme
JACAL is an interactive symbolic mathematics program. JACAL can manipulate and simplify equations, scalars, vectors, and matrices of single and multiple valued algebraic expressions containing numbers, variables, radicals, and algebraic differential, and holonomic functions. JACAL is written in Scheme.
math/jlatexmath-1.0.3 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Java API to display mathematical formulas written in LaTeX
The goal of this Java API is to display mathematical formulas written in LaTeX. The default encoding is UTF-8. The most of LaTeX commands are available and : 1) macros from amsmath and symbols from amssymb and stmaryrd; 2) \includegraphics (without options); 3) the TeX macro \over; 4) accents from amsxtra package; 5) the macros \definecolor, \textcolor, \colorbox and \fcolorbox from the package color; 6) the macros \rotatebox, \reflectbox and \scalebox from the package graphicx; 7) the most of latin unicode characters are available and cyrillic or greek characters are detected for the loading of the different fonts; 8) the commands \newcommand and \newenvironment; 9) the environments array, matrix, pmatrix,..., eqnarray, cases; 10) the fonts are embedded in the jar file to be used by fop 0.95 to generate PDF, PS or EPS (SVG export with shaped fonts works fine too); 11) and probably other things I forgot...
math/metis-edf- (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Meshes partitioning tool used by Code_Aster
METIS is a software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices. Important note: this is not the original METIS, it has been specially patched by EDF to be used by Code_Aster.
math/miracl-5.6 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++ Library
[ excerpt from developer's web site ] MIRACL is a Big Number Library which implements all of the primitives necessary to design Big Number Cryptography into your real-world application. It is primarily a tool for cryptographic system implementors. RSA public key cryptography, Diffie-Hellman Key exchange, DSA digital signature, they are all just a few procedure calls away. Support is also included for even more esoteric Elliptic Curves and Lucas function based schemes. The latest version offers full support for Elliptic Curve Cryptography over GF(p) and GF(2m). Less well-known techniques can also be implemented as MIRACL allows you to work directly and efficiently with the big numbers that are the building blocks of number-theoretic cryptography. Although implemented as a C library, a well-thought out C++ wrapper is provided, which greatly simplifies program development. Most example programs (25+ of them) are provided in both C and C++ versions.