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databases/adabase-3.1 (Score: 0.005397636)
Thick database bindings for Ada
Thick database bindings for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite written in Ada. This is the third release of AdaBase, an abstraction library that provides a consistent interface to multiple database servers. Currently three drivers are provided, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. It's extensible, so support for other databases such as Firebird, Oracle and MSSQL would be easily possible. AdaBase offers unique features over similar frameworks. For starters, it's limited to database support rather than including many other unwanted components in a "kitchen sink" fashion, and unneeded drivers can be excluded from the library as desired. It's got a developer and commerce friend license (ICS), it comes with good documentation and working examples, and the bindings are thick enough where database server backends can be interchangeable. AdaBase may seem familiar to some users as it was partially inspired by PHP's PDO database framework and is a sequel of sorts to an earlier project by the same author, Pascal Data Objects.
databases/libgda-4.2.12 (Score: 0.005397636)
Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
GNU Data Access (GDA) is an attempt to provide uniform access to different kinds of data sources (databases, information servers, mail spools, etc). It is a complete architecture that provides all you need to access your data, defined by a set of CORBA interfaces as generic as possible (but very powerful at the same time) so that any kind of data source can be accessed through them. libgda is an interface to the GDA architecture, providing a nice wrapper around the CORBA interfaces, for both the client and the server parts. It also provides a bunch of tools to help you both in the development and management of your data sources, all done through the GDA model's set of CORBA interfaces. libgda was part of the GNOME-DB project, but has been separated from it to allow non-GNOME applications to be developed based on it.
databases/libgda-5.2.4 (Score: 0.005397636)
Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
GNU Data Access (GDA) is an attempt to provide uniform access to different kinds of data sources (databases, information servers, mail spools, etc). It is a complete architecture that provides all you need to access your data, defined by a set of CORBA interfaces as generic as possible (but very powerful at the same time) so that any kind of data source can be accessed through them. libgda is an interface to the GDA architecture, providing a nice wrapper around the CORBA interfaces, for both the client and the server parts. It also provides a bunch of tools to help you both in the development and management of your data sources, all done through the GDA model's set of CORBA interfaces. libgda was part of the GNOME-DB project, but has been separated from it to allow non-GNOME applications to be developed based on it.
devel/cscout-2.7 (Score: 0.005397636)
Source code analyzer and refactoring browser for C program collections
CScout is a source code analyzer and refactoring browser for collections of C programs. It can process workspaces of multiple projects (we define a project as a collection of C source files that are linked together) mapping the complexity introduced by the C preprocessor back into the original C source code files. CScout takes advantage of modern hardware advances (fast processors and large memory capacities) to analyze C source code beyond the level of detail and accuracy provided by current compilers and linkers. The analysis CScout performs takes into account the identifier scopes introduced by the C preprocessor and the C language proper scopes and namespaces. CScout has already been applied on projects ranging from tens of thousands of lines, like the FreeBSD and Linux kernels, and the Apache web server. This free unsupported version of CScout is distributed under the terms of the CScout Public License, which is available in the accompanying documentation.
irc/libircclient-1.7 (Score: 0.005397636)
IRC library to create IRC clients
libircclient is a small but powerful library, which implements client-server IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable and compatible to RFC standards, and most IRC clients. libircclient features include: * Full multi-threading support. * Single threads handles all the IRC processing. * Support for single-threaded applications, and socket-based applications, which use select() * Synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. * CTCP support with optional build-in reply code. * Flexible DCC support, including both DCC chat, and DCC file transfer. * Can both initiate and react to initiated DCC. * Can accept or decline DCC sessions asynchronously. * Plain C interface and implementation (possible to use from C++ code, obviously) * Compatible with RFC 1459 and most IRC clients. * Free, licensed under LGPL license. * Good documentation and examples available.
