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www/squidclamav-6.14 (Score: 0.020137845)
Clamav c-icap service and redirector for Squid
From the SquidClamav homepage: SquidClamav is an antivirus for Squid proxy based on the Awards winnings ClamAv anti-virus toolkit. Using it will help you securing your home or enterprise network web traffic. SquidClamav is the most efficient Squid Redirector and ICAP service antivirus tool for HTTP traffic available for free, it is written in C and can handle thousand of connections. The way to add more securing on your network for free is here. SquidClamav is build for speed and security in mind, it is first used and tested to secure a network with 2,500 and more users. It is also known to working fast with 15000+ users. With SquidClamav You have full control of what kind of HTTP stream must be scanned by Clamav antivirus, this control operate at 3 different levels: - At URL level, you can disable virus scanning for a set of web site, filename extension or anything that can be matched in an URL. - At client side by disabling virus scan and other redirector call to a set of username, source Ip addresses or computer DNS name. - At HTTP header level, where you can disable virus scanning following the content type or file size.
www/nspluginwrapper-1.4.4 (Score: 0.020137845)
Compatibility plugin for Mozilla NPAPI plugins
The nspluginwrapper is an Open Source compatibility plugin for Netscape 4 (NPAPI) plugins. That is, it enables you to use plugins on platforms they were not built for. For example, you can use the Adobe Flash plugin on Linux/x86_64, NetBSD and FreeBSD platforms.
www/stagit-0.4 (Score: 0.020137845)
Static Git page generator
stagit is a static Git web page generator with the following features: - Log of all commits from HEAD. - Log and diffstat per commit. - Show file tree with linkable line numbers. - Show references: local branches and tags. - Detect README and LICENSE file from HEAD and link it as a webpage. - Detect submodules (.gitmodules file) from HEAD and link it as a webpage. - Atom feed log (atom.xml). - Make index page for multiple repositories with stagit-index. - After generating the pages (relatively slow) serving the files is very fast, simple and requires little resources (because the content is static), only a HTTP file server is required.
www/flat-frog-2.2.13 (Score: 0.020137845)
Templating engine working in php
Flat Frog is a templating engine working in php allowing the most usefull functions : loops, test, switch, inclusion of files and plugin capabilities. It has compiling and caching capabilites.
www/surf-0.7 (Score: 0.020137845)
Simple Web browser based on WebKit/Gtk+
surf is a simple web browser based on WebKit/GTK+. It is able to display websites and follow links. It supports the XEmbed protocol which makes it possible to embed it in another application. Furthermore, one can point surf to another URI by setting its XProperties.
www/swiggle-0.4 (Score: 0.020137845)
Swiggle is a commandline web image gallery generator
swiggle is a small command line tool that generates HTML pages, including thumbnail indexes, for given images (a so called "web gallery"). It's intended to be easy to use, and since it is written in C, it's quite speedy. It uses libjpeg for decompression and compression of images, libexif for getting EXIF information contained in the images, and it caches scaled images so that subsequent runs don't need to scale images again and are faster. Of course, the original images aren't changed. Currently, it only processes JPEG images, and it's thought to be used primarily with images taken with digital cameras. Josef El-Rayes j.el-rayes@daemon.li
www/swish++-6.1.5 (Score: 0.020137845)
Simple Web Indexing System for Humans: C++ version
SWISH++ is a Unix-based file indexing and searching engine (typically used to index and search files on web sites). It was based on SWISH-E.
www/swish-e-2.4.7 (Score: 0.020137845)
Simple web indexing for humans - enhanced
SWISH-Enhanced is a fast, powerful, flexible, and easy to use system for indexing collections of Web pages or other text files. Key features include the ability to limit searches to certain HTML tags (META, TITLE, comments, etc.). The SWISH-E software is free, and includes a package of Perl programs that enable anyone who is authorized to create and maintain their own indexes (AutoSwish). SWISH-E is an enhanced version of SWISH, which was originally written by Kevin Hughes and modified and released with his permission.
www/syndigator-0.15.1 (Score: 0.020137845)
RSS feed reader based on Gtk2
Syndigator is an RSS feed reader based on Gtk.
www/tclwebtest-1.0 (Score: 0.020137845)
Tool for issuing HTTP requests and dealing with the result
Tclwebtest is a tool to write automated tests for web applications. It provides a simple API for issuing http requests, dealing with the result and assume specific response values, while taking care of the details such as redirects and cookies. It has some basic html parsing functionality, to provide access to elements of the result html page that are needed for testing. TclWebtest should be suitable for testing larger chains of user interaction on a web application, for example a full ecommerce ordering session. Tclwebtest could visit an ecommerce site as anonymous user, add some products to its shopping cart, check out the cart, register itself as user and enter a test address etc. The test script could also include the administration part of the interaction, by explicitely logging in as site admin, reviewing and processing the order, nuking the test user etc.