Ports 搜索

mail/evolution-mapi-3.18.4 (Score: 0.004186276)
Evolution Microsoft Exchange plugin through OpenChange
mail/gbuffy-0.2.6 (Score: 0.004186276)
GTK+ multiple mailbox "biff" program
GBuffy will poll multiple mailboxes for new mail. It will list the number of new messages in each mailbox you configure. It will also highlight the mailboxes which have new mail. Pressing the left mouse button on a mailbox with new mail will display the Sender and Subject of each new message. Additionally, GBuffy will display the X-Face header for messages which have them. Pressing the middle mouse button on a mailbox will launch the configured command, generally a command to read the mailbox with your favorite mailreader. Pressing the right mouse button will bring up the configure menu. GBuffy is currently capable of watching MBOX, MMDF, Maildir and MH Folders. This version also supports IMAP4rev1 and NNTP with XOVER. Support for an external program for notification is planned.
mail/gensig-2.3 (Score: 0.004186276)
Random .signature generator
Gensig is a random signature generator.
mail/gnumail-1.2.2 (Score: 0.004186276)
GNUstep mail client
GNUMail.app is a clone of NeXT's excellent Mail.app application. It uses the GNUstep development framework, which is based on the OpenStep specification provided by NeXT, Inc.. GNUMail.app is licensed under the GPL, and the full sources of the application are available. GNUMail.app was written mostly from scratch though it does use some code from elm and mpack/munpack. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
mail/perdition-2.1 (Score: 0.004186276)
POP3 & IMAP4 proxy that can map users to multiple backend servers
Perdition is a mail retrieval proxy that allows users to connect to a content-free POP3 or IMAP4 server that will redirect them to their real POP3 or IMAP4 server. This enables mail retrieval for a domain to be split across multiple backend servers on a per user basis. It can also be used as a POP3 or IMAP4 proxy in firewall applications. Perdition supports arbitrary library based map access to determine the server for each user - POSIX regex, GDBM, PostgreSQL, MySQL, NIS and OpenLDAP libraries ship with the distribution. The use of perditon to scale mail services beyond a single box is discussed in a paper the author wrote on high capacity email, so be sure to check the web page.
mail/imaptools-1.135 (Score: 0.004186276)
Tools and scripts to use with IMAP servers
A number of tools and scripts for use with IMAP servers.
mail/jmba-0.5.5 (Score: 0.004186276)
Junk Mail Buffering Agent
Junk Mail Buffering Agent is a tool for preventing delivery of email until the sender has confirmed their address. It can be used in conjunction with a spam filter to prevent delivery of spammy-looking email unless the sender is confirmed as valid. jmba is designed to be used in conjunction with a spam filter such as QSF and the mail processor procmail. When the spam filter says it thinks an email is spam, it can be passed to jmba. jmba will queue it and send an email to the sender containing a key; if the sender replies, the original email is "unfrozen" from the queue and delivered.
mail/libetpan-1.7.2 (Score: 0.004186276)
Mail framework for C language
The purpose of this mail library is to provide a portable, efficient middleware for different kinds of mail access. When using the drivers interface, the interface is the same for all kinds of mail access, remote and local mailboxes.
mail/mu-0.9.16 (Score: 0.004186276)
Mail searching frontend for Xapian
mu is a tool for dealing with e-mail messages stored in the Maildir-format, on Unix-like systems. mu's main purpose is to help you to find the messages you need, quickly; in addition, it allows you to view messages, extract attachments, create new maildirs, ...
mail/libpst-0.6.66 (Score: 0.004186276)
Tool for converting Outlook .pst files to mbox and other formats
readpst: A tool for converting Outlook .pst files to Unix mbox and other formats. This version can now convert both 32-bit Outlook files (pre-2003), and the 64-bit Outlook 2003 .pst files. Utilities are supplied to convert email messages to both mbox and MH mailbox formats, and to DII load file format for use with many of the CT Summation products. Contacts can be converted to a simple list, to vcard format, or to .ldif format for import to an LDAP server.