Ports 搜索

www/mod_auth_xradius-0.4.6 (Score: 0.06684447)
Enables RADIUS authentication
Provides basic Radius auth services for Apache.
www/mod_layout-5.1 (Score: 0.06684447)
Apache2.2 module to wrap served pages with a header and/or footer
mod_layout is a utility to wrap served webpages. This means it can add a footer or header to a document. This allows you to create a standard look and feel throughout a website without using SSI. Some example uses are adding standard disclaimers to the bottom of all pages, banner ads to the top of all pages, or even a menu at the beginning of a page. There are many other per-document settings you can modify with mod_layout. THIS VERSION IS ONLY FOR APACHE 2.2.X
www/mod_macro-1.1.11 (Score: 0.06684447)
Apache 2.2.x module for use macros in config files
mod_macro is a third-party module to the Apache Http Server, distributed with a BSD-style license like Apache. It allows the definition and use of macros within apache runtime configuration files. The syntax is a natural extension to apache html-like configuration style.
www/srg-1.3.6 (Score: 0.06684447)
Squid Report Generator
SRG is a Squid Report Generator designed for the needs of CRCnet. None of the existing report generators could provide the exact solution that we required and we decided to start from scratch rather than trying to modify an existing progamme. SRG is designed to be fast and easy to integrate in to other authentication systems (such as those that are driving Squid itself). Features * PHP Output with built in authentication hooks * Fast Processing * Reporting right down the location vistied
www/HTML-Table-2.08a (Score: 0.06684447)
Generate HTML tables for CGI scripts
HTML::Table is used to generate HTML tables for CGI scripts. By using the methods provided fairly complex tables can be created, manipulated, then printed from Perl scripts. The module also greatly simplifies creating tables within tables from Perl. It is possible to create an entire table using the methods provided and never use an HTML tag. HTML::Table also allows for creating dynamically sized tables via its addRow and addCol methods. These methods automatically resize the table if passed more cell values than will fit in the current table grid. Methods are provided for nearly all valid table, row, and cell tags specified for HTML 3.0.
www/SWF-Chart-1.4 (Score: 0.06684447)
Perl interface to the SWF Chart generation tool
This module is the Perl interface to the SWF Charts flash graphing tool. It constructs the XML file this flash movie requires via an OO interface. Each configurable option that is listed on the SWF Charts reference page has a companion method in this module. When using this module, please be sure to use the latest version of the XML/SWF Charts flash movie. Earlier versions of that flash movie supported a different XML structure for which this module is not backward compatible. Note that there are a few extra helper functions that this module provides.
www/polipo-1.1.1 (Score: 0.06684447)
Small and fast caching web proxy
Polipo is a small and fast caching web proxy (a web cache, an HTTP proxy) designed to be used by one person or a small group of people.
www/kpartsplugin-0.0.20120723 (Score: 0.06684447)
Browser file viewer using KDE technology
KParts Plugin implements a plugin for Netscape-compatible browsers in Unix environments. This plugin uses KDE KParts technology to embed file viewers (e.g., for PDF files) into non-KDE browsers. Tested browsers include both Mozilla Firefox and Opera, and it is know to work with Chrome and Arora. With this plugin, you can, e.g., view PDF files in Firefox using Okular as an embedded plugin. Any KDE KPart will be automatically made available as a browser plugin.
www/ws4py-0.3.4 (Score: 0.06684447)
WebSocket package for Python
ws4py is a Python package implementing the WebSocket protocol as defined in RFC 6455. It provides client and server implementations alike that can be using different techniques like threads, micro-threads, or event loops.
www/squid_radius_auth-1.10 (Score: 0.06684447)
RADIUS authenticator for squid proxy 2.5 and later
RADIUS authenticator for Squid proxy 2.5 and later.