mail/isoqlog-2.2.1 (Score: 0.005397636)
Qmail, postfix, sendmail, exim MTA log analysis program
Isoqlog is an MTA log analysis program written in C.It designed to scan qmail, postfix, sendmail logfile and produce usage statistics in HTML format for viewing through a browser.It produces Top domains output according to Incoming, Outgoing, total mails and bytes, it keeps your main domain mail statistics with Days Top Domain, Top Users values for per day, per month, and years. Features: -------- * Multi MTA support(qmail (multilog and syslog), postfix, sendmail, exim) * Multi-domain support: Shows quite detailed statistics for not only your main domain, but also, any domain you want. * Displays statistics for common mail delivery errors. * For each domain you specify; displays Top incoming, outgoing, total and byte based statistics for users. * Displays server's activity based on incoming, outgoing, total mails and size of incoming mail, for domain and its users. * All days', all months', all years' activities ( above ones ) are stored for future inspection. * Multi-language Support (17 languages supported as of isoqlog 2.1.1!)
mail/qmail-1.03.20120221 (Score: 0.005397636)
Secure, reliable, and fast MTA for UNIX systems with LDAP support
A patch to stock qmail-1.03 to get all user account information from an LDAP database. It primary target are POP toaster with huge numbers of users (from thousands up to millions). Some of it's greatest features: * Users and virtual domains in an LDAP database * No local accounts needed * Perfect for ISP's to build POP toasters * Native mail server clustering * Supports size quotas on user maildirs * Automatic creation of home- and maildir's * Handles replies with new qmail-reply * Extensive logging in qmail-smtpd and qmail-pop3d * Supports tarpitting (based on a patch by Chris Johnson) * Supports OpenLDAP 2.x, Novell NDS * Includes extensive Antispam-Features * Supports automatic maildir creation when the first mail arrives * Support for SHA, SSHA, MD5, SMD5, MD4 and RIPE-MD160 * Support for NS-MTA-MD5 encrypted passwords used by Netscape Mailserver * It also supports the password format used by Software.com's Post.Office * Support TLS (SSL) encrytion of SMTP mail transport (by Frederik Vermeulen)
mail/wanderlust-2.14.0 (Score: 0.005397636)
Yet another message interface on Emacsen
Wanderlust is a mail/news agent on Emacs/XEmacs. The features of Wanderlust are as follows: * Implementation in elisp only. * Support of IMAP4rev1, NNTP, POP(POP3/APOP) and MH format. * Integrated access to messages based on Folder Specifications like Mew. * Key bindings and mark processing like Mew. * Management of threads and unread messages. * Folder mode that displays all folder you read. * Message cache, Disconnected Operation. * MH-like FCC (FCC: %Backup is possible). * Support of MIME (by SEMI or tm). * Draft editing of mail and news as a same interface. * Icon based interface for the list of Folder (XEmacs). * Non-fetched operations for a big message part of MIME (IMAP4). * Server side search (IMAP4), also various charset support. * Virtual Folder. * Compression Folder. * Automatic expiration of old messages.
net/Net-Z3950-SimpleServer-1.20 (Score: 0.005397636)
Perl module for developing Z39.50 servers
SimpleServer is a Perl module which is intended to make it as simple as possible to develop new Z39.50 servers over any type of database imaginable. All you have to do is implement a function for initialising your database (optional), searching the database, and returning "database records" on request. The module takes care of everything else and automatically starts a server for you, listens to incoming connections, and implements the Z39.50 protocol. It couldn't really be easier. SimpleServer is based on the popular YAZ toolkit which means it is robust, efficient, widely portable, and it interoperates with all known Z39.50 clients. Use SimpleServer together with other Perl modules to provide gateways to relational databases, local file stores, SOAP/RDF-servers, etc. SimpleServer currently supports the Init, Search, Present, Scan and Close services.
net/smb4k-kde4-0.10.9 (Score: 0.005397636)
KDE 4.x SMB Network browser and SMB shares mounting center
Smb4K is an SMB share browser for KDE. Its features are inspired by Komba2 by Frank Schwanz. It uses the Samba software suite for an easy access to the SMB shares of your local network neighborhood. Features so far: - Scanning for (active) workgroups, hosts, and shares - Mounting and unmounting of SMB and CIFS shares, including unmounting all shares at once - Access to the files of a mounted SMB or CIFS share using Konqueror - Auto-detection of external mounts/unmounts - Remounting of recently used shares on program start - Miscellaneous infos about the mounted SMB and CIFS shares - Network search - WINS server support - Preview of shares - Selectable look-up and search methods - Default login - Ability to execute mount and umount SUID root (using super or sudo) - Special handling of homes shares - Ability to bookmark favorite shares - And many more :)